Ah, but Joseph knocked two cents off last summer

Published: January 25, 2015 at 12:22pm

Yesterday a reader sent me this picture he took while filling up at a fuel station near Livigno in Italy.

petrol 2

19 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Mhux veru li rahas il-fuel.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Here in the south-east of England unleaded petrol is £1.03 which comes to 1.38 euros.

  3. pablo says:

    This is a windfall for Joseph Muscat. He’s not going to share it with us.

  4. Another John says:

    The authorities up north must have done their ‘hedging’ right.

  5. king rat says:

    Livigno enjoys a duty free status , one passes through customs from either the Swiss side or from Italy.

    We saw diesel in Austria a couple of weeks ago marked at 1.07 euros.

    • ciccio says:

      In the case of Livigno, those prices still represent around 20% to 25% decrease on their normal price.

      It shows that even in places where the price is kept at the lowest possible, they pass savings to consumers.

      In a competitive global economy the only constant thing is change, not stability. Joseph Muscat has got his economics wrong once again.

      • ciccio says:

        We’re back to bulk buying. And the price stabilisation fund.

        Pure Mintoffianomics.

        I see the hand of Edward Skunkluna in this.

  6. Tom Double Thumb says:

    The coming referendum is a godsend doe Joseph Muscat as it takes the pressure off him on other serious problems afflicting the country.

    The price of fuel is just one of these problems.

    While many people’s mind is on the referendum, they stop talking about anything else.

    Muscat hopes that by the time this referendum is over and done with, the other problems will have been forgotten and consigned to the skip of history.

    Let’s not fulfil his wish.

  7. jack says:

    Not only cheaper fuel but infinitely better quality.

  8. Wilson says:

    And that is in Livigno.

  9. Manoel Vilhena says:

    To be fair fuel in Livigno is duty and tax free. It is always much cheaper than the rest of Italy.

  10. Guzeppi says:

    As far as I know, there are some some tax/duty incentives in Livigno, so petrol is relatively cheaper over there.

    The first time I was there myself I was also surprised with the price when compared to the rest of Italy.

    So I am assuming that the price in Italy is around €1.10 – €1.20 right now.

    I was in Ragusa early December and could buy petrol for €1.48 – €1.55. I am going there again in 2 weeks’ time and I will make sure to send you a photo.

    Considering that Italy is among the most heavily taxed countries, Renzi at least is being fair with his people – unlike our Prime Minister. When the price in Malta was a bit over of €1.50, I clearly remember petrol in Torino and Sicily was over €1.80.

    • ciccio says:

      Joseph Muscat’s high prices show another sign that he is bailing out the economy, which is not showing good signs. Call me Mr. Doom and Gloom but I cannot see the “flus fi bwiet in-nies.”

    • edgar says:

      I was in Italy today and bought diesel at 1.28 cents per litre

  11. Xejn Sew says:

    I was all over France for the Christmas holidays and unleaded petrol prices I came across were consistently lower than in Malta, even at motorway pumps which are notoriously more expensive than the average.

    Must have been a case of perception though, like the traffic jams.

  12. Tom Double Thumb says:

    The price of gasoline in Romania is 1.09 euros per litre which is 17% higher than the average world price of gasoline: 0.93 euros.

    The price of diesel in Romania is 1.13 euros per litre which is 35% higher than the average world price.

    The prices in euros for diesel and unleaded petrol:

    Canada 0.79 0.81
    USA 0.54 0.7
    India 0.89 0.73
    Australia 0.83 0.95
    Romania 1.09 1.13
    United Kingdom 1.42 1.51

    The information for most European countries, Australia, Canada, India, and the U.S. is updated each week. For other countries the updates are done twice per year.

    • ciccio says:

      Il-politika ta’ Joseph Muscat dwar il-prezz tal-prodotti taz-zejt hija bhal politika ta’ Mintoff dwar il-prezz tat-tonn taz-zejt. Fil-budget irahhas centezmu ‘l hawn u zewg centezmi ‘l hemm.

      Issa qed jghid li meta jispicca l-‘hedging’ irahhas il-prezz.

      Jista’ jghidilna ta’ l-inqas meta se jispicca l-‘hedging’, jekk veru hemm il-‘hedging’?

      Izda l-konsumatur ma jinteressahx meta jispicca l-‘hedging’. Il-konsumatur ghandu dritt igawdi mit-trahhis fil-prezz internazzjonali.

      In fatti, Joseph Muscat qed jiftahar li l-‘hedging’ huwa insurance. Imma l-insurance mhux meta jigru l-affarijiet hazin tridha – bhal meta joghla l-prezz? Meta l-affarijiet ikunu sejrin sew, u l-prezz internazzjonali jinzel, ghaliex din l-insurance qeghda tahdem kontrina?

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