How could they have got it so WRONG?

Published: November 2, 2010 at 9:46pm

leader121Nobody’s visiting the Labour Party’s magic new website, so I think I’ll give them a hand and bring their latest advertising ‘Joseph The Man’ campaign to a much wider audience.

But I’m warning you: you’re going to need a stiff drink. I can’t decide whether it’s hysterically funny or deeply tragic. And no, I DID NOT MAKE THESE UP MYSELF. I SWEAR, SWEAR, SWEAR THEY ARE FROM THE LABOUR PARTY’S WEBSITE, THEREALBUDGET.COM












43 Comments Comment

  1. Bob Gauci says:

    The last one is frightening. All we need is another ‘class’. Labour is fast becoming a club of classholes.

    Just to look a bit pro, they could have at least used a Maltese font for the text.

    It is like a middle-school project.

    • Josephine says:

      You’re right, though you probably meant Maltese alphabet.. They didn’t even have the brains to use the “g bit-tikka”, for example, in “Nibnu middleclass gdida”.

      Qatta njoranti.

  2. Gahan says:

    Dan hu l-istess Joseph li kont ammirajtu jqajjem kjass fil-Parlament Ewropew minhabba li ma fehmu hadd jitkellem bil-Malti. Suppost ihobb il-Malti.

    Mela fuq poster l-GHAJN u l-HE taqtghalhom rashom.
    Liz-ZE tghamlilha t-tikka.

    leader4 “sahha ta-pagi” minflok “sahha ta’ pagi”

    “Klassi tan-nofs” sa fejn naf jien dahlet fil-Malti

    Leader3 “Skond” mhux “skont” it-tnejn mit-Taljan secondo u sconto
    Biex nifthemu jien ma’ tantx naf nuza il-fonts tal-Malti u l-kitba tieghi ikun fiha zbalji , imma inqas minn Joseph!
    Ghal tal-Labour kollox jghaddi.

  3. Alan says:

    I just visited the website for the first time. Bottom line: ma fhimtx sahta. All it has is links to media articles, and the ‘unveiled 10 points’ – of absolutely nothing concrete whatsoever.

    It’s not funny, it’s deeply tragic. We have no opposition left in this country.

  4. Macduff says:

    Am I reading the third one correctly? “Se nonfqu aktar flus fuq l-imghax fuq id-dejn, milli fuq l-edukazzjoni”? What on earth are they planning to do?

    • White Rabbit says:

      Le nahseb ried jghid li l-gvern se jonfoq aktar flus fuq l-imghax fuq id-dejn, milli fl-edukazzjoni.

      Jew le?

      Imma dawn lanqas jispegaw ruhhom bil-Malti ma jafu, ahseb u ara bl-Ingliz.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Macduff, yes, that is what Labour will be doing. With Euro 484 million of public revenues going into thin air, and Notary Charles Mangion MP unable to explain, that is what Labour will be doing.

  5. Josephine says:

    There’s no other way to put it – What the f*ck does he mean by “Nibnu middleclass gdida”?

    OK, so maybe his type aspire to be middle class, but – as somebody put it on your blog some time ago – they’ll always be NQLU.

    • Gahan says:

      Careful with Labour’s “Gdid/a” Bidu Gdid and New Labour come to mind. It does not automatically mean “for the better”.

  6. Bob Gauci says:

    “Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions.”

    Muscat has discovered Niccolo Machiavelli

    The danger of classhole education. Give a chav a book and he will make a fire.

  7. maryanne says:

    If our economy is rumbling along gracefully and can afford to have people discuss divorce rather than austerity, then credit should go to the people, to their resilience and ability to adjust even in the face of the most adverse circumstances. This was achieved in spite of, not because of, the government.

    Honestly, who wants to be governed by these people?


    • Gahan says:

      In one of Alfred Mifsud’s” Friday Wisdom articles in The Malta Independent, before the last general election, he lamented that the world economy was going to take a downturn and just when Alfred Sant was about to become prime minister again.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I like the way in which they say that together we’ll build “Pajjiz Jixraq lil Uliedna”. In inverted commas. You know, we’ll build something else, nudge nudge wink wink.

  9. rigu says:

    I am sure everyone picked up on Joseph Muscat’s attack on the ARMS managers, DSG and the implication that a salary of €50K is somehow OTT.

    Can you imagine what these fools will do the minute they get into power – go after their scalps and put them out to dry. They picked out one name yesterday and in their day he was instrumental in advising the then PM. They have no scruples and will trample over anyone remotely PN-leaning because of their bitter hatred for those better than them.

    God help Malta as we head down the mediocrity road.

  10. anthony says:

    Daphne, I cannot have a stiff drink. I have had one too many already. So please swear again. This is unbelievable.

    Pure political seppuku.

  11. David Buttigieg says:

    Do you think he meant to look so scruffy?

  12. K Farrugia says:

    Oh, so this was behind the mysterious leader12 tag, which cropped up in an earlier article.

    Maybe Pia Micallef (she’s been on campus lately, hasn’t she failed her fresher year?) and the other folks at Maltastar have been busy getting a Photoshop course lately, rather than writing against the government and smoking in bars at Paceville.

  13. anthony says:

    What does ta-pagi mean?

    “Nappogjaw KULL nefqa ghas-sahha” – absolute nonsense.

    Free healthcare is rationed worldwide. It has to be.

    About the turizmu bit. Tell it to the marines. The thousands of tourists who flushed their toilets with buckets of sea water will attest to this.

    It is too late in the day to rubbish the whole lot. Humbug!

    And so to bed.

  14. P Shaw says:

    # 4. Skont? Xi skont hu dan? jaqaw Michelle marret tixtri gallun hair gel u saqsiet ghal xi skont?

    # 7. Hiliet? Ahjar isaqsi lil Charlon u shabu x’hiliet ikollok bzonn biex tfotti fl-ezami. Min naha l-ohra studenti dicenti ghandhom certu hilijiet biex jaghmlu tezi wahidhom u ma jsaqsux lil xi hadd fil-partit biex jiktiebilhom.

    • Rene Debono says:

      Minn Gunju li gej, “skond” ser tibda titqies bhala hazina mil-Akkademja tal-Malti.

      • maryanne says:

        L-Akkademja jaghmlu li jridu. Jien xorta nibqa’ naghmel differenza bejn skond u skont. Kullhadd se jibda jikteb il-Malti kif irid.

  15. Fairy Liquid says:

    The usual tacky lack of professionalism. Who can forget that ballerina in the 2008 campaign, with her arm wrapped around a poster cube because nobody thought to make the poster design fit?

    Look at these, now, with the point size and font varying across all 12 of the ‘Leaders’, random capital letters and use of italics – and what about that phrase in inverted commas?

    Imma l-aqwa d-designer stubble bil-Photoshop, and that paint-job on his scalp.

  16. Could someone be kind enough to explain who forms part of the middle class nowadays?

    What’s going to happen to them when Muscat creates his new middle class? Will they automatically be incorporated in it?

  17. Alfred says:

    Doesn’t he look like Joseph Calleja at times? Haga wahda jonqsu issa.

  18. Anthony Farrugia says:

    As far as I know you do not build a class, be it middle, high or low, but it evolves over time and, sometimes, generations. But to destroy one it does not take long.

    All you need is Mintoff/MLP government as in 1971/1987.

    As a historian said about the British army divisions on the first day of the Battle of the Somme in July 1916: Two years in the making, two minutes in the destroying.

  19. ciccio2010 says:

    Why is Joseph Muscat not doing what he said in his budget speech: looking us straight in the eye?

  20. tbg says:

    Leader2: Nippremjaw il-Bzulija.

    How does this tally with the living wage, which rewards you for having lots of bills and children and not for your bzulija?

    Opportunities to study or to learn a skill are open, free of charge, to everyone, whatever background you come from.

    So now, with Joseph Muscat’s nonsensical living wage, I and several thousands of others like me, who have studied and worked so hard to get where we are today, will have to pay more tax to maintain these bums.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      “How does this tally with the living wage, which rewards you for having lots of bills and children and not for your bzulija?”

      Well said.

  21. Brian says:

    My, oh my. Somehow this reminds me of ‘The Tragedy of Richard The Third’.

  22. Riya says:

    Se nonfqu flus aktar fuq l-imghax fuq id-dejn milli fuq l-edikazzjoni. Din xi tfisser? Se’ jergghu inehhu l-istipendji? Mohhok hemm ghaziz student.

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