They want to keep using their Hotmail and Gmail

Published: January 21, 2017 at 11:28am

The Times of Malta reports this morning that the cabinet office is finding it too difficult to work out guidelines on how ministers of the government should use their official and personal email addresses.

Because it’s so complicated, isn’t it? How about this: use your personal email address to send and receive your personal emails, and use your official address to send and receive anything related to your position as a government minister. Do not send and receive personal emails using your government address, and do not send and receive government-related emails using your personal address.

People who work for companies and corporations know this. I have yet to receive an email from a company employee using his or her Gmail address rather than the company’s. But apparently, for the members of the cabinet this is far too complicated to understand. They need a complete book of guidelines, and its compilation has very conveniently been stalled.

This will allow the bastards – because really, that’s what they are – to say when caught emailing using their Gmail about shifty contracts to do with cafes and compensation, or using their Hotmail when discussing their canvasser’s corruption, to say that they didn’t know they weren’t supposed to do that because there are no guidelines.

Government exchanges should always be on addresses because they are recorded in the government server and can be retrieved. Gmail and Hotmail can’t be retrieved. And that’s exactly why these crooks don’t like using their addresses.