Did somebody leave the fossil cabinet unlocked?

Published: October 23, 2014 at 7:08pm

19 Comments Comment

  1. Natalie Mallett says:

    What’s with that wig? Has he not realized that it has moved 2 inches backwards?

    Dghajsa sejra w’ohra gejja, he said. U le! Sorry cannot bear to listen to the end. David Thake is far more entertaining and talks more sense.

  2. Josette says:

    Well, the woolly headed dinosaur seems to have escaped its keepers.

  3. M says:

    Ah, but he has the possibility of choosing to be highbrowed, middlebrowed or lowbrowed depending on who he is trying to impress.

    Just like Mintoff sent his daughters to British schools and wore siuts to certain meetings but opted for the ‘bokkla’ and flannel shirt when he wanted the poor sods to believe he was one of them and was going to make them rich.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Kemm u gbir il-makku?

    Mhux xi daqs hekk.


  5. Marco says:

    I like that hair:-)

    • Franco's (Feathered) Tits says:

      Yes. I wonder where it came from, and whether the original owner is dead or alive. Maybe she had to sell her hair to feed her 12 children in India.

  6. anthony says:

    Now he is talking about managing Gozo.

    When he was PM he abolished the Ministry for Gozo.

    These miserable MLP people seem to have a penchant to discover reality twenty years too late.

  7. vittorio says:

    U dan urina il- vot kontra l- EU? Qabar imbajjad . Insomma , tort tan- nies boloh li javdaw f’nies bhal dawn .

  8. janni says:

    F*ck him, basta kontra d-dhul ta’ Malta fl-Ewropa, ja f*cking hypocritical bum.

    • Franco's (Feathered) Tits says:

      Take it easy now. Labour fossils go on for ever and are resurrected afresh for each new generation. You have to keep yourself calm because you will eventually be watching Alfred Sant on television with your grandchildren, and you don’t want to be getting a heart attack before then.

  9. Tal-Malja says:

    Anke lill- parrokka waqalha ix-xaghar.

  10. ken il malti says:

    Alfred needs to get wig wearing lessons from Tarcisio Mifsud, who is the owner of the best wig on Malta

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    I could only get as far as the ‘Lanca ta’ Marsamxett’. This man is a f*ckin’ idiot.

  12. Artemis says:

    Never trust a man wearing a wig; he always has something to hide.

  13. Tabatha White says:

    Some inspiration for Alfred Sant. The effect is better:


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