Published: November 14, 2013 at 11:50am

La Notizia_Italy

Those ruddy idiots who thought they were in on the secret of the universe because they campaigned against ‘gOnzIPn’ and voted for ‘Joseph’ are so lucky they live in a country where people are nominally civilised, because public sentiment being what it is right now, elsewhere they’d have been lined up against a wall and shot.

Look at this. It has come to this already.

We are the one Eurozone country that came through the financial crisis intact, without rampant unemployment, business bankruptcy, mass foreclosures and people losing their homes, with the economy still buoyant.

And those idiotic, amateurish, price-of-everything-value-of-nothing, jack-sh*t useless bastards who another bunch of koccuti voted in have gone and wrecked our reputation overnight – by creating the false impression that we are desperate for cash and on our uppers, reduced to selling our citizenship for what the Netherlands’ newspaper of record described as “six big ones”, a story which another newspaper illustrated with a photograph of a two-euro coin under the heading ‘Malta sells EU citizenship’.

I guess you can tell I’m furious. Well, so are most people. This is a frigging disaster of mammoth proportions, and no Super One coconut dressed up as head of government communications is ever going to be able to deal with it.

The calamitous fools, unable to think outside their Super One/Malta/scoring points off the PN box, couldn’t even see it coming. They don’t even understand that they’re in charge of an EU member state and that everything they do now has repercussions on the world stage.

16 Comments Comment

  1. xifajk says:

    See the comments section on this link. Typical Labour elves, they’re there too.

  2. lorry says:

    Malta voted with an absolute majority for Joseph Muscat and his backward party, and now we have to adapt ourselves to this fact. That bunch of good-for-nothing freaks have done it again. And put us forty years backwards.

  3. aldo says:

    As the Italians say, “che sputtanamento”.

  4. Caroline says:

    Do you really think they did not see this coming?

    It was so damned obvious that this was the impression we were going to give. I think they saw it coming but simply couldn’t be arsed because the consequences are for others to suffer, they think (i.e. the people, the Malta service providers within the financial services industry who have to field off questions from clients on whether Malta is still stable etc).

    Not forgetting of course that our dear Prime Minister has to live up to the promises he made in order to get enough cash for his party’s extravagant electoral campaign. Oh, the shame is unbelievable.

  5. Jozef says:

    Muscat just provided the alibi for hyperbole and anti-EU sentiment. This scheme just backfired, explosively, spectacularly and in full 3D.

    He single-handedly created rumour, speculation and market panic.

    It’s what happens when agreements with companies like Henley are made. Those don’t evolve their services; they’ll just go where the idiots are, cause the damage and move on.

    Cyprus has been through it, so has Spain, but Cyprus’s story is uncannily similar. These schemes belong to those countries which didn’t have anything to lose in the first place.

    Designed by cowboys for ‘economists’ who never had anything to do with real experience, that Vella Bonnici hanging onto Sant and his IPSE, Muscat, in turn, Vella Bonnici’s protege’.

    The word bailout next, then we’ll see Muscat using his journalistic skills to keep it down.


    • it-Tezi ta' Mario says:

      Muscat was Mario Vella’s protege’, hence the fulsome praise in the PhD thesis that carries Muscat’s name.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Damn, I forgot that other towering intellect Mario Vella. Thanks for reminding me. How he and “Edward” must have toasted their brilliant plan.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Not that anything I say now can make a difference; it’s just academic now. But just for the record, I think the closest parallel, in terms of fucked up policies and their consequences, is Russia.

      When the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, its economic metrics were pretty good. Government debt was negligible, personal debt non-existen, the budget was under control, and the country was rich in evert sort of resource, with the strongest industrial base round those parts. Just to give a comparison we all know, China was still firmly Third World at the time.

      But on man by the name of Boris Yeltsin started selling off national industries and corporations at risible prices to any private buyer. The reaction of the IMF and the international markets was immediate. Here’s a country on its last legs. Government bonds were made worthless, the IMF imposed impossible rules and started dictating privatisation policies which further compounded the problem, and the rest is history.

      It took them twenty years to recover from the disaster. Ask any Russian – they abhor Yeltsin to a man. And they abhor his mentor Gorbachev too. To us outsiders it looks different.

      A tiny number of Russians became disgustingly rich on the backs of their fellow countrymen, giving rise to the infamous Russian oligarch stereotype.

      • ciccio says:

        Muscat will create another Russia here on this rock. With a few oligarchs dictating to the rest. It’s clear that a handful of oligarchs are pulling the strings behind the scenes. Sant, Vella, Vella Bonnici and Muscat are their tools.

  6. Malta Tieghi? says:

    It’s getting worse every minute.

    But a lot of people, even those who voted PN are lamenting that they were hard done by.

    They’ve been moaning before the elections – mind you, some of them have a very good reason to – but no individual need can overshadow what was achieved through several PN governments, achievements that took years of effort and toil.

    Now this cheating PM, who wasn’t at all “transparent” about certain plans for the future is dismantling everything in a few months.

    Shame on those who voted for him. They couldn’t see beyond their noses.

  7. Ruth says:

    So this is what Joseph Muscat meant by brainwashing his crowd with ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’.

    Everybody can buy a Maltese passport.

  8. sarah says:

    “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you’ll do things differently.” (Warren Buffett)

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Labour is incapable of thinking long-term. They have always gone for the fast buck and to hell with the consequences.

      Mintoff was that way and his idolator Muscat is cut from the same cloth. Some would call them used car salesmen but that would be unfair on the salesmen.

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