Why Labour keeps mum about Gaddafi (5)
February 23, 2011 at 9:25pm
March 1982 – Here we see Dom Mintoff in an unusual position: bent in homage to a child while offering him an orange, when we were accustomed to seeing Maltese children bent in homage to him.
The child is Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi. Looking fondly on at the dauphin I can make out: his father Muammar Gaddafi (in the interesting outfit), Lorry Sant, Agatha Barbara, and inevitably, AST.
Colonel and Mrs Gaddafi and the dauphin had stopped by Malta for a surprise visit to their friends Dom and Agatha, on their way back to Libya from somewhere or other.
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Duminku Mintoff, laghqi tal-barrani
Duminku Mintoff, laghqi TAL-WARRANI tal-barrani.
Another Labour Party quakes in its boots
The shameless courting of the Libyan dictator by Tony Blair and key Labour ministers, despite his track record in financing terrorism, has come back to haunt the party.
In a newspaper interview last year, Saif talked warmly of Tony Blair: “For us, he is a personal family friend. I first met him around four years ago at Number 10. Since then I’ve met him several times in Libya where he stays with my father. He has come to Libya many, many times.”
From the article above.
[Daphne – Trid tkun Laburist, insomma. Pezza wahda.]
Wicchom tal-lanzit kollha kemm huma.
[Daphne – Trid tkun Laburist, insomma. Pezza wahda.]
Is-soltu ma tghidx li l-haga wahdanija li ghandhom bhal xulxin il-Labour ta’ Malta u l-Labour tal-Ingilterra hija l-isem?
Allura kif issa qed tghid li trid tkun Laburist u li l-Laburisti pezza wahda?
Biex ma tidhirx inkonsistenti nahseb li hemm bzonn tikkwalifikahah dan il-kumment …
Nahseb li kollha kienu qed jiggustaw lit-tifel. Dawk jilaghqu l-missieru kienu. Ara wicc Lorry!
Ghalhekk kellna bzonn l-Gharbi biex nidhlu fl-universita ta’ Malta, u spiccajna bil-passaport ahdar u bil-Libyan Cultural Institute fil Mainguard faccata tal-parlament.
This shot shows Dom in “venditore di tappeti” mode.
Our dear country at its nadir.
Dom Mintof jingħata premju ta’ $250,000 għad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem
“During his meeting with Col. Gaddafi, Dr Muscat said he expressed the hoped that relations between Malta and Libya would continue to develop. He delivered greetings from former party leader Dom Mintoff.
Col. Gaddafi sent birthday wishes to Mr Mintoff, who turns 94 on Friday.
Dr Muscat returned to Malta on a private aircraft provided by the Libyan government.
Following his first visit to Libya in 2008 Dr Muscat had also paid tribute to Mr Mintoff for his personal interest in the visit.”
What is Mintoff’s take on all that is happening? Or is he now totally ga-ga?
We can’t ask Lorry Sant, Agatha Barbara, or Anton Buttigieg. They’re dead.
In that case, reporters had better ask Karmenu Vella and international secretary AST, the fresh new faces of Joseph’s Moviment Gdid.
Mintoff is a slobbering senile fool, so it’s useless. But KMB is still very much compos mentis. Why hasn’t anyone taken a microphone to him?
Oh I forgot about him. Thanks.
The MLP government sucked up to Gaddafi’s arse and we are the ones who are still embarrassed to this day.
My non-Maltese work colleagues still tease me about Malta’s relationship with Libya. They usually mention the 1986 ‘warning’ to Gaddafi, that saved his life. My only line of defence is that we were ruled by somebody similar, except that we actually elected him the first two times, and so we were the victims as well.
Iz-Zero was never elected. The puppet was ‘put’ there by his master.
Oh, so that’s Mintoff! I thought it was Saddam Hussein.