Well, it beats watching Eastenders…

Published: March 21, 2008 at 12:12pm


Anglu kwazi lahaq general fl-armata Amerikana

Anglu’s moderator isn’t as good as ours. This piece is still on his site. It tells the exciting story of kemm lahqilha l-mama, Anglu Bellu – hobnobbing with US generals in Germany, and with ‘Gerenal tal-Armata ta’ pajjizi ohra, kif ukoll hemm zewg Ministri barranin.’ Marelli santa, ahjar mill-paraventu!

“Dr. Anglu Farrugia prezentement jinsab f’bazi Amerikana li tinsab go George Marshall fil-Germanja fuq kors li jitratta dwar it-terrorizmu.Maghzul fost numru limitat ta’ partecipanti mid-dinja! Dr. Farrugia huwa wiehed mill-histax il-persuna fid-dinja li gew maghzula mill-Gvern Amerikan, biex jiehu sehem f’dan is-seminar dwar it-terrorizmu u s-sigurta’ internazzjonali. Fost li gew maghzula hemm Generali tal-armata Amerikana kif ukoll Gerenal tal-Armata ta’ pajjizi ohra, kif ukoll hemm zewg Ministri barranin.”

5 Comments Comment

  1. Vanessa says:

    … her maltese seems only worse!

  2. Meerkat :) says:

    His grasp (sic) of his English language is a terrorist act in itself.

    Now we know where he learnt to terrorise us with the lingo…in Deutschland ja!

  3. Amanda Mallia says:

    Inferiority complex comes to the fore, I would say. Why would he feel important rubbing shoulders with VIPs, unless he felt a nobody himself?

    A Maltese person we were very close to, who was awarded a medal for bravery by the Vatican when assistant to General Mark Clark during WWII, never brought up the subject himself. You see, he was doing his job, and not impressed by such things. But then again, he wasn’t Anglu …

    Anglu, get a life – First it was “Diana’s bench” near the Taj Mahal, then it was an elephant, next it was “General Amerikan”. What next? Bilhaqq, nahseb ghandek ritratt ma’ Daphne wkoll, hux? Dik ukoll mahrufa!

  4. Amanda Mallia says:

    Sorry, Ang! Hadd zball! Ma’ nahsibx li kont int fir-ritratt! Kien pulizija iehor forsi …

  5. G. Grima says:

    Oh heck!! Malta just reapplied to join the Partnership for Peace PFP. What will Field Marshall Anglu have to say about this? With his connections we will soon get the juicest of jobs, such as elephant herding.

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