L-Afrodite ta' Gaddafi, by Wenzu Mintoff

Published: February 23, 2011 at 10:59pm

Wenzu Mintoff wrote this brilliant piece of analysis for Saviour Balzan’s and Roger Degiorgio’s newspaper, Illum. Hugo Chavez, Muammar Gaddafi and, ‘up to a certain point’, Fidel Castro are ‘naughty’ (mqarbin). And you can’t help admiring them, apparently.

The insightful Wenzu describes them as people who wouldn’t be bullied. He can’t see that they themselves are quintessential bullies – just like his uncle (father?), with whom he compares them.

Analizi ta’ Wenzu Mintoff
06 ta’ Mejju 2007
L-Afrodite ta’ Gaddafi

Għalkemm forsi jidher li għadda żmienhom, mexxejja imqarbin bħal Hugo Chavez, Muammar Gaddafi u anki sa ċertu punt Fidel Castro, ma tistax ma jkollokx ċertu sens ta’ ammirazzjoni lejhom, anki jekk ma tkunx taqbel ma’ ħafna milli jgħidu u ma’ ħafna milli jagħmlu.

Huma t-tip ta’ mexxejja ‘skurdati’ u bla sabar li ma ppermettewx li jiġu bullied minn min hu ikbar minnhom.

Dawn ġejjin minn razza pjuttost rari ta’ mexxejja li ma fittxewx il-kumdità u l-konvenjenza fir-relazzjonijiet tagħhom ma’ pajjiżi oħra.

Mexxejja kontroversjali kemm tridhom li ma jħalluha lixxa għall-melħa lil ħadd setgħani kemm jaħseb li hu setgħani.

Għalkemm f’kuntest kemmxejn differenti, il-Perit Mintoff fid-DNA politiku tiegħu kellu ħafna ġeni komuni ma’ din ir-razza ta’ mexxejja li ffurmaw ruħhom fl-era kolonjali li mhux lakemm imbagħad għarfu jaddattaw irwieħhom ġaladarba qatgħu l-kurdun umbelikali minn mas-sistema imperjali li kienet taħkem fuq arthom.

39 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    It must have been something in the water they drank. Nobody who “thinks” like this can possibly be real.

  2. john says:

    My info on the Libyan plane that was refused permission to land is that it carried pilots to fly the Mirages back home.

  3. on the dot says:

    Why don’t Mintoff, KMB and Gaddafi set up one final meeting, and organise a joint cliff-jumping exercise afterward?

  4. Ragunament bazwi - the myopic edition says:

    timesofmalta.com: “Richard Sammut-I wish an answer to this important question -If Gaddafi & his regime gets toppled, is Malta left to drill for oil in peace??!! .. This issue about territorial waters, has been hovering for far too long!! If we are left to drill in peace and find oil.. then all our debt problems are over!!”

  5. Horrific scenes from Libya says:

    Derna #Libya – soldiers who refused to kill their own people – killed be Gaddafi’s murderers!!


  6. Denis says:

    How can anyone in his right mind admire a mass-murdering bully who governs by fear, blackmail and corruption? I am lost for words.

  7. willywonka says:

    Mistoqsija: Jekk ma tkunx taqbel ma’ hafna minn dak li jghidu u ma’ hafna minn dak li jaghmlu, kif tista jkollok, u ghaliex ghandu jkollok, ammirazzjoni lejn nies bhal dawn?


    • Catsrbest says:

      Ikollhom ammirazzjoni ghal ‘speci’ bhal dawn ghax fil-fond ta’ qalbhom ikunu bhalhom. Kulma jkunu qed jaghmlu hu biss li jghidu li ma jaqblux maghhom, izda zgur li mhux hekk ikunu qed ihossu.

    • gaddafi says:

      Risposta ghall-mistoqsija:

      Anki Stalin fil-mohbi kien jammira lil Hitler u jibza minnu ukoll – s’intendi fil-mohbi. Mhux ghax kien jaqbel mieghu ideologikament.

      Wenzu Mintoff l-istess. Ma jaqbilx mal-idejat taghhom (kultant nissuspetta li jaqbel ukoll minhabba l-mod kif jagixxi). Zgur hu li jammira l-kapacitajiet dittorjali. Ara x’nies huma tal-Labour.

  8. ENOUGH says:

    2209: US President Barack Obama has said that the “suffering and bloodshed” in Libya is “outrageous and unacceptable”.

  9. Aisha says:


    2140: Col Gaddafi’s daughter Aisha tells state TV she has no information about the UN’s decision to strip her of her role as a goodwill ambassador (see 2017 entry). She also denies earlier reports that she tried to flee to Malta.

  10. R. Camilleri says:

    One bit was spot on:

    “Għalkemm f’kuntest kemmxejn differenti, il-Perit Mintoff fid-DNA politiku tiegħu kellu ħafna ġeni komuni ma’ din ir-razza ta’ mexxejja”

  11. John (not Dalli) says:

    Kif tal-Labour kienu jzidu t-turisti. Billi titjiriet lejn il-Libja ma setghux isiru dak iz-zmien allura bdew jigu hafna rahhala Egizzjani li kien ikollom jistennew hawn Malta sakemm l-ambaxxata Libjana tohrogilhom visa biex jidhlu il-Libja bil-bahar.

    Dawn l-imsejknin kienu forma ohra ta’ emigranti li kienu joqghodu fil-barracks ta’ Hal-Far u ta’ Hal-Luqa imma ghal-ministru tat-turizmu Joe Grima kienu jghoddu bhala turisti. U ma kienux ftit, kienu jigu bil-mijiet fil-gimgha.

    U ghax waqt xi dibattitu xi hadd Nazzjonalist irrimarkalu li dawn ma kienux turisti vera, l-opportunist mal-ewwel ghajjru razzist.

    Insejt inzid li kienu jigu hafna Libjani bil-bahar jixtru l-affarijiet minn Malta bhall ma ahna konna mmorru nixtru minn Sqallija f’dawk iz-zminijiet tad-deheb.

  12. Grezz says:

    This is shocking:

    “1500 young men discovered in underground room
    Posted on February 23, 2011 by admin


    Jazeera, I want to deliver this information, I confirmed it personally, on my responsibility. I am a Libyan citizen. Today in Benghazi they discovered a room underground, a room that is completely locked-in. Completely locked. Holding 1500 young men from Benghazi. From the 15th of February the first day of demonstrations to today when they got them out, the 22nd, they had been without food or water. They heard the voices from the barracks, noise, people. After they went to check, they got them out, God be praised, alive. 1500 young men, buried alive, buried alive. Muammar must be obliterated. We will not surrender. Our dead are in heaven, he is in hell. God bear witness that I have delivered this message, if there are any Muslims. God willing.

    Translated by: @tasnimq

    Via Alive in Libya” http://www.libyafeb17.com

  13. La Redoute says:


    Libya: Gaddafi using scare tactics to lock down capitalWitnesses talk of regime forces with machine guns patrolling Tripoli in 4x4s in an attempt to stop further protests

  14. libyaminusgaddafi says:

    Gaddafi going round Tripoli to arrest beggars:


    Mercenaries in Benghazi:


  15. Catsrbest says:

    1554: BBC Arabic are reporting that former Libyan Justice Minister Mustafa Abdul Jalil – who has resigned during the unrest – has told a Swedish newspaper that he has evidence Colonel Gaddafi personally ordered the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988, which killed 270 people.

    Then the American and British rulers of that time were right to keep insisting on blaming only him.

  16. Mark Vella says:

    Gaddafi half French ? Probably pure fantasy but still a good read – http://www.libya-watanona.com/news/n2008/feb/n18feb8e.htm

  17. red nose says:

    I think that such criminals should be captured, brought to justice – quickly – very quickly. The sooner the world rids itself of people such as Gaddafi, the soonest we will be on our way to some form of peace.

  18. Village says:

    ‘Morto Sansone e tutti i Filistei’

    The analogy is only to highlight the megalomaniac in Gaddafi and the desperate statements in his last public speech.

    The UN should intervene to put an end to the bloodshed and bring the country back to some order and Gaddafi to justice.

  19. ENOUGH says:

    0819: Colonel Gaddafi appears to be in control of an ever smaller part of Libya, reports the BBC’s Jon Leyne in the east of the country. He may be readying himself for a last stand at his home in the capital Tripoli. Reports indicate the area is heavily guarded by loyalists, including armed militia men in vehicles; other witnesses have seen tanks deployed in the suburbs of the city and described security forces storming private homes and making arrests. Video posted on the internet suggest a town just 50 km (30 miles) west of Tripoli has fallen to the opposition.

  20. ENOUGH says:

    0903: French Defence Minister Alan Juppe has told France Inter radio he hopes “wholeheartedly Gaddafi is living his last moments as leader”. He said implementing a no-fly zone over Libya was an option that deserved to be studied, but ruled out any military intervention in the country.

  21. Joseph A Borg says:

    Is this man for real?

  22. caroline says:

    $250,000 for Mintoff from Gaddafi: DID HE PAY TAX ON THEM?

    What did the dictator give to the ex ministers of the Labour government? And why was Karmenu Vella, Sant’s tourism minister, part of a Labour government delegation to Libya in 1997, when Libya is not a tourism market for Malta?

  23. Carmen says:

    Dan bis-serjeta jew?

  24. Riya says:

    ‘il-Perit Mintoff fid-DNA politiku tiegħu kellu ħafna ġeni komuni ma’ din ir-razza ta’ mexxejja’

    Ghidilna minn fejn takkwista din it-tip ta’ DNA Wenz? X’ghaxqa ta’ nies!

  25. J Zammit says:

    I think that that whole story about Aisha Gaddafi being on that plane was a fabrication by a newspaper in Malta. Did anyone else notice?

    [Daphne – Yes, Malta Today, probably fed by its fantasist employee Karl Stagno Navarra.]

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