And here's another one

Published: March 25, 2008 at 5:24pm

Joseph Muscat spelled out his vision for Malta in article published in L-orizzont on 19 February 2003, when we were beating a path to the referendum. I don’t see much that’s pro-EU in it. I see an identikit vision to that of the man at the other end of the leash.

Ghandi holma…

minn Joseph Muscat

Ghandi holma li dan il-pajjiz naghmluh wiehed mizghud b’infrastruttura moderna filwaqt li jghozz il-passat tieghu. Ghandi holma li nibnu sistema li tattira b’mod efficjenti u effettiv investiment gdid barrani lejn il-pajjiz. Ghandi holma li pajjizna jizviluppa f’centru ta’ private banking li jkun flessibbli bizzejjed biex jiehu xoghol minn pajjizi ohra u jservi ta’ alternattiva ghall-Isvizzera. Ghandi holma li l-ekonomija tkun tant b’sahhitha li tipprovdi xoghol ghal dawn kollha li jkunu jridu jahdmu u, ghala le, li nibdew infittxu biex barranin jigu attirati halli jahdmu f’xoghlijiet fejn m’hemmx bizzejjed Maltin.

Ghandi holma li s-sistema edukattiva ta’ pajjizna tizviluppa f’ghodda li permezz taghha mhux biss l-istudenti jigu mrawma ghad-dinja ta’ vera, izda li sservi wkoll ta’ attrazzjoni ghall-investiment barrani.

Ghandi holma li s-sistema tas- sahha pubblika f’pajjizna tittejjeb tant li tkun titqies bhala ferm ahjar minn dik privata u li taghti lil pazjent l-aqwa kura immaginabbli.

Ghandi holma li dan il-pajjiz jizviluppa l-infrastrutturi sportivi tieghu b’tali mod li jkollna generazzjoni sportiva kif jixirqilna.

Ghandi holma li nsolvu l-problema tal-Maghtab u tal-Qortin darba ghal dejjem minghajr telf ta’ zmien u hela fil-paroli.

Ghandi holma li dan il-pajjiz jizviluppa bis-serjetà kuncetti innovattivi li jistghu jahdmu f’realtà bhal taghna, bhalma huma l-energija mir-rih, mix-xemx u mill-bahar.

Ghandi holma li tibda titwettaq ir-reklamazzjoni ta’ l-art, li permezz taghha nuzaw materjal li ma jniggisx billi nitfghuh fil-bahar, inkabbru l-pajjiz u nibnu fuq dawn il-medded ta’ art godda.

Ghandi holma li permezz tar-reklamazzjoni ta’ l-art u ta’ inizjattivi ohra, kull min m’ghandux saqaf fuq rasu jkun jista’ jkollu access ghal dan il-post bi prezz li jista’ jlahhaq mieghu.

Il-punt huwa kif titwettaq din il-holma.

Biex taghmel dawn l-affarijiet kollha trid tkun flessibbli, jigifieri jkollok il-helsien bizzejjed biex iccaqlaq, ticcaqlaq u taqta’ skond qiesek.

Nemmen li dan huwa possibbli permezz ta’ partnership ma’ l-Unjoni Ewropea ferm aktar milli jkun possibbli permezz ta’ shubija shiha.

Din hija differenza enormi bejn iz-zewg partiti u li tajjeb li nifhmuha.

Ghall-Partit Laburista, il-partnership huwa l-mezz biex jasal ghall-ghan ahhari ta’ hajja ahjar.

Min-naha l-ohra, jidher li ghall-Partit Nazzjonalista, shubija shiha fl-Unjoni Ewropea huwa l-ghan u ghalhekk biex jasal ghalih ikun hemm min lest li juza kull mezz.

Konvint li kull min johlom gejjieni ahjar ghal dan il-pajjiz jifhem li partnership huwa l-ahjar mezz li bih nistghu naslu.

Ejjew noholmu. Ejjew nahdmu. Din il-holma tista’ titwettaq.

44 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew says:

    His articles seem to consist entirely of double-spaced sentences and equally spaced out thoughts.

  2. freethinker says:

    I have a dream… inspired by Martin Luther King, no less! Is it the case to exclaim “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty we’re free at last!”

  3. Meerkat :) says:

    Ghandi holma li nsir lider tal-MLP…u Prim u kif nasal hemm ma jimpurtax basta nixxengel bhal qasba fir-rih.

  4. Cangun says:

    Just heard! Jason Micallef challenging Joe Muscat for the top post however only on condition that George Abela and Alfred Mifsudwill be his deputies and Anna Mallia his segretary general.

    Do you think this is true? Wara kollox taht Gonzi kollox possibli!!

  5. John Schembri says:

    Only a month ago ,someone else sold us his wild dream and nearly half of Malta believed that a ditch will be dug out between Grand Harbour and Marsamxetto Harbour.
    On entering Valletta just take a look down the ditch and imagine this deep and narrow HOFRA with boats spewing smoke down below, and no trees (where were the tree huggers?).

  6. kenneth Spiteri says:

    Joseph Muscat didn’t mention that he has a dream to change his toyota starlet with an alfa romeo..

    oopps sorry that wasn’t possible with partneship but with a full membership…that thanks to us who voted yes was possible for the poodle to achieve….

  7. Silla says:

    Silmilarities between Joseph Muscat and Jason Micallef :
    Initials – J.M.
    Nickname intial – P
    Characteristics – both seem to think of themselves as charmers
    Present Occupation -wannabes
    Something else in common – both in awe of AS

  8. Francis V says:

    I have a dream…that one day I will not cringe when I think that our next PM will come from the MLP…

  9. Meerkat :) says:

    Brussels does make you sprout into an even bigger Poodle.

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    “I have a dream” must be one of the most abused cliches in political rhetoric.

    Only a shallow and trite politician would use it as profusely as it’s been used in this article.

  11. Ray says:

    To Silla and other admirers: if you would like to see JM and JM wrapped up in one, together with a description, you may wish to visit:

  12. Tony Pace says:

    Why oh why are we lumbered with these people ! ! ”We” meaning the whole nation. It would serve democracy so well if we really had a decent opposition party……but they are not attracting the right people, because of the weirdos still present within. And please do not think I am including AS. First of all the circumstances dictate that out of decency we should really limit the flak we keep giving him, and secondly, the Labour party with or without him just cannot get it right. case in point was Poodle’s interview and Jason Pepsodent’s dismissal of George Abela’s candidacy. Come on guys get a life !

  13. Silla says:

    Good one Ray

  14. Meerkat :) says:

    The Poodle practising his pirouettes for 5th June

  15. Corinne Vella says:

    John Schembri: Victor Laiviera championed that project. That sort of puts it into perspective. He seemed to have it all worked out: how the ditch would be dug, how long it would take, how water would not find its own level because of a series of locks, etc.

  16. Mario Debono says:

    I have been vilified by Joe Muscat through no fault of my own. I know the man is not genuine. This “holma” published here shows how for him, any means justifies the end. He will be worse than Fredu Sant. Mark my words.

  17. Meerkat :) says:

    The Poodle practising the pirouette for the 5th June

  18. Brian*14 says:

    One can view Mr. Muscat’s CV at this website

    Studied at the University of Malta: B.Com. in Management and Public Policy, (1995); BA (Hons.) in Public Policy (1996); MA in European Studies (1997). PhD in Management Research from the University of Bristol (United Kingdom).
    Journalist with national private radio station (1992-1996). Assistant head of news at national private TV station (1996-1997). EICC Executive (1997). Market intelligence manager (1997-1999).
    Studied at the University of Malta: B.Com. in Management and Public Policy, (1995); BA (Hons.) in Public Policy (1996); MA in European Studies (1997). PhD in Management Research from the University of Bristol (United Kingdom).
    Journalist with national private radio station (1992-1996). Assistant head of news at national private TV station (1996-1997). EICC Executive (1997). Market intelligence manager (1997-1999).
    Studied at the University of Malta: B.Com. in Management and Public Policy, (1995); BA (Hons.) in Public Policy (1996); MA in European Studies (1997). PhD in Management Research from the University of Bristol (United Kingdom).
    Journalist with national private radio station (1992-1996). Assistant head of news at national private TV station (1996-1997). EICC Executive (1997). Market intelligence manager (1997-1999).”

    Alla jbierek kemm hu bravu. Fin-’95 gab il-BCom, fin-’96 il-BA(Hons) u fin-’97 l-MA tafux! Matul “dan iz-zmien” kien gurnalist, assistant head of news u EICC Executive…Wow, truly impressive!
    And I read somewhere that his PhD (University of Bristol) year was 2007.
    Wasn’t he supposed to be in Brussels during this time?
    Veru kaz ta’ Alla jbierek, kif ilahhqu ma kollox in-nies ta’ llum!

  19. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Brian*14

    U mela ma tlahhaqx meta jlahhquk!

  20. amrio says:


    I would have expected that you would have given credit to the original poster (i.e. me) for first posting the JM articles you are mentioning in your last two posts:


  21. Albert Farrugia says:

    For a look at what a Labour leader should be like, the answer is here:

  22. SB says:


    PhD’s do not require attending lectures but the submission of a thesis. So he could obtain his PhD from Bristol while in Brussels or anywhere else in the world.

  23. G.Grima says:

    In my 40+ years on this blue planet (no pun intended) I have often had to rely on my grey matter, but also on my gut feelings. I have a number of feelings about the Malta Losers Party leadership race:

    1. Joseph Muscat has launched a preemtive strike to ensure a head start and discourage other wannabes.

    2. JM is a clone of AS

    3. All JM’s writings will come back to haunt him, and provide cannon fodder in future election campaigns

    4. We are in for some interesting times.

    5. The MLP administration did not resign so as to serve as a PRop for the annointed one.

  24. Ray says:

    I, too have just had a dream. It was about an opportunist who snapped his fingers, scratched his goatee and hey presto! got us a 15-year plan! I dreamed I saw him just after 5 June, listening to His Master’s Voice….The master who has gone underground for the time being, but is still holding the strings.

    This upcoming idol is trying to impress with his self-praise, but he is not difficult to see through. He reminds me of the time when his Master published his Harvard certificate to show us how capable he was to run our country. Time has proved otherwise. We may be seeing leyber history repeating itself.

  25. Vincent Camilleri says:

    To Brian

    Your contribution should have been written in green for envy. To youI edicate John Lennon’s immortal “Jealous Guy” If you prefer you can have Brian Ferry’s cover version.t’s just as good

  26. Meerkat :) says:

    This is the AD Campaign for 2013 – when their love affair with MLP is over…ya know The Poodle is more Charismatic than Harry VAT Forms

  27. Brian*14 says:

    @ Vincent Camilleri

    Jealous? yeah, right. Sounds like you’re quite a dreamer yourself.

    Kindly address my proper name in the future if you will lest I’d be confused with the Brain….

  28. Amanda Mallia says:

    I’m, reproducing the last bit of the poodle’s 2003 articlue here, simply to emphasise it:

    “Nemmen li dan huwa possibbli permezz ta’ partnership ma’ l-Unjoni Ewropea ferm aktar milli jkun possibbli permezz ta’ shubija shiha.

    Din hija differenza enormi bejn iz-zewg partiti u li tajjeb li nifhmuha.

    Ghall-Partit Laburista, il-partnership huwa l-mezz biex jasal ghall-ghan ahhari ta’ hajja ahjar.

    Min-naha l-ohra, jidher li ghall-Partit Nazzjonalista, shubija shiha fl-Unjoni Ewropea huwa l-ghan u ghalhekk biex jasal ghalih ikun hemm min lest li juza kull mezz.

    Konvint li kull min johlom gejjieni ahjar ghal dan il-pajjiz jifhem li partnership huwa l-ahjar mezz li bih nistghu naslu.

    Ejjew noholmu. Ejjew nahdmu. Din il-holma tista’ titwettaq.”

    Now the little ginger man comes out to say that he is PRO-EU.

    He’s either got absolutely no principles if – as many are claiming – he said what he did simply to “go with the (MLP) flow”, or he’s a great big opportunist. The likelyhood, however, is that he is both. Not exactly PM material.

  29. freethinker says:

    Antoine Vella, as is well-known, it is the Martin Luther King historic speech on 28 August 1963 which made the phrase “I have a dream..” famous. But King was speaking of his lofty ideals about the civil rights movement in the US and such rhetoric was in harmony with the occasion. In the article reproduced above, “I have a dream…” becomes an incongruous parody when the subject is the rubbish mound at tal-Maghtab and il-Qortin.

  30. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Amrio – my apologies, and thank you. So much material is coming in that I lose track sometimes. Keep sending them in.

  31. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Albert Farrugia – surely you are joking!

  32. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Vincent Camilleri – jealousy has nothing to do with it. I think virtually everyone on this blog is shocked that the Labour Party inevitably ends up scraping the bottom of the barrel with people like this.

    Brian was simply mocking the pathetic way in which Labour candidates always insist on parading their ‘academic credentials’ to impress the intellectual paupers. It is a particularly Maltese disease but especially rampant in the Labour Party, culminating in that sad spectacle of Alfred Sant publishing his Harvard certificate from 30 years ago in the autobiography that came out a couple of months ago. Did he think that we wouldn’t believe that he went to Harvard unless he showed us the evidence? Come on.

    People who parade their certificates and certifications are insecure – socially, intellectually, and in every other way.

  33. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Daphne CG re academic achievements

    Wasn’t Mintoff a Rhodes scholar? It goes to show that a high falutin’ academic career does not necessarily furnish a politician with political nous.

    [Moderator – The same goes for Kim Jong-il, the leader of the anti-democratic and anti-people North Korean state (I hesitate to use the word ‘republic’). He was good friends with Mintoff, who invited him to study at the University of Malta in the seventies. The invitation was accepted, and the results speak for themselves. With any luck, Kim will reciprocate by inviting the next Labour Leader to a retreat at one of the country’s many fabulous institutions – ideally Camp 22.]

  34. Eve says:

    @ Amanda – Or the poodle was simply making a U-turn, something which, as everyone knows, his master excelled at!

  35. Vincent Camilleri says:

    @ Daphne Caruana Galizia. What’s wrong in someone publishing his academic qualifications on his own website? I am not surprised that everyone on this blog is shocked by anything that comes from the Labour Camp. It has been running on anti-Labour vitriol since its launch. One final comment. In my book it is not people who parade their certificates and certifications who are insecure – socially, intellectually and in every other way. It is people who spend hours rushing from blog to blog to vent their hatred on politicians and their families

    [Moderator – Anti-Labour Vitriol – the environmentally friendly alternative to Joseph Muscat. Fill up at a service station near you.]

  36. Amanda Mallia says:

    Vincent Camilleri – If you prefer a pro-MLP blog, then I suggest you look elsewhere.

    As Daphne and the moderator have repeated several times, people are free to come and go as they please.

  37. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @ Vincent Camilleri: are you seeing my academic qualifications or my CV anywhere on this website? Enough said.

  38. Meerkat :) says:

    Only arrivistes feel the compulsion to rub our noses in their CV whatever it might contain… mhux bilfors dikris imma anki iljunfanti and photos about bum-on-a-particular-bench.

  39. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Meerkat – what I find most interesting is that they always give more emphasis in their CVs to their degrees than to their actual achievements in the world of work. Imagine applying for a position in the real world outside Labour Party politics at the age of 34 (or 60) and devoting your CV to what you did at university. You’d be crossed off the list straight away.

  40. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Daphne

    Kulhadd bravu fuq il-karta. Paper doesn’t mess up.

    [Moderator – Unless it’s dog-eared.]

  41. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Moderator

    re dog-eared

    do you have a particular breed in mind? ;-)

  42. Romegas says:

    Did you see JM’s article on today’s l-Orizzont? He’s already speaking as Leader of MLP, and even telling Gonzi what to do “in the next 60 months or even less”. He’s already counting the days till he becomes Prime Minister. I can’ wait!

  43. Vincent Camilleri says:

    @ Amanda Mallia. Thanks for the advice but I was just on my way out. I cannot stand the stench of bigotry

  44. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Vincent Camilleri – are you the Vincent Camilleri was was appointed ambassador to France by the Labour government 1996-1998? Just curious, that’s all.

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