Silvio Parnis sticks it up where the sun don't shine

Published: November 29, 2010 at 2:21am

Seduta 288

P.Q. 21695

L-ONOR. SILVIO PARNIS staqsa lill-Ministru tas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u l-Kura fil-Komunità: Jista’ l-Ministru jara għaliex hemm nuqqas ta’ endoscopy fil-ward S4 tal-Isptar Mater Dei? Jista’ jgħid kemm hemm pazjenti jistennew biex jużaw dan l-endoscopy ? Meta se jasal Malta? Kemm ilhom neqsin? Kemm ġew ordnati?


ONOR. JOSEPH CASSAR: Infurmat li endoscopy hija tip ta’ proċedura medika u mhux xi apparat mediku kif qiegħed jiftiehem mill-Mistoqsija Parlamentari. Apparti minn hekk, ma jsirux endoscopies fil-Ward S4. Għalhekk nitlob lill-Onor. Interpellant biex ikun aktar speċifiku.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Vanni says:

    That’s what happens when you try to pick up Brownie points without doing some research. You may end up in the brown stuff

  2. cikku l-poplu says:

    Jien lest li naghmel petizzjoni biex Joseph Muscat jaghmel lil Silvio Parnis ministru tas-sahha meta jkun fil-gvern. ara min irrid immexi lill Malta.

    • Darlene says:

      Vera ghandek ragun siehi ghax Silvio Parnis hu wihed mill-ftit li jghin lin-nies u kieku jkun il-ministru ta sahha l-waiting list li hemm zgur li jnaqqasha mod radikali. Ara vera f’dan il-pajjiz minn jaghtik bil-harta tithaklu biex jerga jaghtik daqqa nahha l-ohra ghax tkun kuntent u min jaghmel l-gid tistmah ta imbazz.

  3. Anthony says:

    Daphne,you left out the last part of the question.

    L-endoscopy jithallas aktar mill- President tar-Repubblika ?

  4. dery says:

    He is a health assistant by ‘profession’ – you know a grade under a nurse. The guys who bring you food and take away your bed pans. Voters get what they vote for.

  5. ciccio2010 says:

    On 24 November, the reported that Labour MP Joe Mizzi decided not to ask any more questions in parliament because he was not happy with the sort of replies he was getting.

    If I were a minister, I would refuse to answer the sort of questions asked.

  6. Ta' Ninu says:

    Skuzawli l-lingua, imma ma jifilqux jaqaw izjed tan-nejk?

    Or as my other half usually says, they just cannot get anything right.

  7. Joseph Micallef says:

    Ma che figura di merda!

    Had to use Italian – being a “visual” language it is more explicit!

  8. Mario Bean says:

    Biex tara kemm ghandna injuranti fil-parlament Malti. Jifthu halqhom fejn ma jifmhux.

  9. Godfrey A Grima says: All it needs is a picture showing a container full of ‘endoscopies’ being unloaded at the Freeport. Hilarious! Again, these people want to run the country? And there are people actually willing to let them? God help us all.

  10. Mariac says:

    Tajba din – x’injoranza!

  11. Rene Debono says:

    Isn’t endoscopy viewing the inside of the stomach using optic fibres?

  12. Angus Black says:

    Maybe because of too many a**holes to be probed?

  13. Marku says:

    No wonder Silvio Parnis couldn’t even hack it as a health assistant!

  14. Silverbug says:

    Well he speaks from that area too.

  15. Joe S says:

    Our future Minister of Health!

  16. dudu says:

    Why is parliament populated by semi-illiterate men who would make a fine band club committte member but not more. I have learned to tolerate ignorance, but ignorant MPs?

  17. The Met Office says:

    Under Labour, the sun will shine everywhere.

  18. Bus Driver says:

    Din sieheb tal-MP Cettina Darmenia Brincat, meta kienet staqsiet kemm ghandhom ‘tugboats’ il-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta, u kif u meta dawn johorgu bil-patrols.

    Jew id-darba l-ohra meta marret il-USA u giet tinforma lil-Parlament li rat apparat specjali Cat Scanner li, kif kompliet tghid ma kellux x’jaqsam mal-qtattes… u l-Ministru tas-Sahha Moran qalla li il-Cat Scanner kien ilu xi sentejn installat u jahdem gewwa Sptar San Luqa. Jidher li Silvio Parnis qed ikompli t-traddizzjoni ta’ domandi parlamentari frivoli w cucceski.

  19. Charles Darwin says:!

    this sums it all up – especially after 1:03

    [Daphne – Please tell me where else in the world game show producers think that MPs are a natural choice.]

  20. Riya says:

    Nahseb lil dan Silvio Parnis it-terremot ta’ Dr. Joseph Muscat qed jeffetwah bis-serjeta’, u qed jitkellem dwar l-isptar biex Joseph ilahqu Ministru tas-sahha. Anzi ma’ marx jghid lil EU b’din il-bicca xoghol ukoll, halli aktar jidhqu bina kemm ghandna opposizzjoni medjokra u bla sens.

  21. Matt says:

    What sort of person votes for Silvio Parnis?

    Can’t the MLP recruit better candidates? He is an embarrassment to his party.

  22. Rita Camilleri says:

    Kif tista ma tibkiex….

  23. Lomax says:

    Please, you have to allow me this in Maltese: X’ misthiijaaaa! I would have never appeared in public again.

  24. red nose says:

    Those who go to bingo halls, those who go on cruises, those who say they cannot afford a pizza and spend their children’s allowance on Super 5 and lotto on Saturday; those who expect free accommodation for their single-mother daughters – those vote for types like Silvio Parnis

  25. dery says:

    This the greatest problem with our version of democracy – we get idiots or worse as persons who lead. Any better solution has not been found even though people have been looking for it for millennia.. as reading Plato or Machiavelli will show.

  26. dery says:

    People who know Silvio tell me that his is an affable and charming chap as are Rita Law, an aerobics instructor and ex Labour MP, and Chris Agius, an ex ironmonger and Opposition spokesman on industry.

    The problem is that people will vote for the village streetsweeper if he is dressed up in a suit and appears on TV. The whole extended family will vote for the same man if he finds a job for one of their own. That’s the way it goes.

  27. dery says:

    While on the subject of elected idiots take a look at the unelected: magistrates and judges. Look at the shambles the law courts are in now.

  28. Luigi says:

    Here’s Silvio Parnis’s personal assistant:

    • Vincent says:

      Aktar ma’ tiktbu, aktar tkomplu taghmluna popolari man-nies. GRAZZI. NIRRINGRAZZJA WKOLL LIL DAWK LI MA’ JIFILHUX JARAW U JISIMGHU BIL-GID LI AHNA, SPECJALMENT SILVIO JAGHMEL MAN-NIES. Irrelevanti minn liema distrett elettorali jigu, u rrelevanti jkunux hodor, homor, sofor, jew blu…u anke bla kulur !!!..NIPPRUVAW NGHINU LIL KULHADD !!!.
      Meta ssir mistoqsija parlamentari, nassigura lill-kulhadd li nkunu nafu x’ahna niktbu, u nista naccerta lill-kulhadd li ‘endescopy’ nafu x’inhi, m’hemm bzonn jigi hadd jghidilna xi jkun ‘endoscopy’.

      Ahjar minflok noqghodu npacpcu u nitfghu l-hama ut-tajn, naraw kif insolvu l-waiting lists ta’ eluf ta’ nies li ta’ kuljum jibku, ghaliex ghandhom bzonn operazzjonijiet urgenti, u inghataw appuntament ghal 2 u 3 snin ohra!!!!


      U tibzghux, idhlu fil-blog tieghi, ahjar ghax issiru tafuni aktar, u nsir aktar popolari, pero fil-blog tieghi, ma’ nitfa hama fuq hadd.


      Vincent De Bono
      Segretarju privat
      ghal Onor.Silvio Parnis MP

  29. maria aquilina says:

    Endoscope is the insrument used while doing an endoscopy. It is a diagnostic procedure in cases such as bleeding from any part of the digestive tract.

    It is a very important test in such cases. I beleive there are many patients waiting for such a test to be carried out on them to check if all is right. Yes Silvio Parnis is a nursing aid.

    He must research his questions before asking them, especially when such a question is put to a doctor who knows better.

  30. red nose says:

    Once an MP – he knows everything

  31. cas says:

    Anzi Silvio Parnis kien jahdem go polyclinic – possibli qatt ma sema xi tkun din il-famuza “endoscopy”?

  32. claire abela triganza says:

    Silvio Parnis jitla fil-parlament minn dawk li jsegwu l-programmi “ta’ l-atti tal-karita” li jipproduci ghat-TV u r-radju.

    Nies ta’ certu livell ta’ ntelligenza jaraw lil Parnis u lil kull min jaghmel din it-tip ta’ propoganda bhala “Il-Messija”.

    Darba f’intervista smajtu jghid li kien ghaddej minn Rahal Gdid u persuna li kienet f’diffikulta’ ghajtitlu ghall-ghajnuna. Din riditu jaqbdilha l-gurdien li kien dahlilha fid-dar.

    Insomma jekk Parnis mara biex jaqbad il-gurdien tal-kostitwenta nahseb li kien haqqu “l-UNU”.

  33. John Smith says:

    Din bhal meta kien hemm wahda deputata li qalet BREAST SCREAMING

  34. Roger Attard says:

    Mill-kummenti li qrajt hawn fuq,dawn in-nies li kitbu qatt ma ħadu zball f’hajjiethom. Veru maledukati ma persuna eletta mill-poplu. Ma nafx jekk nibkiex ma nara kummenti bhal dawn ? Kritika ghanda issir imma kostruttiva, w mhux nghidu xi Ministru jkollna bih jekk jinbidel il-Gvern fil-futur. Dawn in-nies urewni kemm huma tolleranti, w kemm huma Nsara Tajbin.

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