He’s REALLY sick

Published: November 5, 2012 at 9:22am

Politics be damned. Franco Debono is currently on a crusade against the tenor Joseph Calleja. Since I wrote about it last night, he’s put up another blog-post, which I reproduce below.

Do note the “they would have loved harder”, a slip which reveals how this cheap cockfighter pronounces ‘laughed’. He was talking about the audience at that honorary doctorate ceremony in a Valletta church, not a Jimi Hendrix orgy.

The very suggestion that Calleja might be interested in Debono’s tragically empty private life takes his ‘the world revolves around my naval’ egocentricity to a whole new level.



Joseph Calleja read my lips : My private life, and who my friends are is none of your business.

Next time, you mention my form II report, being an ambassador make sure you mention my REFORMS, but that could leave you out of breath ! Joseph if you are a tenor I am a member of Parliament.

If you want to poke fun and make people laugh mention PBS ! PBS has become a sick joke.

Tenor Joseph sing after me : ‘Silence is golden’. Jokes and spite are two different things. Jokes and vendettas are different.

Joseph, God gave you such a great talent. Stick to it and let people in peace.

A university degree is not everything in life, and a big well done for your singing success, but if you wanted to make fun of an outstanding form II report to get at me, or at someone else, then you should have told Friggieri and audience that you didn’t manage to get your O-Levels and had to go to Higher Secondary instead of Sixth Form.

A university degree is not everything, Form II results are irrelevant, but if you didn’t even manage to get all your O-Levels, the last thing you are entitled to do is to poke malicios fun at someone’s outstanding school report. Again well done for your successes, amd may you be even more successful. Joseph live and let live.

They would have loved harder, and maybe told you ‘Fil-kant kont tajjeb, pero fl-iskola TUBA!’

It’s a joke Joseph. . come on. . don’t get depressed. . . .

In general, and without any reference to Calleja, yes even international stars can suffer from depression, especially if both their parents suffered from it. Some international stars have ended up very badly in fact.

International stars can help fight this stigma.

48 Comments Comment

  1. ZZZzzzZZZzzz says:

    Since when do we value someone based on his education? I know quite a number of people who obtained a PhD or a Master’s degree and are awful at what they do.

  2. M says:

    This guy will target one person after another to satisfy his deep-rooted persecution complex.

  3. lino says:

    If he instead, said, ‘SAY after me – silence is golden-‘ it would have been the lie of this millenium.

  4. lino says:

    “In general, and without any reference to Calleja, yes even international stars can suffer from depression, especially if both their parents suffered from it. Some international stars have ended up very badly in fact.”

    I think here Franco proves that he beat past, present and future stars before becoming one himself

  5. T Schembri says:

    Franco loves referring to the House of Commons, imagine him sat up there and subjected to the British tabloids.

    Just a small dose would send him over the edge.

    Can’t this guy take a joke? “Silence is golden”, he should have kept his mouth shut, that would have been a dignified response, if one was even merited. Welcome to a grown-up’s world, Franco.

  6. Censu says:

    Franco Debono should continue as he is doing. We are laughing it.

  7. Philip says:

    I’d love to set ‘Private Eye’ on this maniac. He wouldn’t last 24 hours.

  8. canon says:

    Franco Debono thinks that he is a member of parliament for a lifetime. He doesn’t realise that his days as MP are numbered. When that happens, Franco will be of no importance.

  9. James Borg says:

    Like I said, call in the men in white coats.

  10. Jozef says:

    Calleja’s joke proved to be true to form, Franco represents that which holds this place back.

    You’re a failure Franco, everything you say denotes how vicious, delusional and tasteless you are.

    • Censu says:

      Not to mention a pathetic figure of fun who at 38 is still stuck in his school days and still bragging about a Form IIC report.

  11. SM says:

    So based on Franco’s logic, the following people are all failures since they all failed to complete their studies:

    Bill Gates – Microsoft
    Paul Allen – Microsoft
    Steve Jobs – Apple
    Larry Ellison – Oracle
    Sergey Brin – Google (did not complete Ph.D.)
    Larry Page – Google (did not complete Ph.D.)
    Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
    Michael Dell – Dell Computers
    Ted Turner – CNN

  12. aston says:

    Handbags at dawn.

  13. yan says:

    Dan marid bil-provi.

  14. The chemist says:

    Franco, your parliament membership is soon over so you can delete that part. Stick to just a lawyer, fullstop

  15. Bob says:

    Franco is best when he only has to listen to his voice, like on the Bundy show on Super One.

  16. Toqba says:

    Will someone take away his shovel before he hurts himself?

    Loving out loud.

  17. Roughjustice says:

    Having read his latest blog-posts and comments, I wonder where he got the idea that he was some kind of star student.

    How low, then, was the standard at his school and university?

    He can’t write to save his life.

    Whilst it has taken some time for him to convince us that he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, now we have irrefutable proof that the idiot is not even capable of making sense when he writes. And when you write, you have time to think and to consider your words before you put them down – unlike when you’re on Super One television, for instance.

  18. Anyone of GonziPN fans can find the ” Brazilian company ” mentioned by Dr. Gonzi as having been operating in Malta since 1 year ago ? If anyone can provide full details, please contact Castille and pass the message to Dr. Gonzi since he hasn’t been able to answer a PQ about this company since last June !

  19. ciccio says:

    Since when is Franco Debono’s Form 2c report part of his private life? Was it not Franco himself who asked PBS to film it and broadcast it during the 8.00pm news?

  20. Jahasra says:

    “but if you wanted to make fun of an outstanding form II report to get at me, or at someone else”

    What does he mean by “or at someone else”?

  21. Aunt Hetty says:

    The man needs a good roll in the hay.

  22. Qeghdin Sew says:

    ‘Do note the “they would have loved harder”, a slip which reveals how this cheap cockfighter pronounces ‘laughed’.’

    Give him some slack on this one. The number of English people who write ‘should of’, ‘must of’, ‘could of’, etc is shocking.

  23. Żeża ta' Bubaqra says:

    Months and months on and Franco still doesn’t get why boasting about his Form 2 report is stupid.

    If he just said that he pulled that charade as a rash reaction to some comment it *might* be justifiable, just because he is human after all. But seriously, him consistently justifying his actions and still thinking that it was a smart thing to do is just insane beyond words.

  24. Joseph Caruana says:

    I didn’t know that going on national television with your school report was part of one’s private life.

  25. TinaB says:

    Dottore Debono, and yet, Joseph Calleja managed to become very successful and famous. Worldwide.

    You, on the other hand, succeeded in becoming our national clown.

    Seriously Franco, I am honestly starting to feel very sorry for you. You are clearly an extremely jealous man.

    Do not let it ruin you further. Seek help before it’s too late.

  26. anthony says:

    Joseph Calleja has finally made the grade.

    Franco has congratulated him on his success.

    Martin Bernheimer von Frankuni.

  27. Bluza Bajda says:

    A case study for those who are interested in personality disorders.

  28. lola says:

    I believe that the comment which Joseph passed was in bad taste. If he wanted to tell a joke and make everybody laugh he could have said another instead.

    He wanted to show his political colours perhaps? Franco had every right to be offended.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Bullshit. He made a jocular statement that the country had already acknowledged. Here we have a deranged, embarrassing individual, totally out of control. And it’s not Joseph Calleja I mean.

  29. AE says:

    Well Franco, Joseph Calleja will still be a famous tenor tomorrow, but you will not be a member of parliament.

    And please don’t take that literally. By ‘tomorrow’ I mean after the election. And no I am not joking. Joseph was tuba when he made that remark, but like a typical paranoid bully you cannot recognize a joke when it is on you.

  30. TROY says:

    Franco, just remember that the joke is on you.

    Please get help.

  31. silvio says:

    No, Calleja’s joke was not funny.

    He chose the wrong venue and the wrong occasion to try to make fun of Franco (or whoever).

    Whoever helped him in preparing his speech did him more harm and made him lose some of the respect that he enjoyed by ALL us Maltese.

    Could we be witnessing the prelude of seeing Calleja as a candidate in the next elections?

    Who knows time will tell and of course that is his prerogative.

    Unfortunately I have to come to the conclusion that Calleja’s intelligence does in no way match his voice. We can’t have it all.

    It would be sensational to hear him sing “Nessun Dorma” in parliament.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Didn’t realize that even pseudo intelligent ‘elfs’ are stupid.

      • silvio says:

        So now you know you are not as unique as you thought.

      • Jozef says:

        Paranoid, you mean. What matters at the moment, is maintaining Labour’s deceit.

        Joseph Calleja shows his appreciation in a self-deprecating manner, ergo he’s a Nationalist candidate.

        It’s called ‘volemosi bene’; let’s not expect any better of each other.

        Blurred thinking. Expect more of the same when the movement becomes the voice of the nation, any digression and you’re the enemy.

  32. phoebe says:

    ‘It’s a joke Joseph. . come on. . don’t get depressed.’ What is this? Projection?

  33. Lisa says:

    I just can’t take him any longer!


    Franco Debono
    Nov 05, 2012 @ 10:17:20

    pero if you didnt manage to get your O levels the last thing you should do is make fun of a star student!

    • anthony says:

      I suppose in Ghaxaq passing your O Levels is considered more important than stunning the audience at the Lincoln Centre.

      Franku, Joseph Calleja is not a star student.

      He is only just a star.

  34. Carlos Bonavia says:

    This has gone beyond a joke now. This puerile diatribe is deeply offensive to the general cross section of the Maltese nation.

    Ignore the twerp, please – he revels in attention and that leaves us reaching for the barf bag every other day.

  35. toni l belti says:

    Franco, on his blog:

    “Joseph if you are a tenor I am a member of Parliament pushing for fundamental reforms”.

    Dr Debono, there are thousands of members of parliament the world over, but not so many famous tenors. Take my advice, and don’t go there.

    • anthony says:


      This reminds me.

      There have been several Duchesses of Westminster but there is only one Chanel.

      The wise riposte to the richest man in England when he proposed to Coco.

  36. Malcolm M says:

    Lock him up and let the sharks eat the key.

  37. Mandy B says:

    Oh my God, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.

  38. Artemis says:

    Well, I could go through his blog for you and nit-pick on the spelling and grammar mistakes, but I don’t want to make him look more of a fool than he has already made himself.

    But I don’t understand what he has got against Joseph Calleja.

    Could it be because Joseph is charming and not at all proud or arrogant, as well as being a fantastic tenor who brings so much pleasure with his singing to so many people around the world?

    I think someone has tasted sour grapes.

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