Who's watching the chicken nugget on TVM?
I’ve just come in and it’s straight to the television to watch the chicken nugget deliver his reply to the budget speech. What have I missed?
So far, all I can make out is an obsessive and repetitive reference to the petty stuff, the latterday equivalent of il-prezz ta’ bott tal-mekril.
And what’s with the gelled spikes? Doesn’t he realise that he hasn’t any hair left up top and that it’s time to take out the razor with the zero setting?
As for the poppy, words fail me. This from the man who doesn’t bother marking Remembrance Sunday so that he can have a nice lie-in, and sends Joe Debono Grech instead.
Shame there isn’t a paper flower he can stick in his lapel to mark the victims of fireworks factory explosions.
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You missed that “Ir-recessjoni internazzjonali tezisti – u tista tehodha bhala sound-bite.” U kif!
He had been harping on on the kontijiet tad-dawl u tal-ilma. Then he starting firing away with figures and repeating the same rhetoric that “par idejn sodi” cannot be trusted and that this is a non-social government.
I have to admit I am bored to tears – I have had a long day at work and all I need is to hear tomorrow’s prime minister saying we need lower kontijiet. Damn right, if we could produce water and electricity out of thin air – but I don’t want to subsidise other persons’ consumption.
Damn woman. By the way you hackle the poor sod you gotta really have the hots for him.
[Daphne – It’s heckle, my dear, not hackle. A hackle is something you’ll find on a cock – not the one in your pants, but the one in the barnyard, chavving it up with Kurt Farrugia’s wizz bla bajd. As for me having the hots for Joseph Muscat, you should know – and if you don’t, I’m telling you – that women, unlike many men, are not attracted to their social and intellectual inferiors.]
Oh crap. Those newfangled vowels. E and A – always getting them confused. The Arabs came up with the best system – leave out the little buggers altogether. Lol.
As for the purported intellect – the posts you’re churning out right now hardly do justice to yours. Take it as a bit of constructive criticism.
[Daphne – It takes a wise man to play the fool. Ditto women.]
Hmm. I suppose it does. Ah well. With all the talk of geese and cocks and chicken nuggets I’m getting a bit of rumble in the middle regions. Wonder if it’s worth nipping out to McD’s for a big one.
One thing’s for sure. I’ll never look at a chicken nugget the same way again.
I couldn’t stand Anglu Farrugia sitting next to Joseph applauding every sentence the master utters.
Applauding? Banging on the poor table! Reminds me of banging on a desk during some interrogation in the 80s.
Yes, applauding not just by banging but also by nodding every single minute -qisu xi hadd qed jigbidlu l-ispaga.
The MASTER utters?! Anglu considering Joseph his master? You’re a naive bunch you are.
He spent the last 30 minutes addressing a mass meeting, explaining the 10 points which will probably form the chapters of his electoral manifesto in 2013, including of course the “lifink wejc”.
And he admitted that some have already advised him to stop talking about it. He now plans to create a middle class with the living wage.
You missed dak il-bahnan ta’ Anglu Farrugia isabbat fuq il-bank u jidhaq ghal kull haga ta’ xejn. Ara veru ma jfiequx u kif qatt tista’ tafdhom.
Hawn espressjoni gdida fost iz-zghazagh: “tal-beraq”! Nahseb toqghodlu ‘l Anglu.
I thought tal-beraq was a kind of ecstasy or other designer drug.
Anglu ghandu il-problemi ghax qedin jipprovaw inehhuh.
He was a let-down once again.
The biggest let-down was that contrary to what he promised some weeks ago he failed to explain how he planned out the introduction of the living wage.
We were only told that he wants us to start discussing it and that in about 30 years’ time we will thank him for it.
Then we were told that he is against the EU setting operational rules for its members (tantamount to telling us he is against what the EU represents).
Towards the end we were also told that despite the problems he listed, he does not have a magic wand – in other words, he has no clue of how to address same.
The cherry on the cake was when he said that he will not be bound by the Maastricth deficit criteria, essentially saying that he will solve the nation’s problems by increasing the deficit.
I always thought he was inept, but now I am convinced he is dangerous.
I think it was a good laugh overall, and his recital reminded me of the priedka tat-tifel at Christmas time.
What bl**dy awful dress sense the man has got. All he needs is a little more hair gel and a gold cross hanging round his neck to look like he’s fallen straight out of that South Park episode on New Jersey and its southern Italian and Sicilian chav inhabitants: Vinny B, Mikey C, Paulie D.
[Daphne – http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=south+park+new+jersey+episode&qpvt=south+park+new+jersey+episode&FORM=VDRE#
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Jersey_(South_Park) ]
Who does this remind you of?
Did you watch the one of Captain Hindsight? This may be applicable in some ways.
I’ll never be able to look at a chicken nugget in the same way again.
Those love-handles just won’t budge.
Is the goatee back for good?
Perhaps he realised that the split-Halloween-pumpkin look isn’t that good.
Issa isbah. Bil-five o’clock shadow (cabinet).
Was Michelle there?
I’m almost embarrassed to say, but I was standing just a few metres away when that photo was taken.
This was when he had just became leader of the opposition and I didn’t really know anything about the man, but the one thing that struck me was the smirk. Oh that smirk.