Look what happens when you try to lock young people out of the EU, Alfred Sant

Published: March 7, 2008 at 11:09am

Do you really expect us to vote for you tomorrow, on the 5th anniversary of the day you told us that you don’t care what we think? And after you told us that you have no regrets for claiming that partnership won, no regrets for telling us that you still don’t acknowledge the referendum result, and no
regrets for brushing our wishes aside? You must be joking.


These photographs were taken by Florence-based photographer Daniel Cilia at the Nationalist Party mass meeting yesterday evening.

Choose the man best fit to be prime minister

Here’s last night’s debate between Gonzi and Sant.


35 Comments Comment

  1. S says:

    Daphne thank you for this web space and thank you for your all your entries that have been very informative and funny.You have managed to portray my feelings (and it seems of many others too) throughout this campaign – well done! I also cannot wait to vote tomorrow…

  2. Sue Micallef says:

    thanks again ! loved reading these posts

  3. Francis Zammit says:

    Thank you for all your hard work. I do not always agree with you on non-political topics but I would still vote for you!!

  4. Matthew Aquilina says:

    No pictures of the MLP mass meeting of yesterday? :P
    Why we still talking politics on the 7th of March? Can’t wait for the election to pass so we can get a long break from all these boring political arguments.

  5. Corinne Vella says:

    Matthew Aquilina: You seem rather keen on the boring arguments. Why else are you visiting this site?

  6. Matthew Aquilina says:

    Just checking it out to see if there is someone still trying to influence the electorate on the Day Of Reflection. Good day and Take Care of yourselves. Viva Malta.

  7. Mr.A.Borg says:

    Funny??? Mhux ahjar tati ezempju cristjan u titkellem fuq politika biss, flok tajjar in-nies. Kulhadd ghandu jhares lejn il mera. U jekk int gurnalista serja ipublika dan please. Mhux fkull parit hemm t tajjeb u l hazin. Jien ma nzomm ma lebda partit (ma tmurx takkuzani Laburist), imma l level baxx li waqajna fih il maltin nhossu. Thank you.

  8. Corinne Vella says:

    Matthew Aquilina: Our laws haven’t caught up with the media reality we live in. The ban on publication is out of date and thank heavens for that. You see, you’re part of that media reality too. You’re not just visiting this site, you’re also commenting on it.

    Here’s an excerpt from an online article about the YOUTUBE EFFECT that might interest you.

    “When it comes to having faith in what we see online, the good news is that the YouTube effect is already creating a strong demand for reliable guides—individuals, institutions, and technologies that we can trust to help us sort facts from lies. That is important, because the hope of countering the downsides of the YouTube effect will never come from government intervention. Markets and democracy do a much better job of filtering the bad from the good in the confusing tsunami of Web videos coming our way. The millions of bloggers who are constantly watching, fact-checking, and exposing mistakes are a powerful example of “the wisdom of crowds” at work. Sure, markets and democracies often fail or disappoint. But the openness these political and economic forces promote are now being assisted by a technology that is as omnipresent as we are.”

    You can read the full article here:

  9. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Mr A. Borg thinks the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party have equal amounts of good and bad in them. Sigh. Now why do I suspect he’s going to vote Labour tomorrow?

    Matthew Aquilina – there are no pictures of the Labour mass meeting here because nobody sent me any. If you have some, please pass them on and I promise to post them here.

  10. Albert Galea says:

    Is it just me, but do you also think that anybody who votes Labour is either:

    1 thick as two short planks
    2 totally blind and incapable of any objectivity
    3 selfish – wanting some special favour from Labour
    4 short-sightedly vindictive – cutting off his nose to spite his face – maybe a deserved permit not given, or his business that could only survive under anti-competitive protectionism has suffered with open imports
    5 Alfred Sant

    No seriously, how can close to half of this country vote for THIS Labour. Not a Tony Blair Labour, but a Duminku, Karmenu, Fredu Labour.

    It is bone-chillingly scary, that half (hopefully slightly less) our compatriots vote Labour and hold our fate in their hands.

  11. Vanni says:

    I was wondering if this site would be open today, actually. If it would have been down, I would have been not only surprised, but also highly disappointed in DCG and the rest of the team.

    In this modern age, capping the freedom and flow of information is not only archaic, but downright undemocratic. Certain states, like China and hard line Muslim countries try their best at that game.

    And let’s be honest. The so called period of reflection is just a waste of time, as people have decided ages ago, or only will when they are eyeing the ballot sheet, prior to jotting down the numbers of their choice.

    Implying that people require a day to reach a decision is, in my opinion, ridiculous and insulting.

  12. Helga says:

    Well Done, Daphne…..keep it up. I wish all the journalists are like you….Charlos Gouder needs to learn a lot from you…..

  13. Matthew Aquilina says:

    The only images of the MLP’s mass meeting yesterday that I found are on the Maltastar website. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind borrowing their images. Why would they?

  14. Mr.A.Borg says:

    just for your information i’m not voting to anyone. Another thougt is that the nationalist party has a better manifest, however DR. Gonzi and co or GONZIPN how you wish, has done ALMOST nothing to stop corruption! I just wonder why, you are so prone to praise the nationalist party. Who Knows? I only sended the message to inform you that its not fair to attack people personaly, and not politicaly! A final comment and opinion, you Charlon Gouder and Amanda Ciappara, are making a lot of people sick. 10q for posting my comment.

  15. Vanni says:

    @ Matthew Aquilina

    There is such a thing as copyright, which requires you to have their (Maltastar) permission, in writing.

    + DCG may decide to publish anything she likes, it is her blog, BUT just to remind you this is not the BA, where if you post something the other side expects to be treated in like manner.

  16. Corinne Vella says:

    @ Vanni

    Even China can get as hard a time as it gives in controlling information flows.

    One of the most notorious videos on YouTube is the one of Chinese soldiers shooting down Tibetan monks, women, and children in cold blood. The scene was recorded by a climber and the footage was shown on TV all over the world, including the BBC.

    You won’t get that video on the media in China, but you can watch the BBC report that features it on YouTube. That is what I did…in China.

  17. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Vanni – we’re just two people working on this: me and the moderator.

    Helga – apparently, I can’t teach Charlon Gouder anything about how to find Testaferrata Street and Albertown.

  18. Corinne Vella says:

    @ Yes, Vanni, it’s just Daphne and the moderator. Much to Victor Laiviera’s disappointment, I’m not part of a conspiracy to muzzle him – not that I see any attempt at muzzling him here. He’s as omnipresent on this site as he is elsewhere.

  19. CATherine says:

    Ms D. Caruana Galizia
    I would like to thank you, (the moderator & all who contributed) for an excellent service. Very well done! I enjoyed it. Hope you’ll keep it up.

  20. S.Muscat says:

    Let’s see how democratic you are…publish this YouTube link to see the MLP crowd at Luxol… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEJjnHMB-PM

    [Moderator – For the millionth time. Try sending a lemon to the New York Times because you want to fight for the rights of lemons and see if they’ll wrap the newspaper in plastic and insert lemons in each copy. Freedom of expression is not the freedom to force private people to communicate your expression.]

  21. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Mr A. Borg: int jaqaw tallimt tiktep bill malti u l-inglis taht gveln Labulista mintoffjan? I knows many many people like you.

  22. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    S. Muscat – thanks for the link. Just what was needed to frighten the horses.

  23. Bernard says:

    @ Carmel Scicluna

    Are you serious?
    Int bis-serjeta`?

  24. Bernard says:

    Daphne please do remember it’s lions of change we’re talking about here. lofl!

  25. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Bernard, siehbi: niccajta qieghed. Imma dan li se nghid hawn isfel mhux cajt.

    Daphne: Jien u marti noffru l-isbah certifikat ghall-Partit Nazzjonalista. Gejjin minn familja Laburista harxa u jien, tqila kemm hi tqila biex titwemmen, kont tesserat meta kelli tmintax-il sena jew xihaga hekk; wiehed minn dawk li kienu jilbsu l-kukkarda ta’ Karmenu Mifud Bonnici u jxejru l-bnadar homor li jqabbduk il-bard. Illum, jien u l-mara, Nazzjonalisti aktar minn Gonzi.
    Daph, ahna Qriema. Mill-ufficju ta’ ‘DNA’ Mangion il-hin kollu jibaghtulna l-s.m.s’s biex nivvotaw Lejber. U jcemplu u joqoghdu jitkarrbulna ghall-unu.
    ”Iwa, iwa, intuhulu, hi,” taghmillu l-mara tieghi minn fuq it-telefon. ”Serrahlu rasu lil Charlie. Intuhulu zgur!”
    Tghidx kemm nitnejku bihom!
    Mur ghidlu lil Charlie Mangion li ma waqaftx nivvota PN mill-1996 ‘l hawn u li kburi li Malta ghandha prim ministru rispettabbli u li … li ghandi DNA imnejka!

  26. CeCe Camenzuli says:

    Following the 20,000 hits on Charlon’s, Vergni Pura and Borocca’s Youtube special……by general demand…on big screen at Spinola on Sunday….

  27. m farrugia says:

    lil maria taz zurrieq

    maria, fuq l-gholi tal hajja, din fil fehma tieghi hija perception hazina tan-nies

    L-affarijiet fil fatt mhux vera gholew, per ezempju min meta dhalna fl-EU

    X’aktarx li l-expectations tal-poplu, bir-ragun, gholew. Per ezempju, illum nixtru hafna aktar affarijiet kuljum mis supermarkets u minn ghand tal haxix ghax hawn ghazlu kbira b’rizultat tal kompetizzjoni li gabet l-EU, li nibqghu niftakru li thabat ghalija l-PN. Ghandna ghazla kbira ta mobiles u electronics, karozzi, familji saru johorgu aktar jieklu barra u jsiefru.

    Jien nahseb li affarijiet bhal dawn fil fatt rahhsu sew. Fil-1999 xtrajt kompjuter baziku ghal Lm700, illum bil kompetizzjoni li hawn tixtri computer ghal Lm300. Hafna affarijiet tas supermarkets, electronics u appliances ukoll kienu rahhsu meta dhalna fl-EU rizultat tal kompetizzjoni u tnehhija ta levies

    Fl-opinjoni tieghi mhux qed joghlew l-affarijiet, imma qed jikbru hafna l-expectations tal familji, bhal tfal iridu jixtru l-aqwa hwejjeg, jixtru mobiles, karrozzi etc.

    Dan hu sinjal tajjeb li l-istandard tal hajja tal Maltin qed joghla imma ma rridux inhalltuh ma gholi tal-hajja.

  28. Bernard says:

    Carmel, skuzani. Ma ndunajtx.

  29. m farrugia says:

    lil min qalilna biex naraw il link ghall meeting tal luxol, nghidulu li m ghandiex ghal fejn inharsu lejn corma hamalli u kelliema barranin biex ninspiraw ruhna. Inspirajna ruhna tassew bl-entuzjazmu fuq il fosos

  30. Matthew Aquilina says:

    Cece Camenzuli…dik minn fejn gibta l-informazzjoni fuqhom li tidher fil-video? Qatt ma kont smajt bihom dejjem jekk huma vera.

  31. Bernard says:

    @ m farrugia

    Ma naqbilx mieghek fuq tal-hamalli, ghax il hamalli qieghdin ma kulhadd mhux mal-Labour biss.

  32. Charles Cauchi says:

    In response to Mr. A. Borg.

    I agree, the MLP and the PN have equal amounts of good and bad.

    The good is in the PN.
    The bad is in the MLP.

  33. Chris says:

    Mr A Borg,

    All those that are voting shall be having the Government that they deserve, people like you (not voting and thinking that they are heroes) shall be getting the government that THEY DO NOT DESERVE.

    And please do not come with the excuse that it would not be your fault – there is no hiding from truth – it is and shall be your fault by default.

  34. Mario Debono says:

    Jien lil din Maria Miz-zurrieq ma nafiex, imma xebbatni tinghi fuq l-ghalqa taghha. Jien kburi li jien Zurrieqi. Dan pajjiz sabih, u ppermettili nghidilkom li minnu johorgu l-ahjar nies. Nies tax-xoghol u tal-affari taghhom. Pero ma nahsibx li Maria hija miz-zurrieq. Nahseb jigri jtihula l-permess id-Dottor Fredu Sant. Jekk jitla stennew lil-kema serju ssir il Kelma Nazzjonali. Stennew li f’kull knisja jsiru zewg altari wiehed ghas Sant Serju u l-iehor ghal Sant Gudgovernaz. Stennew li kull pjazza jsemmuha il-pjazza tal-Bidla. Stennew li l-buses nibdew nsejhulom Kowcijiet Tal-Bidla. Stennew l-iljuni jigru mat-toroq juru ghadd ta tatuws, pjersings u taneg homor jaqbzu min gol gijns. Stnnew hafna nisa b’xaghrhom bjond falz u b’hangiet kbar jghajtu. Stennew kaccaturi jisparaw fuq xiex iridu, xhin iridu u meta jridu, minghajr Lino Buggie ma jwaqqafhom. Stennnew li jduru fuqi,fuq defni, fuqkom, u fuq kull min kiteb f’dan il blogg. Stennew bini fejn qabel ma kienx hemm, ghax bil-guh il gawwi. U stennew politika tal-pinnur, b’prim ministru li johlomha u jaghmilha millum ghal ghada. Stennew li tigu mzebilhin mill-ewropej halna, ghax Sant ikun qazzizilhom l-Alla li halaqhom. Stennew il-hdura tal-Iljun Prim tal-bidla tohrog. Stennew li kull min ghamel lira f’dan il-pajjiz fl-ahhar ta din is-sena

  35. Mario Debono says:

    Pls arrange my previous post. Sent incomplete!

    Jien lil din Maria Miz-zurrieq ma nafiex, imma xebbatni tinghi fuq l-ghalqa taghha.Iz-zrieraq ma jaghmlux hekk. Jien kburi li jien Zurrieqi. Dan pajjiz sabih, u ppermettili nghidilkom li minnu johorgu l-ahjar nies. Nies tax-xoghol u tal-affari taghhom. Pero ma nahsibx li Maria hija miz-zurrieq. Nahseb jigri jtihula l-permess id-Dottor Fredu Sant. Jekk jitla stennew lil-kema serju ssir il Kelma Nazzjonali. Stennew li f’kull knisja jsiru zewg altari wiehed ghas Sant Serju u l-iehor ghal Sant Gudgovernaz. Stennew li kull pjazza jsemmuha il-pjazza tal-Bidla. Stennew li l-buses nibdew nsejhulom Kowcijiet Tal-Bidla. Stennew l-iljuni jigru mat-toroq juru ghadd ta tatuws, pjersings u taneg homor jaqbzu min gol gijns. Stnnew hafna nisa b’xaghrhom bjond falz u b’hangiet kbar jghajtu. Stennew kaccaturi jisparaw fuq xiex iridu, xhin iridu u meta jridu, minghajr Lino Buggie ma jwaqqafhom. Stennnew li jduru fuqi,fuq defni, fuqkom, u fuq kull min kiteb f’dan il blogg. Stennew bini fejn qabel ma kienx hemm, ghax bil-guh il gawwi. U stennew politika tal-pinnur, b’prim ministru li johlomha u jaghmilha mil-llum ghal ghada. Stennew li tigu mzebilhin mill-ewropej bhalna, ghax Sant ikun qazzizilhom l-Alla li halaqhom. Stennew il-hdura tal-Iljun Prim tal-bidla tohrog. Stennew li kull min ghamel lira f’dan il-pajjiz fl-ahhar snin jigi ppersegwitat. Stennew li titlfu l-kwajit lijf ta dawn l-ahhar zminijiet. Intom ta’ tas-Sliema u ta San giljan, li issa gejt nghix fostkom, indmu ! Ha ccahhdu lilkom innifiskom is-serhan tal-mohh? Ha taqtghu l-imnieher biex tinku lii wicckom ? Dan il-partit missierkom! Ha tivvutaw lil- AD jew m’intomx ha tivvutaw ghax fil-partijs ta bejnietkom, fis-sowxal gaderings, ddecidejtu li fexinabil li taghmlu hekk? Intom nghag tigu wara ideja zbaljata ! Min qed imexxikom? Harsu lejn il-qalb u ghidu….imma jien VERAMENT irrid naghmel hekk? Intom kaccaturi li dejjem kellkom il-partit ghall qalbkom, ser tarmu kollox minhabba ghasfur? Ma tafux s’intom taghmlu. Int li dejjem ivvutajt lejber imma li qed tibza li Sant u shabu, ghax ma jridukomx ahjar, ghax iridu t-tfal taghkom jerghu jigu lsira ta xi fektory floor, ta xi xopp stewarjd li juzahhom biex jilhaq fil-unjin, ma tridux ahjar ghal uliedkom ? Tjassruhomx ! Hemm l-opportunita ma Gonzi. Ma Sant hemm il-bahh u l-incertezza. Uliedna haqqhom ahjar! Uliedna Gonzi beda jtihom il gwienah halli jimirhu u jsibu l-ahjar ghawn Malta u barra. Fil-kamra gib wicc uliedek quddiem ghajnejk. Tghamlux hmerijiet. Tergghux ggibu d-dlam ahmar skur fuq dan il-pajjiz. Sant irnexxielu jgelled Malti ma Malti. Rnexxielu jerga jgibna nobghodu lil xulxin. Le. Dan mhux tajjeb ghalina. Ejjew noqtlu din il-mibgheda. Gonzi bhal missierna qed jahdem. Imma anke il-missierijiet jizbaljaw. Imma trid tara dak kollu li jaghmel. U kien ragel bizzejjed li ammetta u ser jirranga fejn zbalja. Allura titfghu il-barra? Le ! Gonzi il-veru gdid hawn. Gonzi gab il-bidla vera. U jixtieq ikompli jgibha. Bniedem li ccahhad minnu nnifshu ghalina. Ghax jemmen fina. Jemmen fik. Int minn int u int x’int. L-MLP jghid li ahna makku. Ahna Maltin. Missirijietna li hadmu u batew tant ghalina fi gwerer u fl-emigrazzjoni, li ghamlu s-sagrificcju sakemm ahna uliedhom nghixu ahjar, jishtuna jekk nerghu nibghatu dan il pajjiz lura. Mela illum ohrog u ghamel dmirek lejn pajjizek. Afda lil Gonzi.

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