Actually, Musumeci, what I really think is that you’re having trouble with your sexuality
See below. His constant agitation on social media and elsewhere, his weird fixations and his quite obvious personal disquiet, lack of inner calm and internal confusion, make me think that he’s deeply bothered at a fundamental level and that it has nothing to do with politics or me, that I am just a focus for whatever it is that’s eating him alive.
I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until this morning when a young man posted a comment here saying that Musumeci approached him with an invitation to connect on LinkedIn, out of the blue, even though he had never met him before, and didn’t know him from Adam (or work in a related field).
I suddenly understood that Robert Musumeci may actually be having problems with his sexuality, is unable to deal with it, and is projecting all that angst into his obsessive, single-minded comments on Facebook and Twitter.
I have long noted a strange undercurrent of homo-eroticism in his public exchanges on social media with other men of a similarly fixated type, who may have similar difficulties themselves in their ‘conditioned to be straight’ middle-aged lives. He does not have similar exchanges with women.
I think Robert Musumeci should be brave and deal with his personal issues, preferably off Twitter and Facebook.