Here we go again: the deification of Mintoff under Muscat
Mintoff and KMB minister Joe Grima rolled out of bed this afternoon to give his views on about the ‘rewriting of Labour’s history’.
He objected to the prime minister’s declaration that the Nationalist Party will not allow Labour to rewrite the history of those horrible years.
The prime minister is right. The Labour Party IS trying to rewrite history and for the express purpose of validating the present and the return to key positions of 1970s and 1980s brontosauruses like Karmenu Vella, Joe Grima and AST.
Muscat gave the closing speech at the Labour conference today, describing how Labour’s electoral programme will be jam-packed with projects and plans for a bright new dawn for Maltese families.
How – if it is going to be written by Karmenu Vella. Karmenu Vella is still hard at work deifying Dom Mintoff on his – oh, sweet irony – Facebook profile. He has albums of photographs dedicated to Mintoff and tells his interlocutors that ‘Mintoff’s time should be written in letters of gold’.
Now here’s Joe Grima on’s comments-board:
It was the PN who rewrote history, Labour’s history, during the 14 years that Sant was party Leader. Fenech Adami took full adavantage of Sant’s disdain for the Mintoff years and knowing that Sant would never defend Mintoff’s record, painted Labour’s history in the most despicable of colours.
Sant let EFA have free rein and the fate of the Mintoff years was sealed. Gonzi, the man who told the nation that he would present the country with a new way of doing politics has given us nothing but old hat, and true to character, at the bottom of the barrel, is now copying his predecessor in tarnishing Labour. . It is Labour under Joseph Muscat who will no longer tolerate PN’s Dr Gonzi to add salt to the Labour wounds inflicted by EFA.
At every opportunity, Labour will present the true picture of what hapepend during those years, years of disruptive conflict from which Labour had nothing to gain. The Sant years are over and now the PN has to measure up against Josepjh Muscat. Free political lunches over Guys. Prepare yourselves for a long freeze in Opposition thanks to copycat Gonzi. his motley crowd and Joseph’s steadfast leadership.
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Golden irony…
Free political lunches? Oh God. Is that what Labour thinks being in government is all about?
Ahem. I read it and re-read it.
“The Sant years are over and now the PN has to measure up against Josepjh Muscat. “
So we have the glorious Mintoff years, the not so glorious KMB years and now we have the denunciation of the “Sant years”. Weren’t all these the Labour years under different leaders?
I thought that the PN has to “measure up” with the PL not with Joseph.
Interesting to note that all these four PL/MLP leaders seem to have an axe to grind against each other, and only Joseph and Sant (who Joe Grima derides) are still friends.
It seems that there is no love lost between Grima and Sant.
There could never be any love between Sant and Joe Grima. For all his faults, Sant wanted the old guard out and was not ready to dish out any freebies which most had enjoyed and expected like the Raffles and Victoria pub.
Joe Grima has lost his marbles.
No, I do not want to excuse him in such a manner. He is irresponsible and utterly spineless.
Which ones?
Obviously not the ones he used to produce a child with Lynne Zahra while living fi stat ta’ cohabitazzjoni waqt li hu mizzewweg ma’ mara ohra.
Perhaps that’s why Joe Grima is so cross at Gonzi: that damn cohabitation law is going to give that Lynn some rights and obligations (and vice versa).
I think I know the month and location that that meeting in this picture took place.
It is in Misrah il-Helsien, Valletta and Mintoff is not on a truck but on the Carnival enclosure. There was no Nexos at that time.
For the young generation it is worthwhile explaining that the three days of Carnival were ‘celebrated’ at the end of April and not before Lent because of ‘bad weather’ and ‘the tourists’ . The real reason was so that the MLP could use the enclosure for its May day celebrations… of charge.
So it must have been the First of May (maybe 1982?).
For the May day celebrations the Brigata Laburista from every town and village of Malta marched in the streets of Valletta at the beat of the drums. Joe Debono Grech was in charge of them.
I can spot Alex Sceberras Trigona, Reno Borg , Wistin Abela , Joe Debono Grech, Reno Calleja, John Attard Montalto and Johnny Dalli.
Tghallem ikteb.
hot mama ghalimni nikteb please. if i come for Private Lessons i would need a fiscal receipt.
In your dreams. Ray.
TROY, just dont keep dreaming. pn is over and out soon. the eu elections were just a scale 3 earthquake for PN, soon a tsunami in the waiting for pn, in 2 years time. EX PN.
Why do these people have a fixation with Caps Lock; could be they associate it with shouting?
Ray, “…pn is over and out soon…”?
Have we not heard this before, in ’92, ’98, ’03,(x2) and ’08?
[Daphne – 1992! How can I forget that DJ Tony Camilleri playing The Winds of Change over and over on the newly set up Super One Ray-Dee-Oh! They really thought Malta was mad enough to vote for the return to power of KMB. Turns out only 45% of us were nuts, which insn’t bad for a population suffering from cabin fever.]
Give up you bunch of losers. And as to Joe Grima, why does he not even try to get himself out of the bottom of a sewer cistern he dwells in?
Too bad he did not expose his sentiments when he was given shelter and a livelihood at NET TV ridiculing the MLP!
Gagbin u xih qed jizmaga!
Gbajt tisraq minn mal-PN. Mort mal-Labour issa biex tkompli tisraq maghhom ghax tal-PN waqfuk. Int mhux kummidjant bhal siehbek li qed jaghmel il-programmi maghhom u toqodu tippassigaw Strada Rjali?
I think I know what Joseph Muscat meant by his “earthquake”. He is shaking all the pre 1987 Labour bunch out of the cupboards. We are returning to the old days of “bongu Malta Socjalista” dictatorship run by KMB and Mintoff, an image that Sant tried to put behind but is now being revived by Grima and co.
Joseph’s steadfast leadership? I am speechless!
Joe Grima, is this what Joseph Muscat’s steadfast leadership is promising?
Joseph Muscat spoke of his vision for the future, “country worth of our children, a more tolerant society, confident of itself, with a new middle class and that the standard of living of meets everyone’s aspirations. The future looks bright”.
I was Wikipeding (yes, I admit it) the overthrow of King Farouk in 1952, and it seems that the CIA had a hand in it (don’t know if this bit was written by kev). The CIA called it ‘Project FF’ Fat Fucker.
For the life of me I don’t know why, but Joe Grima came to mind.
L-Ahwa Grima fuq il-leaders.
Dan Joe:
Innota il-persentaggi mal-kandidati fuq l-iscreen.
U dan Godfrey :
Il-luggage antik rega gabru Joseph.
@Ray Spiteri….a week in politics is a long time.
Mela tnejn u ghoxrin sena fl-oppozizjoni kemm huma itwal?
Ninu, ma humiex twal bizzejjed.
You made me go to Facebook and find Karmenu Vella’s page. It is linked to Mintoff’s.
I couldn’t resist copying this message:
Charlie Brimmer: dom mintoff you are the best presedent that malta ever had i wish you to get well good luck all the way from down under AUSTRALIA CHARLIE BRIMMER XXXXXXX
Now that’s rewriting history.
What? Mintoff has a Facebook page? Now that is rewriting history!
Don’t tell me he also Tweets. The last time I saw him speaking in public he was barking.
The dying pangs from a failed politician of a failed regime.
Pathetic, but understandable.
“At every opportunity, Labour will present the true picture of what hapepend during those years, years of disruptive conflict from which Labour had nothing to gain. ”
But I ask, if Joseph Muscat still had diapers on when Labour was last in office and Alfred Sant was not their leader, how can the people believe Joseph Muscat’s version of what happened in the 70s and 80s and not believe Fenech Adami’s and Gonzi’s version?
[Daphne – Ghax in-nanna ta’ Muscat izjed kredibbli.]
U il-ghala dan l-inkwiet kollu? Joseph qed jghidilkom li issa se jkun hawn il-gid fil-pajjiz u generazzjoni ta’ middle class gdida.
Il-pont ta’ bejn Malta u Ghawdex hija ideja antika li hareg biha il-Labour fis-sebghinijiet. Joseph wera li qed tisirqu l-idejat antiki tal-Labour.
U qalilkom ohra: progetti kapitali fejn hemm hafna flus involuti mhux bil-fors il-gvern il-gdid Laburista se jonorhom. Dan EZATT bhall-kbir Mintoff, ghalhekk qed tibzghu minnu.
You’re wrong Daphne
Joseph Muscat was not influenced by his nanna but by this great visionary. Here’s a living wage proposal way back in 1992
1:07 minutes into this interview, the butterfly philosopher had already unleashed his living wage proposal.
Moreover, he goes on to describe his electoral programme using ‘vaguespeak’ promising all good things to everyone. Hmmmm somehow this ALSO reminds me of the boy from Burmurrod.
On a different note, Mr Sultana had garnered five votes in the previous elections. That’s STILL more than Muscat’s total number of votes in the 2008 general elections.
I feel like I’m watching a poor sequel to an even more disastrous “original”: Dr Zero too (2) – still dumb but not dumberer. Tagline (with apologies to Jaws 2): Just when you thought it was safe to trust Labour . . . . .
It is so blatantly obvious from the above that Joe Grima who is, as we all know, another brontosaurus from the Mintoff years detests, if not actually, hates Alfred Sant.
Does anyone know why there is no love lost between the twain?
[Daphne – Oh, I thought everybody knew. Alfred Sant ranked him alongside the Zejtun thugs – well, I suppose he could fit that description himself having been born there – and began edging him out of the party when he became leader in 1992. Furious, Grima suddenly discovered a passion for Eddie Fenech Adami, NET TV and EU membership,and then rediscovered his passion for Labour in 2008 when Sant resigned. His brother Godfrey, on the contrary, after years of estrangement from Labour because of Mintoff and KMB, began to edge back when Sant became leader. He admired him hugely. He also admires Joseph Muscat as we know by now, and so finally the two brothers are united in their admiration for a Labour leader for the first time since the early 1970s.]
For all I know, Joe Grima is indeed yet another one with a rat brain, who like the Leader in the Egyptian crisis and the Gozitan antique lover Refalo in the Gozo underwater tunnel discussion can only think in egotistical terms. Otherwise, how would one explain his use of Net TV during the Sant Years.
If there is anything by which Joe Grima is remembered it is his “lanzit” and his “Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox” syndrome better explained by Daphne as “l-ewwel jien imbaghad jien…. etc
No, Mr. Grima we will not allow you to re-write your Mintoff and KMB dirty history. We remember and we shall not forget either. And when you need to be reminded of the “hnizriejiet” of those years we are going to remind you also.
Daph, you forgot that Joe Grima was sidelined by KMB because Joe was in favour of the liberalisation of the airwaves. Before he was kicked out of the Labour Party, Joe resigned from the party.
When the PN liberalised radio, Joe set up his (Capital?) radio station, from where the Mintoff-man criticised the then PM Alfred Sant. His radio station in St Paul’s Street was set on fire by arsonists.
[Daphne – Well, that’s his story anyway.]
It was Radio One Live, not Capital.
Sur Grima, please go read your brother’s article about Eddie Fenech Adami on the day that he left the President’s office, and keep in mind that the same person that you publicly criticised was your brother’s hero.
Dawn qed jaghmlu bhad-darba l-ohra. Qed jahsbu li se jerbhu zgur. Imma it-tellieqa sal-barkun.
Joseph Muscat could not lead ants to their nest.
Again Ray, in your dreams!
The EU elections were a warning some Nationalist voters, that could backfire in Labour’s face.
A few years ago, when this fat slimy man was ‘friendly’ within the ranks of the PN because he was kicked out by Alfred Sant, I for one never trusted this guy because I knew him far too well when he was a minister and he beat up one of his employees.
So I reckoned that certain people cannot be trusted when they change camp. Same with d**khead Saviour who was Labour, then Green, then lackey of John Dalli when he tried to help him win the leadership race.
Dalli would have had a much better chance without bad-chip-on-his-shoulder, Saviour Balzan. What Saviour does not realise is that his partner, Roger de Giorgio, is pushing him into the ring for his malicious plans to pay back the PN.
[Daphne – Yes, I noticed that. Saviour is the malicious and bitter front for Malta Today, who gets all the flak, while Roger goes out smiling to parties and acting the gent, when his tongue is a whole lot nastier than Saviour’s. L-aqwa li jidher sabih man-nies u Saviour jidher l-ikrah. And when Malta Today’s ship sinks, Saviour will go down with it while Roger will float.]
i don’t think Maltatoday can ‘sink’, can you Daph?
[Daphne – There’s a limit to the amount of bankrolling investors can do to satisfy their own personal grudges. Maybe the few adverts which appear on Malta Today are very expensive, how do I know, but from where I’m sitting, the sums don’t work out.]
As long as Saviour has the list and keeps it to himself.
Dazgur li Joe Grima hada qatta bla habel kontra Sant; spiccatlu il-pappa.
X’ma jergax jiftahar bis-sebghajnijiet, arah bil-Mercedes u biex juri kemm ma jisthiex b`zewg video cameras taht il-hgiega ta’ wara biex jurihom lil kullhadd fuq il-vapur ta’ Ghawdex, meta dak iz-zmien kienet ipprojbita l-importazzjoni ta’ dawn l oggetti.
[Daphne – The importation of video cameras was not prohibited but was subject to prohibitive import duty of….wait for it….3,000%.]
U meta ghamel sfregu gol-fortizza ta’ Sant Anglu meta ghamel disco u lukanda, meta ha il-bini ta’ hdejn il-Luxol, imbaghad, ghax Sant dabbarlu rasu inqeda bin-Net TV.
Veru wicckom lanqas jafu jisthu ta’ Grima.
Now we know why Joseph Muscat will never apologise for the uninterrupted violence of the Mintoff-KMB regime. Far from feeling remorse, Labourites are actually pleased with themselves for committing those atrocities.
“Labour will present the true picture of what hapepend during those years, years of disruptive conflict from which Labour had nothing to gain.”
Labour will present the true picture, will they?
Why don’t they all just blinking eff off.
At every opportunity, Labour will present the true picture of what happened during those years.
Iddahhaknix, Joe Grima! Forsi biz-zghazagh tidhak, imma mhux bina li niftakru zaqqek tikber bil-minuti.
The true picture of those years: nisa tad-dar jipprotestaw fit-toroq bil-borom fuq rashom ghax ilhom zmien bla qatra ilma.
The true picture of those years: turisti jahslu snienhom bil-lager.
The true picture of those years: il-marmalja tidhol fid-dar ta’ Dr Fenech Adami u ssawwat lil martu u tqacctilha l-imsielet minn widnejha. Uliedu tterrorizzati.
The true picture of those years: isem Dr Fenech Adami ma jissemmix b’ismu fuq ix-Xandir tal-Istat imma ssir referenza ghalih bhala l-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni biss. Bhallikieku ma jezistix.
The true picture of those years: Black Monday u t-Times huggiega wahda.
The true picture of those years: il-kappella tal-Kurja mfarrka u Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici ftit lihinn ma’ ta’ qattghani. It-tarzna – ”L-aristokrazija tal-haddiema” – issabbat il-hadid fuq it-trakkijiet fi triqitha biex tfarrak u tkisser. L-incidenti f’Tal-Barrani. Il-qtil politku brutali ta’ Raymond Caruana. Sparar fuq il-kazini tal-PN. George Bonello du Puis jaqla’ daqqa ta’ ponn u jhalli sinna l-Parlament. Lorry Sant u Karmenu Vella fil-qorti mal-marmalja. Lorry Sant jaghmel ghall-istudenti ta’ Gan Frangisk Abela.
Id-differenza bejn is-size taz-zarbun ta’ Joe Grima qabel dahal il-parlament u s-size taz-zarbun ta’ Joe Grima wara li spicca mill-Parlament. The true picture of those years. Indeed.