A hunter is accosted by a rubber jolly and a man who is sexually attracted to continents

Published: April 24, 2008 at 11:29pm

89 Comments Comment

  1. David Buttigieg says:

    Doesn’t it make you proud to be Maltese!

  2. amrio says:

    At last. An elite, high-intelligence, cultural entry… This hunter sure shows how intelligent are we Maltese … he sure knows his swear words, eh?!!!

  3. masleu says:

    Absolutely disgusting!! Ban hunting forever!

  4. andrew borg-cardona says:

    The hunter was obviously a thuggish oaf and a perfect example of why hunting should be banned completely. Frankly, though his accent and attitude were very good, especially compared to the hunter’s, the “watcher” was less than perfect in his approach. What does the response “ma nistghux” [imorru ‘l hemm] mean? It should have been “jiddispjacini, hawn post pubbliku u mmorru fejn irridu f’postijiet pubblici”. Half-baked responses like that given don’t help.

  5. Mario Debono says:

    This man, so erudite in his intimate knowledge of prophylactics,deserves our praise and admiration for upholding all that we hold so dear in Malta. What verve! What a manifestation of good breeding and aristocratic bearing! Dan il-veru Malti, defending his castle ( Ghalqa) u jiftah sidru biex jaffronta l-barranin tall-birdlife. …….. you proud, doesnt it?

  6. david s says:

    its a shame they masked the face of the hunter…not everyone is gutsy as you daph…you unmasked a paedo with a court ban !

  7. amrio says:

    Oh You’re back! Could not access the site since 8am this morning! What happened?

    [Moderator – Power cut in Smart Malta.]

  8. David Buttigieg says:

    Thought you were hacked or something

  9. Mark says:

    Disgusting! Tal-misthija

  10. Adrian Borg says:

    The guy is typical of the majority of hunters, but let’s be fair not ALL are like him. Hunting should be banned not because of this crass attitude but simply because it is no longer a justifiable activity anymore.

  11. Ronnie says:

    And to think that these sort of troglodites have kept countless Maltese Governments at ransom with the threat of their vote!

    I guess today’s news that spring hunting will be banned vindicates those of us who were in favour of EU membership also because our politicians do not have the balls to take certain decisions.

  12. Ronnie says:

    Is the hunter in the clip, one of the Maltese Aryan race which a certain Mr. Lowell loves to speak about?

  13. fred says:

    i still hear gunshots in delimara

  14. Biker Bob says:

    Ewros f****rs?!

    Is he accusing them of having a numismatic fetish/perversion? :)))

  15. Anthony Cassar says:

    I think that prior to the EU referendum the then PM now President of the Republic DR.Eddie Fenech Adami boasted that Malta made a special arrangement on 77 sections, including spring hunting. Now the EU decided that we should stop spring hunting and so be it, spring hunting is stopped. Is this the way the mighty EU treats its members ? Well since Malta is small and without any resources that’s the way we’ll be treated on anything that the powers at Brussels decide.

    [Moderator – Anthony, if hunters were so concerned about a threat to democracy then they would be pushing for a referendum.]

  16. Anthony Cassar says:

    It’s a fact that malta had made special arrangemets before the referendum. One of them regarded hunting in spring, then all of a sudden it’s like there was no agreement at all.

  17. Meerkat :) says:

    Mela darba kellna l-aristokrazija tal-haddiema…

    Issa ghandna l-aristokrazija tal-kaccjaturi…

  18. Fleur Hili says:

    It makes me so proud to be part of this fine and educated race.

    Oh how I wish he was my husband, such courage, to stand up to the oppression of the Euro F**kers bird watchers.

    Is it not a shame that we cannot see his face, just thinking about him makes my knees wobble with lust.

  19. AM says:

    I think the hunters are livid at the moment because they have been let down by the very government that promised them that their pastime would be guaranteed. An orchestrated move from the outset in my mind, knowing the outcome full well. Great chess move anyway.
    Logically we should all now be worried about the threat that this decision poses to all the special arrangements that were made because as we can see they’re not worth jack! Evidently they are not set in stone and can be overruled at will by the powers that be.

    [Moderator – I don’t think it is possible to have a ‘special arrangement’ to break the law, under any jurisdiction. Article 9 of the Birds Directive is very clear, and it certainly does not leave any room for derogations in Malta’s case.]

  20. AM says:

    So we can agree that the negotiating teams of both sides agreed on an unlawful ‘special agreement’ then. I’m sure they knew that at the time and that’s why I said it was a planned move knowing that when challenged in court, it wouldn’t hold. The NP wouldn’t lose votes, whilst it would later on seem like the decison has been imposed by the ECJ.

  21. Vanni says:

    @ Anthony Cassar
    If you or anybody for that matter believed that the concession was ad eternum, than you have really yourself to blame for believing it.

  22. Guzeppi Grech says:

    AM, there was no special agreement…why is this so hard to understand?

    There was/is only the possibility of a special derogation, if applied for correctly and if the circumstances warrant it.

    This derogation is not a “special arrangement” for Malta but is available to all EU member states.

    The Government and the IVA movement (together with MIC) chose to misrepresent this as a special arrangement (adding it to the 77)and the PM “guaranteed” spring hunting. They took the Kaccaturi for a ride, tough luck.

    Kaccaturi and MLP were fooled because they did not correctly read and interpret the Accession treaty. If they did they would have seen that spring hunting was just a possibility that has to be argued and justified – every year!

    And I’m glad the government pulled a fast one on these idiots, if that meant winning the referendum, the 2003 election and joining the EU.

    At last, for the first time in my life, hunting in spring is illegal in my country…thank you, thank you, thank you, EU.

    Now I just hope that the Maltese Government enforces the law and stops these neanderthal morons from practicing their vile and odious vices (tradizzjoni u delizju my ass).

  23. lisa says:

    disgusted and repelled.Thank God it’s banned.good use of the english language though.

  24. Ronnie says:

    has the police taken any action against the missing link?

  25. AM says:

    I’m sorry you see me as an idiot, neanderthal and a moron just because I love hunting. I suppose, the lawyers, doctors, dentists, pharmacists and people from the business community that I know and that also have a passion for hunting are also primate numskulls. Next time you visit a dentist make sure he isn’t a hunter since I’m sure you wouldn’t want a caveman tugging at your ‘wisdom’ teeth. Incidentally, I see many similarities here with the gentleman in the video.
    In any case, please don’t patronise me asking why I ‘find it so hard to understand’. I understood it perfectly well and certainly don’t need any lessons from anyone.
    Thanks and warm regards.

  26. Biker Bob says:

    @ Guzeppi Grech

    “The Government and the IVA movement (together with MIC) chose to misrepresent this as a special arrangement (adding it to the 77)and the PM “guaranteed” spring hunting. They took the Kaccaturi for a ride, tough luck.”

    “And I’m glad the government pulled a fast one on these idiots, if that meant winning the referendum, the 2003 election and joining the EU.”


    My sentiments exactly.

    These single-minded neanderthals would have been ready to derail the country’s progress for the sake of their blasted “delizzju”.

    Remember the “namur jew intajjru” graffiti scrawled on Mnajdra (or Hagar Qim not sure). That someone is ready to obliterate a priceless heritage monument simply to continue shooting at birds was very serious indeed. The government and MLP were held to ransom by these bullies.

    Not anymore.

  27. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Euro fuckers? Jolly rubber? Kondom? Dan x’jahbat? Dagha u vulgarizmu Malti post-modern?
    Nehhu l-kacca darba ghal dejjem minn dal-pajjiz!

  28. Guzeppi Grech says:

    @AM and all homo sapien hunters:
    I do not think all hunters are idiots, neanderthals and morons. Only those who insist on spring hunting and who shoot anything that flies by.

    And unfortunately this seems to be the majority that I have had the dubious pleasure to get to know.

    Although every “gentleman hunter” insists that they only shoot game, very very few resist bagging that rare bird for mounting purposes.

    And always the same argument is brought forward: ‘If I don’t shoot that bird, that a**hole in the next field will, so why should I let him get it?’ The “primate numskulls” as AM put it, bring the rest of the hunters down, whether they be lawyers, doctors, dentists or whatever. Each bird they shoot is being stolen from me and the rest of the non-hunters. Just because the hunter is a lawyer or medical doctor does not make him less of a poaching thief.

    So, there is only one way. And its not up. Its out (out-right ban that is).

    Thanks and best wishes.

  29. Albert Farrugia says:

    @Biker Bob

    “And I’m glad the government pulled a fast one on these idiots, if that meant winning the referendum, the 2003 election and joining the EU.”

    Well, at least we know that this government likes to pull fast ones on the electorate. So, who’s next?

  30. Anthony Cassar says:

    There’s one thing that all those hunter haters are missing. The poachers kill most birds of prey in september when hunting is open for all. In spring only turtle doves and quails migrate in lqrge (?) quantities over Malta. Now since they can@t be shot, they will go to northern europe, breed and come september our fellow european hunters will have millions of turtle doves and quails to hunt since the nasty maltese hunters won’t kill the millions that pass over malta. Ha Ha.
    One final thing to those that are happy that the hunters were taken for a ride, I would like to tell you that by doing so the NP used the same tactics that were used by AS and the MLP in 1996 and were so much criticised by everyone. If it’s wrong for AS to lie than it is wrong for EFA. yes we were taken for a ride nad EFA and the PN should have come with the truth before the referendum.

  31. Alex says:

    I am in favour of the ECJ decision, and that is one of the reasons why I wanted Malta to be part of the EU, and consolidated my decision by voting PN in 2003 and 2008, because these common sense matters can only go through with the help of foreign intervention.

    However, the fact that it seems that hunters were taken for a ride is very very disappointing. These people need a clear explanation of what really happened and who broke and why promises were broken. Trust is one of the main, if not the most important, attribute a government must possess and I believe that this administration has proved to be not trustworthy, in yet another case.

    The theory of choosing between two evils is becoming more evident than ever, with the MLP not even giving us the luxury of a choice in the recent past.

  32. Albert Farrugia says:

    @Anthony Cassar and Alex
    Well, the consoling factor (if one can call it that) is that the majority of the Maltese electorate (50.7 percent) have seen through this government’s tricks and tactics. But unfortunately that was not enough to unseat them. So its 5 more years of the same tricks. This strange, unholy and perverse alliance which now rules Malta, made up of conservatives, christian-democrats, fundamental christians, priests, liberals, right-wingers, and even abortionists (yes, I am talking of the Nationalist Party) has found a way of tricking the people of Malta, which in turn thanks it for the favour! No wonder that among EU states the Maltese are the least read.

    [Moderator – And most of the people that we have to thank for that statistic are Labour voters. Anyway, what’s wrong with people of different political ideology working together? Not everyone is as tribal as you are.]

  33. Graham Crocker says:

    Am I wrong to have laughed at this?

  34. Albert Farrugia says:

    “And most of the people that we have to thank for that statistic are Labour voters.”
    …who have attend schools within the Maltese educational system which has been under Nationalist hands for the last 21 years. Does this government carry absolutely NO responsibilties? Or should I also add “sectarian” to that list?

    [Moderator – How does sectarian difference come into this? The Labour Party actively discourages enterprise and aspiration and imbues its electors with an inferiority complex. It’s no wonder that Labour supporters are claiming that their children are voting for the Nationalist Party once they reach a certain level of education.]

  35. MikeC says:

    @Albert Farrugia, @moderator.

    I don’t think we can blame state schools for the lack of interest in reading. I’m in my early forties and went to St. Aloysius college in the 70’s and early 80’s, and even then I was part of a small minority who read. If anything, the national numbers are now better than the private school (supposedly the elite, let alone the rest) numbers in my day, so things have improved.

  36. If they are so trigger-happy, they should take up skeet shooting and be done with it.
    I cannot understand what this to-do is all about. Hunters are a niusance.
    At least the playground in a school I know of, which was constantly peppered with the spent cartridges (and not so spent) every hunting season will be rid of them.

  37. MikeC says:

    I don’t see what all this ‘taking for a ride’ business comes from, the continuation of spring hunting was always contingent on the hunters behaving, EU or not, but they have shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted. The issue is not quail and turtle doves, its all the protected birds they kill at the same time. (Although I don’t believe they should be allowed to kill anything at all)

    There was no EU obligation to close the spring hunting season last year, but the hunters’ behaviour made it inevitable, and together with their track record from previous years they have triggered this action which hopefully is the first baby step along a path which leads to the complete abolition of hunting.

  38. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Albert, old chap, how on earth is the Nationalist Party (or anyone else on that rock you call home for that matter) abortionist?

  39. Albert Farrugia says:

    Well, Moderator, I am sure many “Labour supporters” have read and understood very well today’s editorial in The Times. And I won’t add a link to it. Just look it up.

  40. Alex says:

    @ MikeC

    I agree with you that hunters cannot be trusted, or at least some of them. But the court decision was taken on spring hunting of turtle dove and quail only, so yes they were taken for a ride. Illegal hunting has nothing to do with the courts’ decision.

    I am trying to point out that the gov needs to explain what happened and why things happened this way, since it promised the opposite, not just say the obvious. We all have our reservations about hunters like the chap in this video, albeit they are Maltese citizens whose promises were not kept and I think that at least they deserve a clear explanation.

  41. Albert Farrugia says:

    @HP Baxter
    The Nationalist Party, per se, is not. But it includes many who are, as has been seen even in this blog. But I am sure you understood my comment. Contrary to modern European democracies in Malta we have a governing party which, through skillful strategy (differently called, through trickery…as some bloggers themselves have written)has managed to unite under its roof people of extremely different ideological views. WhatS wrong in this, one might ask? Well, a lot, really. It means first of all that no serious social issue can be tackled. The Nationalist Party is still somehow tied to the “churchy” faction in Malta. Even though it might include many people who are more anti-clerical than Mintoff, this is not brought up in PN meetings at any level. On the contrary, the PN always projects a church-friendly image. BEcause of this, the PN can never ever, for example, even contemplate suggesting to introduce divorce in malta, let alone abortion.

    [Moderator – What a convoluted argument.]

  42. Corinne Vella says:

    Albert Farrugia: The lack of interest in reading can be put down to a general lack of curiousity about anything outside one’s worldview. That explains why so many people continue to believe that there’s nothing wrong with the MLP.

  43. Corinne Vella says:

    Graham Crocker: No you’re not wrong to have laughed at this. A sense of humour is healthy. Please try infecting Albert Farrugia – he’s sorely in need of some humour himself.

  44. Vanni says:

    @ Albert Fenech
    What exactly is your agenda in this?
    To rubbish the EU?
    To kick at the PN?
    To curry favour with the hunters?
    To score points for the MLP?
    Straight answer pls

  45. Albert Farrugia says:

    Oh, and by the way. George Abela’s first public meeting is out on YouTube. Its in 7 parts, but I hope his “supporters” here view the whole thing.

  46. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Well well, Albert, if the Nationalist Party is “abortionist”, then I’ll make sure I’ll vote for it next time as well! I’m in favour of abortion, you see.

  47. Albert Farrugia says:

    Agenda? I am just Mr Ordinary Citizen who is not mesmerised by the GonziPN hoax so skillfully cooked up during the electoral campaign. No, I am not into rubbishing the EU. If anything, its this government who has used the EU for its own electoral ends but then rubbished it in its actual actions. Need I say? The departure tax, quality of air issues, the car registration tax, immigration policy. EU credentials of this government? Please, tell me another! And, please remember, Vanni and alll, that the Commision has won a case not against the hunters, but against the GOVERNMENT: at the European Court, the government put forwards arguments FOR spring hunting.

  48. Vanni says:

    @ Albert Farrugia
    First off, apologies for the previous error re your surname .
    OK you are hitting on the PN. Fine :)
    So do you, as a Mr. Ordinary Citizen, approve of the fact that the hunters may not hunt in Spring? And what does the party that you hold close to your heart have to say about the ban? Are they in favour of spring hunting or not?

  49. amrio says:

    Oh well, such is life. Daphne has regaled us with a gem of a video showing a moron displaying his great machoism, and what we get in return? Hunting-lovers defending the undefendable, and, well, Albert Farrugia doing the only thing he knows how to do..

    In primis, HUNTING SHOULD BE BANNED, FULL STOP! No more excuses, no more stupid theories and trying to equate hunting to sport. Where the hell are we, in Roman times, when gladiators where seen as sportsmen? I can suggest to hunters what to do when they get an influx of extra adrenalin, but I’m sure Mod will ban my comment! There are some hunters who live in my street; you should see them coming in after a morning of ‘sport’, with their khaki gear and shotguns proudly displayed, shouting to the ‘bloody wife’ to open the garage door so that they can get in and have their deserved rest.. come on boys, grow up!

    In secundis, Albert Farrugia et al, it was obvious to an idiot like me when I heard what was negotiated in the Accession Treaty and stuff that hunting was one of those aspects that had to be discussed on a yearly basis. Of course, PN Govt had striven to have such an agreement as it knew what a burning issue hunting is, unfortunately. If these cavemen did not see this, well, though luck, you can’t excpect miracles of intellect from guys who shoot at anything that flaps its wings, just for kicks.

  50. amrio says:

    … and by the way, where is Meerkat? I’m missing her comments and cartoons….

  51. Sam says:

    Taten sagen mehr als Worte

  52. Meerkat :) says:

    Hey amrio

    I am perfecting the art of studying…

  53. issimpson says:

    Could one have a thicker accent … rofl

  54. Nik says:

    The exact definition of a ‘hamallu kaccatur’! :D

  55. @ amrio
    ‘… and by the way, where is Meerkat? I’m missing her comments and cartoons….’
    Probably swotting for her exams :-)

  56. Albert Farrugia says:

    this might help you look for her…

  57. Meerkat :) says:

    Hey amrio!

    Now that you’ve noticed that I was ‘missing in action’, I have rediscovered my will to live :-)

    Never fear, I am perfecting the art of studying (read this: ‘swotting’)


    in between casting surriptitious looks at this blog

    Btw, ti ho pensato quando ero in Paradiso con Benigni

  58. Nicholas says:

    I have nothing against regulated hunting but I am completely against Maltese hunters who represent the worst traits of our societey: intolerence, ignorance and violence.This video simply confirms my feelings towards them.

  59. Romegas says:

    Just to set the record straight. What led to this week’s pronouncement by the ECJ on spring hunting are the developments sparked by the ECJ’s verdict against Finland in 2005. That court pronouncement came two years after Malta decided to join the EU.

  60. benny hill says:

    Sur Kumissarju Rizzo we need more patrols, more action and
    convictions against these troglodytes!!!!

  61. SB says:

    @amrio and Phaedra

    …and I always thought Meerkat was a male! My sincere apologies…

  62. Reason says:

    With the ban now official, is the Police Force mobilised enough to curtail the flow of illegal hunters who are still practising their ‘sport’? I imagine that it’s image would be slightly tarnished internationally should it not show that it is up to the challenge. The law is there to be observed by EVERYBODY and if anybody digresses….After saying that, I would like to state that I know that the ALE department are doing their utmost to bring to justice those who think that they are above the law but they obviously need more help from their own kind.

  63. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Albert Farrugia…

    Thank you for helping in the search party…the Meerkat shown in the link you sent is my long-lost cousin twice removed! I am so grateful to you…

  64. Meerkat :) says:

    @ SB

    amrio keeps ribbing me for dragging this blog down with my girly comments and crushes on gorgeous guys and once in my delirious moments…on Alfred Mifsud…and also for having several blond moments posting comments under the wrong section (bhal tal-GWU hehe! So, yep, I’m a girl alright…

    I hope I haven’t posted under the wrong one…filkas amrio will let me know tibzax

  65. Mcomb says:

    One wonders if this is a civilised country or not when watching this video. However it has to be admitted that the government did take the hunters for a ride. Now it appears that we all have to face the consequences and I wouldn’t be surprised if the situation escalates.

  66. amrio says:


    ‘Btw, ti ho pensato quando ero in Paradiso con Benigni’

    Wow! I’m blushing….

  67. dona says:

    sorry mux kulhadd l istess jekk ikun m wiehed hazin memx ghalfejn jehlu l kaccaturi kolla u dan huwa l uniku hobby li inqata

  68. Chris says:


    No one took the hunters for a ride. Circumstances changed as confirmed by the commission itself: (SO please stop propagating this myth). The Hunters have only themselves to blame – they cannot continue to shoot indiscriminately and behave as if they own all Malta.

    Quote from TOM to prove the above.

    “The issue of a derogation for spring hunting was the subject of pre-accession discussions with Malta, with the Commission confirming that a derogation would be possible where the strict conditions set out in the Wild Birds Directive were met.

    However, the scenario completely changed following Malta’s accession as, in its most recent ruling on the issue of spring hunting, the European Court of Justice in a case against Finland (C-344/03) dated December 15, 2005, concluded that, in cases where birds were present at other periods, even where those numbers were smaller than in spring, another satisfactory solution was available and a derogation from the Birds Directive to permit spring hunting was not possible.

    In that respect, the facts of the Finnish case were parallel to the situation in Malta, where the Commission believes that alternative solutions to spring hunting exist, in this case the possibility to hunt the two species in autumn.”

  69. Albert Farrugia says:

    ….which shows that the Nationalist Party propoganda machine cannot be trusted. We all know how this derogation business was marketed. But now it turned out that one should have read the fine print. The Nationalist Party has behaved like an insurance policy seller. When the moment of truth comes, out come the apologists to tell you “AH, you should have read the fine print”. That is why I and the majority of the electorate dont trust the Nationalist Party any longer. We know that the only aim of the PN is to win elections. Remember Joe Saliba’s comments regarding the JPO case? And in order to win elections, it has now transpired, they will twist the truth as seems necessary. Sure, they enjoy it while it lasts, but it will not last forever. Admittedly however the truth benders are talented enough to be able to do it for a quite a long time.

  70. Chris says:

    @albert – “why I and the majority of the electorate don’t trust the Nationalist Party ” BUT even less trust the MLP – remember that.

  71. Mcomb says:

    What about the letter sent by our sitting President confirming to hunters that their pastime of Spring hunting would be protected upon EU accession

    [Moderator – ‘Upon’ EU accession, not ‘after’.]

  72. Mcomb says:

    ok Moderator, upon and after then.

  73. Vanni says:

    @ Albert Farrugia
    You seem to have missed this, so I am asking you again.

    Do you, as a Mr. Ordinary Citizen, approve of the fact that the hunters may not hunt in Spring? And what does the party that you hold close to your heart have to say about the ban? Are they in favour of spring hunting or not?

  74. Jo Attard says:

    It makes our heart warm to know how that safe sex is regarded with such passion among our kaccaturi!

  75. SB says:


    I could only find one politician (MEP) saying that the government will ‘ovvjament’ open the hunting season THIS spring.


    So I don’t think that there is a political party apart from AD that is against (spring) hunting.

  76. Vanni says:

    SB, are you Albert Farrugia?

  77. SB says:

    @ Vanni

    Of course not! Can’t I give my 2cents worth?

  78. Vanni says:

    Course you can and welcome, but am really curious in what Albert (and the party he represents) think.

  79. Mark C says:

    I believe that these bird life people caused more trouble than anything else…They stupidly managed to draw europe’s attention on maltese hunting with their naggings. While spain kills for entertainment europeans go hunting…it is always those ignorant busy bodies who are making damage to this countries image and future by constantly writing to newspapers and making up stories and exxagerating. Just for a few animals. After they write the letter these people propably eat meat or some other food derived from the murder of animals..hypocritic fools!

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