Paul and Patrick Sheehan – still registered to their mother’s address in their 40s

Published: November 24, 2014 at 6:00pm
Paul Sheehan and his older brother Patrick are both registered as living with their mother in Gzira

Paul Sheehan and his older brother Patrick are both registered as living with their mother in Gzira

According to data in the public domain (local council electoral registers), as at March 2003, Patrick Sheehan (b. 1967) and his mother Giovanna sive Joanne Sheehan (b. 1948) were registered at 9, Viani Street, Sliema. Viani Street is a narrow street just off the police station end of Rudolph Street.

Then in 2005 they were registered atFlat No. 11, Block F, Jean Houel Street, St Julian’s. At this point, Paul Sheehan (b. 1974) was registered at the same address.

In April 2013, all three were registered at ‘Joyce’, 13 Nicolas Cottoner Lane (Trejqet), Gzira.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    Well, it is not that they are going to buy 200K crap houses on a police wage, are they? A large part of Malta has to make do.

    [Daphne – That’s what you think. Watch this space.]

  2. ken il malti says:

    Is Rory “Red Bull” Sheehan their father?

  3. Mike says:

    It-tnejn boqqa brodu dawn, l-aqwa li z-zghir dahal fil-pulizija.

    Ara meta jkollok bzonn xi haga mill-Pulizija ma’ min trid issaqqaf wiccek.

    Niskanta kif certu nies jirnexxielhom jidhlu.

    • Gahan says:

      Skużani li ser intelliflek ftit is-suġġet, bil-Malti ngħidu “Iseffaq wiċċek” jiġifieri “tagħmel wiċċek.”

      Ngħidu wkoll l-espressjoni “Trid tkun wiċċek sfieq” li tfisser “Trid tkun wiċċek tost”.

      Naqbel mal-argument tiegħek.

  4. Mila says:

    So was he visiting his mother or was he actually at home?

    Was this another slight bending of the truth in what we were told?

    [Daphne – More about that later tonight. Watch this space for another exclusive.]

  5. Albatross says:

    I was discussing with a friend a short while ago. Pre-2013, we used to hear, from our common 4th-floor friends, what a mess the Party was in. But of course, everybody kept his mouth shut, not to spoil the run-up to the take-over.

    Post-take-over, everybody’s now saying that that same mess which held sway in the Party has now expanded, with stealth, like an oil stain over a clean shirt, all over the country.

    I have avoided using “like wild fire” on purpose. The degeneration of the country is not spreading like wild fire. It’s expanding like an oil stain, little by little everyday, until one day, everything will be in such a big mess, we shall not know where to begin from if we will want to save the country.

  6. Persil says:

    So they are still single? They have no wife/partner or children?

    [Daphne – Paul Sheehan has a girlfriend (spare me the partner, please). More about that later tonight, with pictures.]

  7. ciccio says:

    The Law Commissioner will be relieved to read this headline. He will probably be interested to know if they keep any birds in rows of tiny cages too.

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