Government now dependent for revenue on sale of Maltese citizenship
As foreseen, the government has become dependent for revenue on the sale of Maltese citizenship/EU Schengen Zone passports, as the figure (and that’s just the official one) reaches 3% of GDP.
In the autumn of 2013 it was presented as a temporary scheme to draw returns that would be invested in ‘social projects’. Three years down the line, there’s no sign of the social projects, nobody knows where the money is, the foundation that is supposed to administer that money hasn’t received any, and they’re all hooked on the easy, money-for-jam returns with grave consequences: the government, the Maltese lawyers and accountants who are making hay while the sun shines by acting as intermediaries, Henley & Partners, and all the agents and owners who are selling and renting flats and houses to these ‘new citizens’.
They’re all hooked on their financial heroin. And meanwhile, immigrants from Mali are rounded up on false pretences, detained and deported – because they can’t pay the conmen in the Auberge de Castille €650,000 for their freedom of movement, like the accumulated crooks who are doing so already.