Ha ha ha – kemm huma tac-cajt

Published: January 25, 2011 at 11:06am

Ronnie Pellegrini, long-time Lorry Sant henchman, passionate friend of Jason Micallef (no aspersions intended) and current bridesmaid to Consuelo Herrera and Mister Musumeci, woke up nice and early this morning to post his daily words of wisdom on his Facebook wall.

They’re all at it, competing for the title of Dalai Lama to their chavtastic audience of midlife crisis losers who communicate in pidgin smoke signals: tejt, tajjat, nejd, aw, ax, smiley smiley smiley. Nice day!

Ronnie is in top form today.

“Good morning – there is no such thing as part freedom.”

U mur hudu f’gh**nek, Ronnie. Even your Uncle Toni’s WAISTpaperbasket is too good for a poisonous guttersnipe like you. Gej bil-priedki dwar il-liberta.

And I’m not going to explain that last one to those under the age of 45. The rest of us all remember Toni Pellegrini’s notorious Xandir Malta receptacle.

23 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Jisthajlux xi Nelson Mandela. Nahseb hekk jiddiskutu meta jkun xi ikla ma Robert Musumeci. Dan ukoll gej bil-mibeda ghat-terzi. Jidher ma’ min qed jaghmila.

  2. xejnsew.com says:

    Trid tkun veru wiccek u s**mok xorta biex ma tkunx taf tisthi hekk.

  3. Uhuru says:

    As Vuvuzela would say: UNBELIEVE IT!

    Ir-Ronnie quotes Nelson Mandela, of course without acknowledgment, giving the impression it’s his own pearl of wisdom. Par for the chavtastic (thanks for that Daphne) PL course.

  4. red nose says:

    I cannot understand how people like this Ronnie are not ashamed to appear in public – let alone spend thir tim writing on Facbook.

  5. Angus Black says:

    Truly, these Labour guys have lots to brag about. Their long list of statesmen include Mintoff, KMB, Lorry Sant, Patrick Holland, Toni Pellegrini, Alfred Sant, and now Joseph Muscat.

    With men like these, they have every right to talk about their glorious past.

    With such a splendid record, they ought to have been governing for the last 25 years. Then it would have been addio EU, and welcome high unemployment, crushing subsidies, high taxes, faltering state-owned banks, low paying jobs, no water, no electricity, no foreign investments.

    Welcome to Iceland in the Med.

  6. U mur ahra u ghaffgu b`idek Ronnie, ja xoffa ta’ loki mkisser.

    [Daphne – I am allowing this comment because it is a wonderfully expressive example of Maltese idiom.]

  7. di says:

    I’m 38 and remember Run Rabbit Run on Xandir Malta very well! I was 9, but could feel something was not quite OK. Jew b’xejn jew xejn et al.

  8. Fairy Liquid says:

    My goodness, and I had thought Consuelo Herrera was a social climber. Does she really have so little self respect that she consorts with that kind of trash?

  9. Luigi says:

    If assholes like this guy and his crowd could fly, believe me that their stomping ground at th GWU and Labour HQ would make a good extension to Malta International Airport. Ronnie Pellegrini, hey, discussing Liberty. Issa naghmlulu extension tal-Istatwa tal-Liberta fejn jghix hu.

  10. Rover says:

    That viper Ronnie Pellegrini, head-hunted by Labour for a bank directorship while serving as a henchman to Lorry Sant, now has the front to write about freedom or part thereof.

    Perhaps he is referring to the freedom to protest against the erosion of democracy in our country in the 1980s. It was then that he sacked protesters from their place of work when his belief in freedom was somewhat conditioned by what he was busy pocketing from the bank.

    Nasty piece of work.

  11. Fairy Liquid says:

    Ronnie Pellegrini’s quote of the day, yesterday:

    “Good Morning – As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

  12. Fairy Liquid says:

    And the day before, Ronnie again:

    “Good Morning – Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

  13. Fairy Liquid says:

    It gets better and better. Please don’t tell me he’s in some prayer group.

    “Good Morning – No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

  14. Angus Black says:

    U dawn anqas ma jindunaw kemm il-partit taghhom stess qed jitnejj*k bihom, ahseb u ara kemm jifmu dawn il-famuzi ‘quotes’ ta Ronnie u shabu, ghalkemm mislufin jew ahjar, misruqin minn nies ferm aktar ghorrief minnhom.

  15. Charles Darwin says:

    Not sure whether I should laugh or laugh.

    Daphne, how about a thought experiment? What would the Maltese parliament look like after a Labour victory in 2013? And which executive positions will these clowns land in state-owned companies?

  16. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Well, Ronnie did a lot to have Lorry’s monument set up in Paola. It’s thanks to him that we have a remembrance of the late minister. Otherwise we might have forgotten all about him, now that the Marsascala bypass has been rebuilt.

  17. tal qomos says:

    charles darwin
    Tiehu xejn bi kbir ghax fiz-zmien Mintoff kien hemm wiehed mid diretturi, certu George tal-Qomos, li ma kienx jaf jaqra u kien fil-bord ta’ diretturi tal-bank.

    Dan ronnie qed nisthajlu ‘mystic Angelique’, forsi qed jara lil Madonna ukoll.

    Hallina ronnie, lanqas li ma konniex nafuk kemm kont bully b`s**rm Lorry Sant.

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