Dalli’s man Mark Sammut is a Labour government appointee to the board of Transport Malta

Published: November 30, 2013 at 10:41pm

Mark Sammut, who was John Dalli’s ‘special adviser’ (on IT) when he was still an EU Commissioner last year, and who has been given an IT contract at Mater Dei Hospital under Dalli’s watch, is a director of Transport Malta, appointed to that board by Joseph Muscat’s incoming government last March.

Soon after his appointment at Transport Malta, he was involved in an ‘investigation’ which a nine-man team from the government IT agency, MITA, carried out on Transport Malta’s IT system. All the MITA men involved are staunch Labour supporters.

The ‘investigation’ took the form of a raid soon after the change in government. The official reason given was that they had to identify any weaknesses in the system.

But unofficially, the real reason was that they needed to dig up information they could use to crucify someone and to justify John Dalli’s fixation that some of the ‘attacks’ on him last year – when he was in full flood paranoia claiming that his system had been hacked – came from Transport Malta. That is what he had said to the press in summer last year. Frustratingly for them, they found nothing.

And now that we know Mark Sammut was made EU Commissioner Dalli’s special adviser last year, and that the reason given was ‘IT’, we should ask whether he was engaged to check and protect Dalli’s systems, given that this was exactly the period he was under investigation by the European Commission.

Ah, but there’s worse. At Transport Malta, Sammut has a major conflict of interest. His company, Cursor Ltd – the company undertaking the Mater Dei Hospital IT project – runs Transport Malta’s driving licence theory test centre.

10 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    Tellieqa min jahtaf, jibla u jithanzer l-aktar.

  2. Nighthawk says:

    If you’re loyal to your Don and he’s a Nationalist, and then he becomes a Labourite, you move with him.

  3. Riya says:

    Ahjar jinvestgaw u jghidulna x’tahwid kien isir fid-dipartiment tal- VAT meta John Dalli kien Ministru tal-finanzi.

  4. Spock says:

    I feel as if I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole and ended up in Wonderland with the Mad Hatter for a prime minister, high tea parties all over the country, and Jabba, Queen of Hearts, yelling “Off with his head!” at any critics.

    The situation in this country is getting “curiouser and curiouser” at such a tremendous rate that I don’t recognize it any more.

  5. Rahal says:

    Dawn zgur ma jisthux. Il-kbir ghadu gejn.

  6. Gahan says:

    Remember that you read it here first.

  7. Bullivant says:

    The late unlamented Lorry Sant was an amateur compared to these people.

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    As far as I could remember Dalli publicly presented a medical certificate to the effect that he had some sort of psychological and social psychosis. To date no other certficate has been presented to the effect that he has since recoverd from that psychosis.

    A question hounds me, “Is Dalli in his wits or is he psychologically and mentally unfit to be trusted with whatever?”

    We do need to see a certificate to tell us that he is neither suffering from any geriatric psychological syndrome of puerility, or that he is still burdened by psycho-social disturbances.

  9. daffid says:

    I was amazed reading the article in The Malta Independent today, on John Dalli, Minister Godfrey Farrugia, consultant Mark Sammut’s company, Mall Systems, and the tender for the hospital IT system. Looks like the inner wheels are working for the benefit of the klikka more than ever before.

    Transparency? What a joke. Not one of these gentlemen seems to know who appointed who or whether the hospital systems being developed are free or being charged for.


    • Last Post says:

      Kulħadd għadu jiftakar il-famuża frażi ĦBIEB TAL-ĦBIEB fi żmien l-amministrazzjoni l-oħra. Żgur li qatt daqs f’dawn l-aħħar 8 xhur ma rajna daqshekk rigali minn fuq dahar il-poplu, u b’mod daqshekk sfaċċat, għall-ħbieb tal-ħbieb tal-PL (Partit tal-Lanżit).

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