Jason Micallef is worried

Published: August 13, 2014 at 12:29am

From Times of Malta:


jason micallef is worried

16 Comments Comment

  1. Qeghdin Sew says:

    X’alaz*****, Gejsin

  2. Jozef says:

    Wasalna ghal lifting pupu.

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Jidher inkwetat sew il-boj. Dalwaqt jinfexx jirranga kocc fjuri biex jisfoga.

  4. La Redoute says:

    Is that striped shirt and striped tie combo from austin Reed?

  5. Mike Ellul says:

    Maybe we should ask the Mayor of Zurrieq. I bet he’ll soon be in the taghna lkoll appointment list and be made chairman of the Eurosong clan.

  6. Grace says:

    Dan qed iddardar lill kullhadd, possibbli li ghadu ma indunax li lanqas laburisti stess ma jahmluh?

    Fjask wiehed wara l-iehor qed jaghmel. Miskin irrid jilhaq minflok Anton tal PBS! Immur tajjeb l-stazzjoni bik Jejsin!

  7. CiVi says:

    Teatrini, trying to create some scoop.

  8. pablo says:

    Mhux mal-Lejber qieghed dan? Mela ghandu x’jxomm miskin.

  9. M says:

    Wow, he seems to be smelling rats everywhere and in everything. Is the V18 responsibility a bit too much perhaps?


  10. r.farrugia says:

    L-iktar haga li tinkwetana, Jason, taf xinhi? Li hemm int tiehu hsieb il-V18.

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    Makes you pity him.

  12. Gourami75 says:

    What a paranoid!

  13. Silvio Farrugia says:

    He wants the Job miskin and then will turn TVM like ONE TV. Half truths, half news – I noticed how when ONE news was stating how we had the highest employment in a year they did not mention that two thousand of them were employed by you and me, I mean, pardon, the government.

    They are so stupid that they believe that we only watch ONE news.

  14. Persil says:

    Din x ‘arja hi li ghandu Jejson.Mela Issa il laburisti ghandhom doni aqua minn ta haddiehor.Nhoss li bi kliemu qed jaghmel hafna hsara lill partit tieghu stess,bhal ma ghamlu ohrajn.

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