Labour can’t take the booing

Published: March 9, 2008 at 1:26pm

Yesterday we had to shift this site to another server because a saboteur hacked into it and blocked it. The people who are hosting our server told us that last night, another attempt was made to hack in and cause sabotage. It didn’t work. Now the site is being monitored against more sabotage by defenders of the Labour faith.

More than 30,000 people have visited this site so far today. With the rest of the day still to go, this is our record. Our previous highest number of visitors was 31,000 last Friday.

People love freedom of speech. Labour must learn to live with that.

60 Comments Comment

  1. D. Muscat says:

    Daphne, I think you love popularity. Anyway it is just human to love it including myself.

    Popularity is dangerous … on Sunday please cry “hosanna hosanna”, a week later they crucify you! (not the madonna of course)

    Anyway, by your site you made us feel like a family in a way.

  2. Marku says:

    I love this site!

  3. Chris says:

    The great thing about this site is that it’s attracted a really huge following and among those are people with tips.

    All rumours and hearsay, of course, but it’s all extremely interesting nevertheless. I am following the election as closely here as I am on TV.

    That said, anyone have any news re: AD?

  4. Amanda Mallia says:

    Daphne – Yes, people do love this site, whether or not they chose to admit it publicly. A cursory look through the “columns” of today’s Sunday papers will show references to it – some of them subtle, others less so. The green-eyed monster is rearing its head again!

  5. CaB says:

    Go Daphne Go… :)

  6. Mario Gauci says:

    i love this site. I am going to miss it so much. Following both tv and this.

  7. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Daphne qed tghidilna li anki minn hawn iridu jaghlqulna halqna. Ippruvawha darbtejn – mill-Oppozizzjoni dawn! Mela jekk ikunu fil-gvern u jkollhom aktar sahha x’ha jaghmlu?
    Ghandi tifla ta’ sena u nofs. Ma nistax nimmaginani nahsbilha ghar-reception class jekk jitilghu huma!

  8. Ian Bugeja says:

    Great Job Well Done

    Keep it Up
    this has become one of my favourite sites :)

  9. D. Muscat says:

    Yes despite its flaws, this site is wonderful. Thanks Daphne for this. I do wish that you’d be a staunch nationalist (or rather anti-Sant) not only in the last few days but the also in the years preceding the election. Perhaps, if you were balanced in the past years in your attacks of the nationalists, we would not have seen our 12,000 majority eaten so much by all these chickens. But you may be like the “halliel it-tajjeb” … ooppss …sorry to mention religion! You might think that I am a fundamentalist attacking you freedom.

  10. D. Muscat says:

    handsome Jason put a screen blocking the view not to be filmed in naxxar!! amazing!

  11. D. Muscat says:

    It could be that a second sample is to be taken. If this is confirmed it means that it is too close (ras imb ras)

  12. Roberta says:

    The Labour desk at the counting hall has just brought in large boards to cover up from NET cameras. They just can’t take any criticism…I wonder how they didn’t go to the Kummissarju for a paraventu!

  13. Chris says:

    Apparently, PN did much better than they thought they’d do in the second district and not as bad as they thought they’d do in the ninth.

  14. Alba says:

    Daphne please continue blogging after elections. I love both your wit and your writing style; which both contribute to your blogs being ever so entertaining :-)

  15. Chris says:

    Oh, also: MLP now seems to have stopped counting the sample, while the PN continues. No idea why or what this could mean.

  16. claud says:

    daphne keep the site going, even after the elections.

  17. D.M. says:

    i agree with carmel scicluna..they tried to distort reality from the oppostion side, god forsake us if they are elected.OMG..hope they dont reintroduce the drainage tax otherwise we’ll have to adapt at digging holes in our gardens so as not to flush the toilet:P

    [Moderator – U forsi AS jhid lil Silvio Parnis biex jigi jirranga id-drenagg.]

  18. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    I can’t believe Jason concealed himself from the cameras…

  19. D. Muscat says:

    chris, are you sure that the MLP stopped?

  20. Chris says:

    My bad, they just paused for a while to bring up boards to hide from NET cameras, apparently.

  21. Becky d'Ugo says:

    “A cursory look through the “columns” of today’s Sunday papers will show references to it”

    Indeed, I was so surprised to see my post in its entirety, printed in today’s Independent! Just out of curiosity, was this sent in by yourselves, or did TMI lift it themselves?

    [Moderator – It was lifted.]

  22. Eddie says:

    well done for the site. keep us posted of developments.

  23. D.M. says:

    yep mod, but probably he’ll have to add an extra layer of gel or brillantine to his hair, you know his gelled hair would get untidy whilst trying to pop open the ‘tappiera’:)

  24. Eddie says:

    indications from counting hall. pn are in the lead:))

  25. kagemusha says:

    ….whatever the result Daphne..plzzzzzzzzzz keep this site ALIVE….plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  26. D.M. says:

    ifhem knowing jason’s foundation and pagun ways, it is quite surpising that he took cover behind boads so that the net cameras wont stop him..or perhaps he’s ashamed of his black eye and he’s afraid that the foundation he has used to cover it up will melt away:)

  27. Simon says:

    very small lead, more sampleas are needed

  28. Dumbledore says:

    Jason said that it is a clear cut victory for the winner … seems (so far) like he was VERY wrong. This is really going to be a nail biting experience … in a way this is FUN!

    [Moderator – As far as I know, Jason only said something along the lines of, ‘All we know is that in those boxes their is a winner/absolute majority.’ I think MaltaToday misquoted him and he didn’t declare a win for his party explicitly.]

  29. Corinne Vella says:

    Maybe Jason was behind the screen to touch up the foundation. YThey might even have set up one of those starlet dressing room mirrors surrounded by light bulbs.

  30. zxc says:

    new rumour … second sample ours too !!!

    [Moderator – I heard that too. Michael Falzon barging through cameras on NET. Call of the wild or straightforward panic?]

  31. zxc says:

    CONFIRMEDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Matthew G Borg says:

    Ours who?

  33. AV says:

    The “Moet” is ready……………….

  34. zxc says:

    yes i saw that too … i guess he counted those chickens too soon before they even hatched !!!

  35. D. Muscat says:

    Ezatt John Schembri, tabilhaqq din id darba kull vot jghodd!!

  36. KC says:

    We’re in the lead! Let’s keep faith…it’s the only thing we need!

  37. zxc says:

    ejja kurragg guys

  38. zxc says:

    MLP sent supporters home !!!

  39. Amanda Mallia says:

    Did the lion just go out to take a leak?

    [Moderator – Yes I just saw him hand over his fig leaf to Jason.]

  40. Matthew G Borg says:

    Ejja ha nohorgu ahna mela! Hopefully!

  41. V says:

    haha miskin the Lion of Change!!!! It seems like he’s really experiencing a change now!!!!

  42. K Zammit says:

    GONZI was proven right yet again. Ticcajta hux kull vot jghod.

  43. John Bugeja says:

    14.14 PN officials tell MT that the difference between the two parties stands at 1% so they are are still hopeful that the PN could turn the tide.From Malta Today

  44. Amanda Mallia says:

    Mod – You’re having me in fits. At least it’s relieving some of the tension!

  45. Common says:

    Anyone please. I’m hearing horns again in Rabat.
    What the hell is going on? I’m going to have a hheart attack.

  46. zxc says:

    whose horns are they ?

  47. steven camilleri says:

    ejja forsi jirnexxilna mhux imbilli bis-sigijiet! forza pn!

  48. steven camilleri says:

    even in st.julains main street there are some! whos are they

  49. Lisa says:

    im hearin horns in rabat too. are the MLP again?

  50. steven camilleri says:

    st.julians there horns who are they pn or mlp???? omg!

  51. steven camilleri says:

    hope that mlp did not start horning”!

  52. MIXA says:


  53. Timmy says:

    i have heard we are 4000 up…and on the 3rd count. can anyone confirm? ppl in swieqi and sliema have PN flags out

  54. William Henderson says:

    Theres not been any updates to the maltastar website in a while now. Surely that means they dont have any good news to report and are just keepin stumm.

  55. steven camilleri says:


  56. steven camilleri says:

    any news sombody? are we on top?

  57. steven camilleri says:

    if somebody has news post now!

  58. kagemusha says:


    Bottles of beer ready… either way to down my sorrows or celebrate PN ….let’s keep smiling I am trying very very hard :-)

  59. steven camilleri says:

    any comments?~

  60. steven camilleri says:

    but everybody stay quiet till results come

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