Final debate

Published: March 6, 2008 at 6:02pm

“Jaghzluna mhux skond kemm ahna kapaci nhammgu, imma kemm ahna kapaci nwettqu ghal kulhadd” – Lawrence Gonzi tells Alfred Sant where to put his obsession with korruzzjoni. The final debate between the two leaders is aired tonight at 2030hrs on TVM.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Mario Gauci says:

    Have enjoyed so much reading your articles. Cannot wait till the debate is aired tonight. Am sure that Dr. Gonzi will shred to pieces any arguments put up by our zero-tolerance future PrimeMinister in-waiting (God forbid) Alfred Sant, qassatat specialist!

  2. brian says:

    well done mario

  3. mario gauci says:

    watching the famous debate. Already Dr. Gonzi has outshone Dr. Sant. Whilst Dr. Goni talks about the future, Dr. zero-tolerance talks only of corruption and poor old Harry!

  4. PR says:

    Pjan ghal … Nergghu nirrankaw … Nifs gdid … Nohorgu il-pajjiz mill-istagnar … Inzidu 2000 impjieg … Nittriplaw l-industrija tas-servizzi finanzjarji … Kif, Kif, Kif? Alfred Sant ghidilna kif ha twettaq dawn l-affarijiet? Ghidilna kif ha tikseb dawn il-miri … Kif? L-anqas fl-ahhar tal-kampanja m’ghidtilniex kif bi hsiebek tmexxi il-pajjiz!

  5. D Vella says:

    Hi Daphne, I have just watched the debate and now I am watching Live transmissions on both NET and One TV.

    I am no expert in reading body language, however the three stooges on One TV together with Ms Cini and Norman tat-Tours look quite lost for words, confused and really down !! In other words they lack confidence big time.

    What is your opinion?

  6. Marisa Xuereb says:

    The silence of Lamb? 2 hours have passed since the debate… and still no word from Daphne…

    [Moderator – apologies, I wasn’t feeling too well and could not post the the latest comment.]

  7. James De Giorgio says:

    If anyone missed the debate between Gonzi and Sant, you can watch it online, click this link:

    Needless to say, Gonzi emerged as the clear winner.

    Listening to Sant makes me feel like a useless creep, defensless against the big bully that is waiting to come and overtake me, while Gonzi gives me that feeling that if I believe in myself, Malta and the Maltese, anything can be done and efficiently so.

  8. Paul says:

    Nope you were wrong Mario Gauci. Gonzi seemed very nervous and on the defensive, while Sant looked calm and almost overconfident.

  9. Peter Vassallo says:

    Hadt gost insegwi l-kummenti. Nistqarr li sa ftit granet ilu jiena kont ghadni kwazi minghajr opinjoni imma wara dak li gara f’dawn l-ahhar granet, specjalment bil-kwistjoni tal-fabbrikazzjoni tal-arrest ta’ Harry Vassallo wasalt ghal konkluzjoni li naghti l-vot biex inkomplu mexjin fit-triq li qbadna – lil-PN.
    Dwar il-kwistjoni tat-tqassim tal-voti f’Malta inhoss li nara deficit demokratiku. Kulhadd jghid li l-vot huwa dritt sagrosant tal-persuna u naqbel. Allura ghaliex dan ir-red tape kollu biex tigbor vot? Ghaliex persuna li gejja minn barra il-Gimgha filghaxija m’ghandiex dritt tiehu l-vot? Nahseb li ghandu jkun hemm persuna fl-ufficcju elettorali, dejjem f’kazi ta’ nies li gejjin minn barra apposta, li tibqa tqassam il-voti ta’ dawn sa l-ahhar hin tal-votazzjoni. Imma jidher li hawn Malta hadd ma jafda. Hemm bzonn ta’ bidla f’dan is-sens. X’tahsbu?

  10. Chris says:

    This might be interesting to those that want a quick look at the different proposals by the main parties:

  11. Simon says:


    I think you were watching a different debate

  12. mario zammit says:

    Dr. Gonzi was simply BRILLIANT !

  13. Amanda Mallia says:

    Paul – I think that you switched the names “Gonzi” and “Sant” around in error …

  14. Marco says:


    Some years back MLP where chosen to govern Malta. Unfortunately the result was tremondously disastrous. Infact it only lasted 2 years.

    Since then MLP have been in Opposition. Opposition plays a very important role in a country. But unfortunately they have not even been able to play this role well. Can we afford to let them govern Malta. The answer is no and those with eyes open can see that you cannot trust a political party that promises CHANGES but has not yet done the most important of changes .. that being changing the party’s own Mentality, Way of thinking and Become Constructive and NOT Destructive. Where is the constructivism ???? nowhere around.. we need to stop seeing hatred and blaming and accusitions.

    PN is definitely not a perfect political party but its definitely the choice especially when there are no other serious choices. I look around and see a better Malta and a better way of living then years ago. I look at the many positive changes happening around me and I say Im proud of PN and of what they are doing. More and more can be done but with PN in government I believe that Malta is definitely on the right track.

    Do not take unnecessary risks! DO NOT vote MLP.

    At the time being the ONLY choice is PN. VOTE PN for You, Your Family and Your Country. We all have a better and always improving way of living.

  15. Castaldi says:

    In economic terms Pn in the last 4 years were preety good attracting investment and creating jobs.But the tolerance for corruption by the prime minister even if Gonzi is not corrupt himself,arrogance by some ministers and inefficieny in terms of cost and length of projects puts pn in not a ver good postion for people to vote to.What this nation want is a party that in economic terms is as good as Pn but makes a firm stand on corruption and inefficecy.MLP is a good alternative given that it attracts much more investment than in 1996-1998.

  16. Mario Debono says:

    Castaldi, you must be out of your mind. What investment in 1996-1998? What an awful thing to say. Where were you in those years? In cuckooland? As they say in Snatch….with apologies to Guy Ritchie…You can never overestimate the predictability of Stupidity! I don’t believe someone could actually credit the Sant years with investment! Fejn kont siehbi? Hello? Knock Knock?

    [Moderator – This comment was originally more colourful.]

  17. Corinne Vella says:

    Did I read that correctly? The benchmark for next week’s government will be what happened in 1996-1998?

  18. Corinne Vella says:

    Mario Debono
    I think we should be fair – Castaldi is claiming that the MLP will attract more investment than in 1996-1998. He’s right. They could hardly attract less.

  19. Mario Debono says:

    They could hardly attract less than 0. But you have to be out of your mind to say that…or else so blinkered by The Man himself that you would believe the Pope was a nun in drag…have i got that right? They were years of bad business, worse outlook and interesting for their peculiarity! Oh the power of the internet. You know, keep this blog on. If the MLP win, and they have a very good chance, at least we will have a sane haven where to vent our feelings, safe from the grubby hands of the MLP censor and the courts.

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