A little something for the weekend

Published: March 15, 2008 at 11:14am

Alfred Sant fil-hanut tal-pets

Alfred Sant fil-hanut tal-pets

Mela darba Alfred Sant, f’wahda mil-famuzi dawriet li jaghmel gol-hwienet f’ din il-kampanja elettorali, dahal go hanut tal-pets u beda jitkellem ma sid il-hanut. Gibdulu l-attenzjoni boton qtates tat-twelid li bdew jghajtu: “Viva Fredu! Viva Fredu! Viva Fredu! The only way is up! Lejber!”

Sant dar eccitat fuq sid il-hanut u qallu biex izommomlu kollha, u jghaddi ghalihom iktar tard, wara ilesti minn coffee morning fejn se jispjega lin-nisa kif siehbu Joe Mizzi kien se jsib iz-zejt. Wara kafe jew tnejn, saq il-Mazda lejn il-pet shop, dahal jigri u staqsa ghall-famuzi qtates Laburisti. Tal-hanut ippunta subajh lejn il-kaxxa u Sant mar jigri biex jisma l-kantaliena helwa taghhom. Izda minflok, kif tfacca Sant bdew jghajtu: “Viva Gonzi! Viva Gonzi! Viva Gonzi! Ole-ole-ole Nazzjonalisti! Nazzjonalisti!”

Inkorlat b’dan il-kaz car ta’ korruzzjoni lampanti, Sant dar fuq tal-hanut u staqsieh x’gara. U sid il-pet ship wiegbu bla tlaqliq: “Sorry ta, imma issa l-qtates fethu ghajnejhom.”

Jason Micallef holds a covert night-time strategy meeting to plan his survival

The battle for the leadership of the Labour Party is on. We bring you the first face-off

Scoop fenomenali – blufim ta’ Jason Micallef. Gwida Diocesana: H (Hazin)

25 Comments Comment

  1. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    Xorta qtates baqghu!

  2. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Malcolm Buttigieg

    Zgur mhux iljuni tal-bidla :)

  3. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    Ahjar 1580 qattus min iljun wiehed! ;-)

  4. southwisper says:

    Wara ix show tal bierah fuq xarabank min jasin tal qsari, il-guder u ic-cirasa fuq il cake – anglu farrugia .. i’m speachless.

    Veru Nies arroganti, hamali, keshin, hodor u ma nafx x aggettiv tista issib iktar.

    Alla hares tela l-lejber ghax kienu ghamlu lil kulhadd tapit taht saqajhom.

    Ja keshin l huma … ma nafx kif iqumu fil ghodu u iharsu lejn il mera u ma tiksierx. Kemm huma hodor !!

    Daphne tejd li jasin peacock huwa insult ghal ghasfur. Nahseb li il peacock jifhem u humli iktar.

    Shame on them

  5. maws says:

    ghandi suggeriment – bring back KMB bhala lider – i miss him – give him another chance !

    Joking apart – our country needs another party badly – if there are any ‘laburisti bis sens’ come forward and improve your partit because at this rate (having seen xarabank) the mlp is going to implode. The country needs you!
    (I cannot believe I actually wrote that)

  6. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Malcolm Buttigieg 2 :P

    …or a PRancing Peacock! LOL ;)

  7. Herbie says:

    Sharon Ellul Bonici remarked that her children never experienced a labour government. I wish my children were so lucky! As for Jason everyone understood what the lady was talking about when she refered to MLP funds except for him MISKIN and he persisted even when it was amply explained to him by practically everyone in the studio.

  8. fenek says:

    Bringing on Anglu Farrugia: Another PN victory guaranteed!

  9. James De Giorgio says:

    Where can I find a repeat of xarabank online? The di-ve one only shows half of it!

  10. flabbergasted says:

    Did anyone read Harry Vassallo’s article which appeared in The Times yesterday? This is what he wrote:
    “On Sunday morning, on my way to the counting hall, I stopped in the square in Naxxar. A parking place presented itself miraculously across the road from the MLP club. I was hoping for a moment’s quiet in the deserted church before I walked into the counting hall. All the church doors were shut tight.

    It took just a moment to walk back around the church to my car but the crowd was now waiting for me. I could not refuse their invitation to a drink at the bar. They too were warm, loving and sincere. If anyone there took a picture, I want a copy. I stood with my back to the bar while my hand was pumped during Labour’s brief foretaste of victory. It was surreal but beautiful.” What do you make out of this?

  11. lulu says:

    Watching Xarabank yesterday, I thought for a moment that Anglu Farrugia could be right for once. However, if the Nationalists really paid for something to win this election, it must have been to buy Jaysin and Charlon. They’re their party’s heaviest liability and even after a heavy defeat – yes, a heavy defeat which Gonzi turned around to a victory – he’s still retarded enough to keep on bad mouthing his own people.

    Labour, do get a new Lider, but please keep Charlon and Jazin on.

  12. john s says:


  13. Toni says:

    Watching xarabank yesterday was extremely fantastic,nearly reached orgasm bil gost!!LOL

  14. CeCe C says:

    Good afternoon all.
    Kunsilli Lokali almost over. Another positive result for Joe Saliba & Co. and as yet another Labour defeat for Jason and Charlon.

    In the meantime although being as arrogant as ever, Charlon Gouder seemed rather tired and exhausted….don’t dare to whisper in my ear that on the way to Xarabank he drow from Super 1 through Albert Town or Testaferrata Street as Youtube indicates…….
    F’xi haga trid tisfoga Charlon !


  15. Meerkat :) says:

    Yesterday on Xarabank, Jaysin was banging (!) on about ‘l-ghola organu’ (in the context of electing a lider…

    I tought that The Only Way is Up Lejber didn’t work. Snigger. Snigger.

  16. Peter Vassallo says:

    Naqbel ma CeCe C dwar Charlon Gouder. Tant kien jidher ghajjien waqt Xarabank li kultant nahseb li anke ha xi naghsa waqt il-breaks. Veru jista jkun kif ghidt int li qabel mar fuq Xarabank ghamel xi visita f’Albert Town jew Testaferrata Str. Kien jidher mahlul wahda sew u kultant lanqas felah jitkellem. Ghax ma marx jorqod u mela nistiednu fuq Xarabank bicca gurnalist ta’ kafkaf. Dwar dan tistghu tistaqsu lil Godfrey Grima kif jahsibha dwaru kif qal hu stess fuq Vici Versa. Insomma kollox ta’ gidma.

  17. Peter Vassallo says:

    Veru li l-Gvern tal-PN ilahhaq ma kollox anke wara gurnata biss li ha l-gurament tal-hatra.
    1. Partit tal-qghad: Ezatt kif rebah il-gvern mill-ewwel tilfu l-job it-tlett mexxejja tal-MLP, AD u AN.
    2. PN li fl-ewwel gurnata tieghu inholqot vacancy ghal-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni.

  18. László Bercsényi says:

    Jien wiehed mill-expats Maltin (surely “eziljati”, Ed.) li kellu jara Xarabank minn fuq Di-ve, u hemm nofs il-programm biss.

    Nerga’ nghid: Ghalxejn isir il-musical chairs tas-soltu, anke jekk jirrizenja nofs il-bord ta’ tmexxija. Li jrid jinbidel huwa l-paradimma bla sens ta’ “Ahna L-imjassrin mill-Barrani/Benestant.”

    Imma daqs dan se jaghtu kaz li nghid jien. Ghax meta nies bhali jaghmlu kummenti bhal dawn, ir-risposta tal-MLP dejjem tkun “Tghid hell ghax Nazzjonalist”. By the way, din kretinata ohra ta’ Malta: Ghax wiehed jivvota PN ma jfissirx li hu “Nazzjonalist”. Jien Ewropist l-ewwel u qabel kollox, anzi l-ewwel u l-ahhar. U l-Istorja riedet li kien il-PN biss li ried li Malta tidhol fl-EU. Allura, ghiduli, Sinjuri tal-MLP, in-nies bhali, u naf hafna, lil min jaqbdu jivvutaw jekk mhux lilm-PN. Jekk ma ddahlux din f’raskom, ghalxejn toholqu Programmi Elettorali fantastici. Intom il-partit li ried izommni barra mill-Ewropa (iva, mill-Ewropa, mhux mill-EU biss), u dan qatt ma nista’ ninsieh.

  19. CeCe C says:

    From the media point of view. Definitely MLP lack ideas and projection of idea(l)s. At this rate PN is setting up on their behalf their political ventures. Did anyone heard or read a single word on their current situation. PN is already a step forward. Projecting on their behalf their future candidates……I opt for Anglu Farrugia. By than in 4 years 10 months time the ‘only way is up’ for PN is guaranteed.

  20. PAUL S says:

    Anglu is not man enough to admit defeat. Typical of him he has to find a scapegoat or blame it on somebody else. Buying votes!!!!!!!!! Tell it to the sailors. Times have changed for the better. Watching him talk makes me shudder – even worse than Dom. Is as ahdar as his car.

    On second thoughts, him as leader will guarantee another PN victory or rather Lejber defeat – quite a pill to swallow.

  21. Ray says:

    Many proverbs have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. Yet, so many of them are timeless and can readily be applied to present people, situations or character traits.

    For example, the following titbits of wisdom seem to fit Lejber and some of the stars in their crimson sky:

    — What is new cannot be true. (‘Bidu gdid’).

    — Who leaves the old for new will find himself deceived.

    — He that once deceives is ever suspected.

    — Liars begin by imposing upon others, and end by deceiving themselves.

    — The first degree of folly is to hold one’s self wise, the second to profess it and the third to despise counsel.

    — Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

    — Pride increases our enemies, but puts our friends to flight.

    — Promises may make friends, but ‘tis performances that keep them.

    — It’s too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.

    — He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him across the sea.

    — The more you tramp on a turd, the broader it grows.

    If it is true that Dr.Falzon is being blamed for bursting Lejber’s election balloon, then the turd in the red chicken-coop may soon grow even broader.

  22. Amanda Mallia says:

    Yes, Daph – Jason does try to mimic Sant, especially with THAT hand movement, with fingers bunched up – UGHHHH. And I particularly liked the bit were he almost had it out with Peppi, telling him something along the lines of “tmissnix, tmissnix, iva – il-hin kollu tmissni! Looks like they have another thing in common …

  23. kagemusha says:

    …seen blu film..hahahahahahaha

  24. Mazokista says:

    The only on-going strategy evident in the MLP camp is DIGGING THEIR HEADS IN THE SAND. How can they after such a humiliating result remain so arrogant. I cannot agree more with Daphne that they still owe this country an APOLOGY for what they did in the 70s & 80s, and this will be only be a starting point to ever dream of matching the NP. After last night, it is clear that they won’t even ask their supporters for an apology for losing these elections let alone. How long will tal-lejber be prepared to suffer????

  25. Had not a French donkey without the proverbial Cinese hat not interfered, I would be a doctor of philosphy. At the same time I am decorated with an inverted George Cross.
    I am notorious.
    Who am I.
    No prize to the winner

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