Silvio Parnis: Labour's secret weapon

Published: February 11, 2011 at 10:50am

Parliamentary dispatches: the new faces in Joseph Muscat’s shadow cabinet are few and far between the brontosauruses. But you have to admit that they’re really working hard at keeping the flag flying for Labour’s fabled amateurism.

Here’s the flavour of the month, Silvio Parnis – again.


23248. L-ONOR. SILVIO PARNIS staqsa lill-Ministru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali: Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid jekk bediex ir-restawr tas-swar fil-Kottonera u l-Belt? Jekk iva, meta se jitlestew u kemm ingħataw flus mill-Unjoni Ewropea? Ħareġ xi flus il-gvern għal dan ir-restawr?


ONOR. GEORGE PULLICINO: Ma nistax nifhem kif l-Onor Interpellant għadu ma ndunax li beda r-restawr fil-Belt u l-Kottonera.Kif inhu evidenti minn ħafna scaffolding armat f’diversi partijiet ta’ swar kemm fil-Belt kif ukoll ġewwa l-Kottonera, ir-restawr tas-swar jinsab għaddej b’ritmu tajjeb. Il-parti l-kbira tax-xogħol hu ko-finanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropeja, taħt il-programm tal-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR) b’rata ta’ ko-finanzjament ta’ 85% tan-nefqa eliġibli, u ċioe €27.4 miljun . Dan il-programm jitlesta fl-2013 u jinkludi ukoll xogħlijiet fl-Imdina u ċ-Ċittadella. Il-gvern qed joħrog 15% tan-nefqa eligibli, flimkien mal-VAT u n-nefqa li mhijiex eligibli.

Barra minn dan ghaddej xogħol ieħor ta’ restawr fuq is-swar fil-Belt u l-Kottonera, kemm minn ħaddiema tad-Direttorat tar-Restawr fi ħdan l Ministeru tiegħi, kif ukoll minn kuntratturi privati wara ħruġ ta’ sejħiet għall-offerti. Dawn qed ikunu finanzjati minnfondi tal-Gvern Ċentrali.

Seduta 312


16 Comments Comment

  1. Emanuel Borg says:

    Silvio Parnis is so sharp I’m amazed he has not cut himself yet.

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    If only we had a Maltese Assange.

    How entertaining it would be with “politicians” (now that was a herculean effort) like him.

  3. red nose says:

    Silvio wants to have his voice heard – miskin – now that the old gang is ready in place.

  4. Ray Spiteri says:

    I would like to nominate Daphne Ghal Gieh Ir Republika. Any other nominees. She is Malta`s best journalist, even better then Lou Bondi. Kollha ghejra Daphne ta. PL are all idiots, hamalli. Ara shabek tal PN dawk kollha puliti, edukati, ghandhom good sense of humour u wara kollhox jamirawk.
    EX PN.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      There will always be three names missing from our Gieh ir-Repubblika list:

      Louis Bartolo
      Edward Mallia
      Daphne Caruana Galizia

    • A. Charles says:

      It would not be a bad idea to give Gieh ir-Republika to Daphne. I would go further; her writings on this blog should be compulsory reading in secondary schools and sixth forms as her English, reasoning, common sense and deep knowledge of human frailties are an education.

    • Angus Black says:

      Oh, I’m so glad that finally you came to agree with Daphne that (in your own words) “tal PL are all idiots, hamalli” and “tal-PN dawk kollha puliti, edukati, ghandhom good sense of humour…”.

      Your words, not mine. In order to make statements like those, deep inside you must feel that way.

      Ah, yes, you will come back and say that you were sarcastic.

      You are so f***king predictable!

    • gwap says:

      Daphne is no journalist – she is columnist – look it up – there is huge difference.

      [Daphne – Sigh, l-injoranza srefnata tal-Laburisti. Newspaper columnists are journalists. The distinction you seek is between columnists and reporters. I am not a reporter. Gej bil- look it up. Ahjar taqra ftit milli look it up.]

  5. Angus Black says:

    Silvio Parnis jew sturdut, jew jghix fil-qamar, jew kiesah, jew ihobb jaqa ghac-cajt. Jew ghama?

    Imma kif tal-Labour ma jindunawx kemm huma tan-n*jk?

  6. lzammit says:

    Nahseb naf x’sejjer jirrispondi Silvio Parnis: ‘Sorry kont ghaljenat. Kont mohhi f’dak r-pazjent li rid jghamel operazzjoni tal-katarretti.’

  7. dery says:

    Where did you get this picture from?

    I often posit (to others, sometimes to myself) this question: if you were an elderly woman in a home, who would you vote for as an MP – an extremely obliging health assistant (the chap who is meant to remove bedpans) and who is very close to the electorate or a very intelligent but uncharismatic technocrat who is a bit removed from the day to shit but can see the whole picture?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “or a very intelligent but uncharismatic technocrat who is a bit removed from the day to shit but can see the whole picture?”

      Then why do elderly women adore Joseph Muscat? And he is neither intelligent, nor can he see the past the walls of his Burmarrad home. Perhaps it’s the maternal instinct at work.

  8. davidg says:

    I notice that Ray Spiteri always ends with EX PN,why do you declare so.We are only interested in your argument and opinion, and usually from opinions we can gauge if you are intelligent, stupid,mediocre,etc..

  9. Jon says:

    Recently he asked why ‘the endoscopy’ is not available at the ward S4. Little knowing that endoscopy is a procedure not an instrument/medicine. Totally oblivious to the fact that endoscopy is carried out at the aptly named endoscopy ward at Mater Dei….

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