Muscat gives new meaning to the term ‘faking it’
March 31, 2017 at 11:56pm
To mark this public holiday, Joseph Muscat said that his government “believes in fostering love, unity and civil liberties”.
Hatred, division, enmity and assaults on the free press and other critics would be a far more accurate description.
It would be bad enough if he were deluded and actually believed what he said, but the thing is, he clearly doesn’t and says it woodenly, rehearsed off a script.
He’s so fake that at this stage I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that he’s had a knock-off of himself made by his mates in China and that we’re looking at it. Meanwhile, he’s bolted already. Konrad? Another Chinese knock-off, only not so accurate. The real one is probably in Panama or Ecuador already.