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Published: July 19, 2014 at 12:49pm

Jason Micallef and Joseph Muscat

21 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Is it just me or is there something a bit too cosy about this one-way admiration?

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is it just two pansies or is there a sea of them?

  3. anthony says:

    Time for yet another iced bun?

  4. Il-Kajboj says:

    Yeah… And the first thing he did after being elected Labour leader in 2008 was remove the post of party secretary-general because he couldn’t fire the incumbent: Jason Micallef. Halluna nghixu please.

  5. ciccio says:

    This picture reminds me of this one.

    I don’t know why, but I put the “it-tghanniqa ta’ Joseph” on the same level with “il-bewsa ta’ Guda.”

  6. F.X. says:

    “dak li dejjem emminna fih”

    That’s the scary bit.

  7. Osservatore says:

    What a sockcucker.

    Did I say that out loud?

  8. Calculator says:

    ‘Ohrajn li gejjin’? Does he know something we don’t?

  9. bob-a-job says:

    Amazing what havoc to one’s physique a year and four months in government can wreak.

    These two had a similar appearance only a few years back now Joseph has suddenly grown to unbelievable proportions and that includes his head.

    Careful Jason. Make sure he’s been fed before you get that close.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is it just me, or is Joseph Muscat just a trifle too – how shall I put this – physical?

  11. Banana republic ... again says:

    What’s Jason about to do?

  12. Edgar says:


  13. bob-a-job says:

    I’ve never seen either of them hold their wives that way.

  14. Last Post says:

    Shallow minds and even shallower capabilities.

    Kif nghidu bil-Malti: Hr*w f’qalziethom it-tnejn li huma, issa li daqu l-poter. Mhux fejn tilhaq jghodd imma x’int kapaci taghmel bil-kariga li ghandek.

    Lanqas biss jafu kemm huma tan-n*jk bil-faqar ta’ hwejjeg li qed jaghmlu. Insomma, Lejber ‘style’ kif dejjem kienu.

  15. Comment says:

    Now he calls him a friend. Perhaps we shall remind him when the friend he is referring to kicked him out of the Labour Party and dumped him at ONE.

  16. G says:

    Oh look! A pair of Oompa Loompas!

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