“The devil can cite scripture for his purpose”

Published: January 25, 2015 at 4:31pm

Some of those who support the Yes vote for spring hunting have taken to quoting the Old Testament as justification that God is on their side and so bishops and suchlike are wrong to vote No.

Neil Azzopardi Ferriggi, a journalist with the Labour Party-owned TV station, is one of them.

There are some choice passages in the Old Testament which I should love to quote back at them, but right now I’m feeling charitable.

neil azzopardi ferriggi 1

neil azzopardi ferriggi 3

neil azzopardi ferriggi 4

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Neil Azzopardi Ferrigi 2

32 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Christian Talibans.

    • Spock says:

      What I’d love to see is Mr.Azzopardi Ferriggi secured face down to a tavern table in Sodom at least 2 hours before it is destroyed.

  2. Just Me says:

    Kull hadd jaf jikkwota il- Bibbja – jew li jghid l isqof jew il- papa kif jaqbillu.

  3. Makjavel says:

    Ma tantx jidher li jghix fuq is-summien.

    Imma jekk qieghed f’dik is-sitwazzjoni, ahjar imur jitkarrab lil sidu u jghidlu izidu fil-paga.

  4. pocoyo says:

    mohh ta’ summiena

  5. George Grech says:

    Here’s a quote from the Bible that should be pinned onto the parliament’s notice board: Thou shalt not commit adultery.

  6. dudu says:

    They both look mentally challenged in that picture.

  7. gn says:

    Iehor injorant grass (tinduna mill-istampi tieghu) li ma jafx x’inhi d-differenza bejn kacca fir-rebbiegha u kacca fil-harifa.

    Naqta rasi li minghalih li jekk jirbah il-LE, tispicca l-kacca f’Malta.

    Mohh fqir Laburista

  8. Mila says:

    Oh how I love Jed Bartlet’s character. He so beautifully illustrates how mindless quoting from the Bible makes an ass of those who do it.


  9. Gahan says:

    L-ibbalzmar tal-għasafar jissemma fil-bibbja?

  10. rosa says:

    Tafx konna nghidu fl-antik? Quando se ne puo piu si ritorna al buon Gesu.

  11. Joe Attard says:

    What an absurd stance – as if hunting in this country is motivated by the basic bodily need for food. The country has really gone to the dogs led by a bunch of imbeciles.

  12. Joe Micallef says:

    Did they have hunting rifles in Ezekiel’s time?

  13. Mila says:

    And positions of trust have gone forth and multiplied.

    Asked to state how Mr Zammit was chosen for the top MTA post and whether a call for applications – as is usual for such a (p)ost – was issued, a spokesman for Dr Zammit Lewis said no call was necessary since the appointment involved a “position of trust”.

    I love the way ‘position of trust’ is put in inverted commas.


  14. canon says:

    Ten years EU membership, millions spent on education and we haven’t learned much. What a disillusionment.

    • Mila says:

      Education translates into ‘ghall-ezami’ for most people and a whole ‘movement’ was founded on wearing illiteracy as a badge of honour. Even Maltese TV productions which are the staple for many thrive on the trashy and lack substance.

      No surprises there, just plenty of opportunity to despair around the water cooler.

    • Gez says:

      Those who have studied hard science such as theoretical psychology know that human beings are predisposed to believe what they want to believe.

  15. Tom Double Thumb says:

    In the time to which those Scripture quotes refer, people had to hunt to eat and not for sport. Today we go to the butcher or super market.

    Does Mr Azzopardi Ferriggi wish to return to Isaac’s time? He will have to give up all his comforts.

    No person, from the Pope or King to the lowest of the illiterate can be denied the right to express an opinion on hunting.

    If Mr Azzopardi Ferriggi wants to say what he thinks of spring hunting nobody is telling him to shut up. What right has he got to tell Bishop Scicluna to shut up?

  16. Tom Double Thumb says:

    To add to my previous comment; would Mr Azzopardi Ferriggi tell somebody like Mark Montebello to shut up if he came out in support of the Yes vote?

    Isn’t he also a representative of the Catholic Church?

    This seems to be the attitude of the MLP and its supporters: “We live in a democracy and you do what we tell you or else…”

  17. aidan says:

    Kemm kien il-petrol u d-diesel dak iz-zmien, Sur Azzopardi Ferriggi.

    Eh bilhaqq, zwiemel kienu juzaw, jew xi gemel. Kemm kienu lucky dawk il-Lhud ta’ zmien Muse: kacca kemm trid u diesel u trasport b’xejn.

  18. omar says:

    Ara ghal min issallab Kristu ukoll. X’faqar!

  19. Cityblu says:

    Dan Azzopardi Ferriggi jahdem skrivan mal-HSBC ukoll, full time.

  20. bernie says:

    Lil min irid jikkwota l-Bibbja. Imkien ma jinghad li din ghandha ssir fir-rebbiegha.

    Il-kwistjoni tar-referendum m’ hix il-kacca izda l-kacca fir-rebbiegha jigifieri kacca fiz-zmien li l-ghasafar ikunu qed ihejju biex ibejtu. L-Isqof ma kienx qed jesprimi domma religjuza izda hsieb personali bhalma ghandu dritt kull cittadin iehor.

  21. L-avukat tax-xitan says:

    Adam skond il-Bibbja kien jimxi fil-gnien ta’ Eden mghotti b’werqa kbira. Mur ara lil Azzopardi Ferriggi diehel fic-Centru Nazzjonali bil-weraq, quddiem u wara!

    Kemm jiflah ikun stupidu il-bniedem!

  22. Lawrence Attard says:

    Truly pathetic.

    The problem I see with this referendum is that this nation is coming out, officially, as the most ignorant and backward in the European Union. Without the referendum, we could somehow claim that most people opposed spring hunting, and indeed newspaper polls did confirm this in the past.

    When properly informed electorates in modern democracies are consulted, through this most direct form of participation, they can generally be counted on to make the right choice. This, perhaps understandably, is what people wished and hoped for when signing the petition.

    As things now stand, with the leaders of the major parliamentary groups declaring themselves in favour of the massacre of migrating breeding stock during spring, and their media machines actively spinning the various deceptions perpetrated by the hunters’ lobby, the outcome of the consultation seems ever more certain.

    The problem with a “Yes” vote is not just the tragedy of a terribly wrong decision, but the fact that from then on we would all be identified with it. Whatever the margin, people will simply say that “Malta voted for spring hunting”. Can you imagine the embarrassment when facing our fellow Europeans?

    As the saying goes: “It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.

  23. Lizz says:

    Very funny. Those verses are all from the Old Testament, when God was one of fire and brimstone.

    We now live in the Post-New Testament times brought about by the Moviment Liberali u Popolari (MLP), where god is benevolent u li jahdem ma kull hadd, so get on with it.

  24. pacikk says:

    Hasn’t this person realised as yet that the referendum is not about hunting but conservation?

    Or am I of the impression that the PL people are scaremongering the hunters that if this referendum passes, the hunting hobby is at risk altogether?

  25. Tabatha White says:

    Hair pluckers for males were also around in Caesar’s time but the reason for hair plucking at the time may have been entirely different.

    Social needs change according to time and context.

    To ignore the reality is to say that the net need is identical.

    By the same reasoning does the couple have nits?

  26. Joseph Caruana says:

    He looks like the North Korean leader. Lovely teeth to top it off.

  27. Silvio Farrugia says:

    No wonder university educated and higher school educated people support Simon Busuttil more than they do Joseph Muscat.

    These people reason as morons. Do they not know that at the time there were no guns? Birds were not killed so much to be unsustainable?

    That in this day and age when all wildlife is diminishing there is no place any more for killing?

    Honestly, I give up on this country sometimes. They are talking of things thousands of years ago and comparing them to today. The worrying thing is that they will find a lot who will quote them and support them.

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