We have discovered an amazing website

Published: March 21, 2008 at 11:55am

After www.lornavassallo.com, we bring you www.anglufarrugia.com, which is an amazing website full of wonderful pictures of our shadow minister for justice, former police inspector ma’ Lorry Pullicino and Princess of Wales wannabe. Hours of fun for everyone! Log on and be impressed.

The website seems to have been written by Labour’s own Lara Croft, full of interesting syntax and capital letters Where They Shouldn’t be. If Anglu Bellu wants to be prime minister one day, he had better learn how to spell first, otherwise he’s going to let us down in international forums.

Anyway, to spare you the pain of going through www.anglufarrugia.com yourselves, we have delved into its depths and found you some gems to keep you entertained on what must be the dullest day of the year (though it’s sunny enough for a picnic in a Natura 2000 site).

Here’s Anglu Farrugia, would-be leader of the Labour Party and future prime minister of Malta, getting a thrill from putting his ample bottom on the very spot where one of the most beautiful and glamorous women in history once put hers when she wanted to make the point that her marriage was well and truly over.

And no, we didn’t write the caption. It’s the genuine, authentic caption that appears beneath the photo on www.anglufarrugia.com.

Relaxing mood of Anglu sitting on the same bench where late princess Diana sat at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Relaxing mood of Anglu sitting on the same bench where late princess Diana sat at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

And here is Anglu Bellu, enjoying some of the tourist jollies, while a bemused attendant looks on as he slips sideways off the elephant. Again, the caption is the authentic one. The photo is slotted into the web-album called ‘random pictures – international affairs’. Well, we hope Anglu isn’t having an international affair with an Indian elephant.

When in India do as the Indians do! Here is Anglu having a ride on an elephant

When in India do as the Indians do! Here is Anglu having a ride on an elephant.

24 Comments Comment

  1. Amanda Mallia says:

    Oh, so his ass was in the same place as hers? Wow, that’s some achievement!

  2. Amanda Mallia says:

    A suggestion for Anglu Farrugia – We would appreciate seeing photos of you in action in the 70s and 80s. That might give us a better insight into your achievements and, hence, qualifications as prospective MLP leader (and, possibly, prime minister).

    I hope you take up my suggestion, and look forward to seeing them.

    Thank you.

  3. Meerkat :) says:

    Not to be outdone by that upstart Lorna Vassallo, Anglu Bellu attempts to write a diary of his travels:

    The Indian Note Book

    Day One — The Sitting I took in Front of the Taj Mahal

    ‘Does my bum look big in this?’ I asked my ass-istant who was Taking My Picture for all Posterity because the only big thing that I want to Show in This Picture is my love for my Beloved Lejber Party. I want to tell you all my Beloved Lejburisti that this photo has a great meaning. I went on the spot where Diana went to show the world that Charles no longer loves her jahasra. But I went there to show the party that even in spite I only got 24% of their votes for Deputy lider I still love you all. The Taj Mahal is the symbol of the Lejber Party. Here I am professing my great love for the partit…it is a great pity that I am dressing in the blue it is a Mistake of Great Proportions.

    Day Two – The Ride I had on the Elephant

    Today went on the elephant. It was real you know because I could see it was a bit Disgrumpled because I am not exactly Light As A Feather. But I wanted to take a Photo opportunity to show my supporters that I Can Do Brave things like a Hero. This Photo will serve me when I run for lider – for in it I look fearless and I look like I am a Working Man carrying all those branches that I have just cut. It is a Pity that I am look wearing the Blue again. Told someone to change the colour with the computer but was told that Our Computers can’t do this…it is hard for them that is why we wrote on our manifesto ‘to teach computers and informatics’.

  4. Charles Cauchi says:

    As Victor Meldrew would say “I don’t believe it”
    I checked the website. And it’s true.

    Daphne, offer Anglu some free lessons in grammar and syntax. Maybe a reception year?

  5. Amanda Mallia says:

    Incidentally, Anglu – just in case it is so important to you, considering that you included it in your caption – IT IS NOT THE SAME BENCH! (Ghandek il-hdura madwarek, u hi m’ghandiex! – Sorry li qed nghidilhek bil-Malti, imma tohrog isbah hekk, hux?)

  6. Matthew Borg says:

    LOL to both Meerkat and Amanda… class comments :D

  7. K Zammit says:

    I have been there aswell but never bothered that Lady D or Anglu went there. Ajma hej!!! Ghazlu lil Anglu ghax mar it-Taj. If this is what is needed to be an MLP leader, then I’m considering putting in my nomination! What’s in a fight between a poodle, a retired paravendu who went to India and Varist. OOPS I better start looking for a lawyer – Mr Joe Said, when you find a good one let me know please.

  8. Eve says:

    I actually think that Anglu has the zokkor
    in his eyes when he claims that he’s sitting in the same spot as Princess Di. Take a look at the photos again guys and spot the difference!! As for the photo on the elephant, what can I say? I pity the poor creature!

  9. lino says:

    It’s the camera’s depth of ‘Afghan’ field

  10. lino says:

    ‘Min hu Anglu Farrugia?
    Min hu Anglu Farrugia?
    Avukat, imwieled il-Mosta 29 ta’ Dicembru 1955. Mizzewweg lil Carmen nee Zammit (mill-Mosta ukoll) fis-26 ta’ Marzu 1983 u ghandu tifla Caroline ta’ 23 sena. Jghix il-Mosta u ghandu esperjenza vasta fil-qasam tax-xoghol tieghu inkluz dak bhala pulizija, supretendent bejn 1977-1996. Illum huwa Avukat prattikanti, b’ufficju legali fil-Mosta.”
    Joey, jekk trid tqabbad ‘il Anglu bhala avukat tieghek tkun safe ghax l-ufficcju tieghu huwa ‘legali’ u ghalhekk m’hu jaghmel xejn kontra l-ligi.

  11. Eve says:

    Insejt dettal importanti. It-tifla hija avukat ukoll!

  12. Meerkat :) says:

    Le Eve, ghadha mhijiex avukat it-tifla.

  13. lino says:

    Correcting Anglu’s profile write-up. The mistakes I point out are bracketed and suggested corrections provided.
    “Political Vision

    Today he is one of the main [Political] exponents of the Labour Party [where] [in his ferocious and strong speeches that he delivers] [in the Maltese Parliament and in the Public][….]. He was the [promoter] in disclosing scandals within the [Nationalist Party in power], the most recent one being the [taking out of court documents from the court buildings in Valletta, to offices of Ministry of Justice].
    [Writes regularly] [in Daily and Sundays Newspapers on subject of Political nature that include foreign Politics.]”


    this need not start with a capital letter.


    the subject of the clause here, is ‘he’, and one does not connect ‘he’ with the conjunction ‘where’ but with the conjunction ‘who’

    in his ferocious and strong speeches that he delivers
    in the Maltese Parliament and in the Public –

    Here the ‘his’ and ‘he’ are conflicting, so either:-

    ‘in the ferocious and strong speeches he delivers’ (no ‘that’), or just

    ‘in his ferocious and strong speeches in parliament’.
    “to parliament’ here would be incorrect as most probably the whole house will ignore him because of his ferocious attitudes, (his adjective). I’m not sure whether ‘strong’ here is referring to volume of his voice or to the strong arguments backing his speech. Most probably it would be the former.

    one delivers a speech IN Parliament inferring the building, or TO Parliament inferring the members of parliament.
    ‘the Maltese’ here is irrelevant as I cannot picture Anglu being voted for in any other country.
    ‘in the Public’ has a twist of the Italian who came to Malta.
    Again speeches are delivered TO the public, surely not ‘in the public’, but IN public (and even indoors for that matter but always TO the public, unless he means IN THE Republic)

    [….]- Here is the crux of the problem. One must finish off to say what ‘he, one of the main political exponents of the Labour Party who in his ferocious and strong speeches in parliament and in public’…intends to tell us. There are a million options to finish off. I will suggest just a few:-
    1. jaqa ghan-nejk kull nifs li jiehu
    2. spiss jixraq u jkun ser jifga
    3. ifittex min qed ihares lejh biex ihossu ‘mportanti.
    u tant u tant ohrajn.


    used for an organisational activity rather than an investigative activity

    Nationalist Party in power-

    Nationalist government

    taking out of court documents from the court buildings in Valletta, to offices of Ministry of Justice-

    How can one take ‘out of court documents’ , from the court buildings, beats me, when they are already out of court. Maybe he means ‘smuggling court documents into the Ministry of Justice”

    Writes regularly-

    Subject missing. Who writes regularly?

    in Daily and Sundays Newspapers on subject of Political nature that include foreign Politics-

    in daily and Sunday newspapers on subjects of political nature, including international politics
    To tell you the truth, if I were a teacher, I would opt to facilitate. It took me two hours for that analysis; imagine twenty five students with similar language problems.

  14. Meerkat :) says:

    Holy moly Lino :-)

    Methinks that Anglu Bellu has taken over your faculties! Give it a rest ghax qed tinkwetani!

  15. lino says:

    “How can one take ‘out of court documents’” should read “How one can take out of court documents….”

  16. Amanda Mallia says:

    Can you imagine what an embarrassment he would be were he to become a minister, let alone prime minister? His website is embarrassing enough as it is.

  17. lino says:

    Can you imagine him being conferred with a Doctorate Honoris Causa from Oxford University?

  18. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Amanda

    The BBC would have to rename Yes, Prime Minister with “WTF, Prime Minister!” :-)

    PS Let’s save Lino from the clutches of Anglu’s bad English.

  19. lino says:

    Meerkat, To tell you the truth, I am enjoying this more than the election result!

  20. Meerkat :) says:


    Ghandi ghalfejn ninkwieta iktar…Nothing tops the election result

  21. Mario Debono says:

    I have been to this website. Is this what we are looking for as Lijder? Because I can’t wait for him to get elected. What a PRat! His syntax does credit to a clerk toiling away in some kind of Calcutta sweatshop! Are the people of Mosta, well, some of them anyway, so gullible as to be taken in by this mindless twerp ? And did you see one of the photos. It says he is with the director of the “famous firm Mahatma Ghandi”. I thought Ghandi was a person led a simple life, and didnt know he had a “firm”. Well well well, this must be an investigative scoop of the first order. Anglu dusted off his Sherlock Holmes Deerstalker Hat and Lens, and did a bit of sleuthing on the side whilst on a junket to India, didn’t he. Once a flatfoot, always a flatfoot they say, mate. But I will quote from a piece I found written on an online diary by one of his supporters. Enough said.

    Mar L-indja Anglu taghna hej! U rikeb iljunfant. Maaaa. X’gats ghandu ! Rajtu? U tant hu ntelligenti li kien jaf liem kien il-bank fejn poggiet Prinsess Dajana! Kif kien jaf tghid? Hassu biex jara jekk ghadux shun minn sorma! Dak intelligenti, hadd ma jlahhaq mieghu. U kemm ghandu mustacci sbieh hux. Propju pulizzija. U kemm gahndu karti fl-ufficju legali hux. Files l-hemm u l-hawn, kemm trid. Tistghu tarawhom fil-bicca vidjow fil-website.Ixengel rasu qisu papru fis-sakra biex jitkellem.Mela zewg ghasafar sbieh ghandu l-lejber mill Mosta. Jaysinn il-pagun, u Anglu tal-papra(ti). U kemm hu gustuz, qaghad jidhol fil-websajt biex jghidilna li tela elett miskin. Wara telfa lampanti bhal din, kellu l-kuragg jghidielna. Imma nsomma, issa ma tantx ghandu x’jaghmel ghal ma sarx Ministru le? Imma issa Anglu Bellu taghna hereg ghal-lijder. Hu t-tama taghna l-Lejberisti Mostin. Ha jitla ha jgib id-dixxiplina tal-Korp fil-partit ! Ara veru politiku qalbieni Mosti dan! M’ghandhomx bhalu n-nazzjonalisti! Viva Anglu ! Irriduh irriduh, L-anglu bellu irriduh. ( Mid-djarju ta Censa L-Bjonda )

    This is for when he will find that the MLP is a tad more intelligent than he thinks it is and doesn’t elect him. I may add that I will provide the pills if he gets a gargarella lampanti after this particular election. Viva Anglu ! May he get elected as Lijder! Come on, we need another PRat to write PRosy points about!

  22. Meerkat :) says:


  23. Meerkat :) says:

    Just read Joseph Muscat’s interview with Herman Grech on The Sunday Times. When asked if there will be space for Dr Sant he replied:

    ‘”There will be space for everyone. There will be space for George Abela, Alfred Mifsud, Lino Spiteri, Alfred Sant… everyone.” Nevertheless, Dr Muscat says he believes Dr Sant would not want any role in the party.’

    Who is he kidding?


  24. Amanda Mallia says:

    Mario Debono – Re your comment about a clerk in a Calcutta workshop, I don’t think it was necessary to insult Indians. Anglu Farrugia’s English is crap. Fullstop. (Though I, too, could go on about it forever, I was so impressed by the man’s ignorance …)
    As for your bit about supplying pills for “gargarella lampanti”, a Marie B. might be in dire need of them, seeing that she was indisposed and didn’t give us any more verbal vomit about the wonders of Freddie and Harry in an article today! (Tony Pace, please note, since you too seem to be a “fan” of hers :) )

    Lino – It doesn’t bear thinking about, barra minn hawn!

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