Hot sex fantasies from men at who can’t get the real thing

Published: April 12, 2008 at 9:00am


Some sexy chicks from Kurt Farrugia of

Ever since it started out, the Labour Party’s web portal has used sex to pull in the hits: sex for men, that is, and not sex for women. The only time that George Clooney, who exerts a mesmeric influence on practically every woman on the planet, got a look-in was this week – and that was just an excuse to use naked photographs of his girlfriend in the doggy position.

Now watch the stampede to OK, are you back now? Over the years, the Labour Party’s obsession with sex and naked women on its ‘news’ website has become progressively worse. All it tells us is that (1) the website is run exclusively by men, (2) that they seem to be interested in attracting only men, (3) that they can’t get any themselves, so their fantasies are taking off at fresh tangents and, (4) that the Labour Party is as crass and vulgar as it ever was. I mean, how do you put yourself forward as the alternative government by showing naked women spread-eagled in sad men’s favourite ‘I’m going to dominate this chick’ positions? It’s just not respectable (but then Labour never was).

Notable ‘news items’ from Labour’s ‘news’ website in the last few weeks include the flight attendant who performed a strip show for the pilot and co-pilot in the – sorry, there’s no substitute for this word – cock-pit. That was decorated with lots of lovely shots of her magnificent breasts squashed at a camera lens. I wonder if Jason Micallef had a good hard look to examine her for signs for surgery. Maybe he would be kind enough to let me know whether mine are nicer.

Then there was George Clooney’s girlfriend sprawled doggy-fashion in a G-string, bum in the air, licking something on the ground. Can you believe it? On the website of the political party that wants to form the government. I really don’t want to picture Kurt Farrugia, the toby-jug-shaped-and-sized prat (the party is full of them) having a go over that one, but the image springs – horrors – unbidden to mind.

When the dog bites! When the bee stings! Lalalala! I just remember my favourite things! Lalalalalala! Thank you, Julie Andrews – the image is gone now…..only to be replaced by another naked bottom in a string. So Jason, has she had hers done, do you think?

And then there was Tuesday’s sensational headline news that ‘Redhead women have more sex’. Really? Three of my best friends at school had red hair by some amazing coincidence. I must give them a ring and check this one out. Or maybe I’ll give their numbers to Kurt Farrugia and he can do some in-depth investigation himself (sorry, girls – I’ll make this up to you, I promise).

And by the way, Kurt – the word you were looking for is ‘redheaded’. That’s the adjective; ‘redhead’ is the noun. A redhead is a person with red hair, of either sex – or maybe I should say gender instead, to calm your nerves. This Christmas, I’ll buy you a Pirelli calendar. That should keep you busy for hours.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Meerkat :) says:

    Ummm…The Poodle is a redhead. Does this theory apply to him too? Not that I am interested of course…just a passing comment.

  2. Antonio says:

    And what’s more… all articles which are not ‘local’ are copied from other websites. Try copying and pasting the first sentence of any foreign article (including most of the sex articles) and you’ll find the site from which they copied it. That’s outright plagiarism for me.

    [Moderator – They might be licensed – though if they do it’s unfair to put their own byline.]

  3. Antonio says:

    Sorry (ghadni rieqed) – I meant copying and pasting in

  4. Antonio says:

    Well for example yesterday’s article, entitled “Looks reveal your attitude towards sex” ( was copied almost word for word from CBC News:

    The title of the original is “Mating behaviour: it’s written on your face, study says”. Maltastar doesn’t even acknowledge the source and even removes the last sentence of the CBC article which states that “The research was funded by the Medical Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council.”

    I really doubt that they were licensed – Maltastar articles seem to be copied word for word from a variety of websites.

    [Moderator – And the Mosley one was copied from Eurosport.]

  5. Meerkat :) says:

    Sex Positions for Maltastar surfers

  6. Meerkat :) says:

    This is one Hot Chick especially for Maltastar sex addicts

  7. MikeC says:

    Here’s something a little more interesting for Maltastar to plagiarise, or anyone else, for that matter….

  8. lisa says:

    i love your blog daphne..keep it up

  9. Meerkat :) says:

    @ marika muscat

    For a moment I though that you were referring to Madonna as in Santa-tal-Madonna-fil-but but then I remembered that you said ‘Madonna’s children’ and Holy Mary only had one son…and we all know that his name is Jesus…as in Beejezuz!
    Then I had a revelation that you are referring to the Goddess of Pop Madonna as in the Missus Guy Ritchie!!! Are you seriously comparing the Poodle with her?!?!? I somehow can’t picture him writhing on the floor in a wedding dress and singing Like A Virgin…even though we all know that he likes to sing an odd song or too…but this would be too odd…Methinks you must be an elve. MOD: it’s about time to take out the Generator out of retirement

  10. Luke says:

    My ‘Ginger Survival Guide: Everything the Redhead needs to cope in a Cruel Gingerist World’, says very clearly that ‘gingers are often regarded as passionate and sexually adventurous lovers’.

    Evidence for Kurt’s theory are, amongst others, Jessica Rabbit, Marilyn Monroe and Henry VIII.

    Sorry Daph, I think you’re going to have to concede defeat on this one!

  11. Tony Pace says:

    How does one explain to these horrible people that Malta deserves better. Why should we put up with crass behaviour such as the above? The sad fact is that it reflects in their politics and politicians……..and it never get any better.

  12. fred says:

    it seems that maltastar read your article…and gave us/you a story about a hot man !… i think your articles do wonders!

  13. miriam drago says:

    You can always leave Tony. Meerkat is only commenting on something which was made public by the person holding the santa fil-but himself. what’s so horrible about that?

  14. Meerkat :) says:

    @ miriam drago

    What? what? didn’t quite catch what Tony said… amrio, my girly brain is getting fluffy for Saturday night and I am a bit slow on the uptake….

  15. Meerkat :) says:

    Tsk tsk
    It seems the sex starved maniacs have gone on a rampage

  16. miriam drago says:

    @ Meerkat
    Tony Pace said you’re horrible because you mentioned the santa tal-madonna. x’gharukaza, imissek tisthi :)

  17. Amanda Mallia says:

    Even Maltastar’s (31st March) April fool joke was in the same bad taste, at least for a party hoping to be in government one day.

  18. amrio says:

    Looking forward to reading and commenting on Daphne’s TMI feature tomorrow.. the atmosphere on this blog today was rather shallow….

  19. Amanda Mallia says:

    And what with AS stating in his pre-election interview in The Times that his last thoughts before going under the anaesthetic were “Here I am, while Sarkozy is having fun with Carla Bruni”? Some things are best left unsaid … especially by a prospective prime minister (and a wooden, bewigged one, at that!)

  20. Samuel Scicluna says:

    Looks like your prayers have been answered.

  21. Meerkat :) says:

    @ miriam drago

    Oh I am contrition personified. I think Tony is flying a kite…sent by me of course

  22. Meerkat :) says:

    @ amrio

    Ajma amrio! Kemm twaqqghani down meta nara l-kummenti tieghek ghax blog was a little shallow. Lemme echo Travis Bickle ‘You talkin’ to me?’ U ejja lighten up!

  23. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Samuel Scicluna

    Erm I remember reading somewhere that Becks’ erm assets for this photo shoot were enhanced…

  24. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Hija haga patetika ghallahhar li ggib nisa mnezzghin u f’pozi suggestivi biex il-gazzetta elettronika Maltastar tinbiegh izjed. Mara tkun qed tbaxxi lilha nnifisha u taghmel dnub mejjet meta taccetta li tibdel it-tempju sagru ta’ gisimha f’oggett irhis; tithallas tajjeb biex jehdulha ritratti ghas-sodisfazzjon zieni tar-ragel. Daqstant iehor ir-ragel jaghmel dnub mejjet meta jcedi ghaz-zina. Imma llum m’ghadx ghandna kuragg nitkellmu b’dan it-ton morali. Ghaliex l-interess ta’ min ghandu l-mazz f’idejh f’din id-dinja huwa li tinqered il-moralita’; iktar ma naraw films ta’ Hollywood fuq Satana inqas nifhmu min tabilhaqq hu!
    ”Get rid of lustfulness and egoism” jghidulek l-ghorrief Cinizi tal-qedem u l-awturi tat-Tao Te Ching. Imma llum aktar mohhna li nilaghbu bil-plejstejxin u niccettjaw milli naqraw dat-tip ta’ kotba. U jekk naqraw irridu xihaga ”hafifa”, xihaga ”relaxing”. Veru? Ahna llum il-gurnata qed nghixu f’era li tizzuffjeta bid-dnub, tixtieq thassar il-linja bejn it-tajjeb u l-hazin, l-era tal-”glamour” u l-”glitter”, l-era tar-razzjonalita’ li temmen f’dak li tara u tmiss biss (l-ghorrief jghidulna xorta ohra!) u l-era tal-banalita’ – ma ninsewhiex din! Johrog il-koka tad-dieta, nghidu ahna, u hadd ma jikkummenta jew jipprotesta jew jinfaqa’ jidhak. Aktar ma haga tkun banali aktar tkun accettata. Niehdu ezempju iehor. Is-sagrament nobbli taz-zwieg kif jafuh missirijietna nbidel. Illum iz-zwieg sar qisu l-kiri ta’ karozza. Inxurjaha u farrak fiha kemm tiflah u jigri li jigri! L-ordni tal-gurnata hi li timxi rasek ‘l isfel u saqajk ‘il fuq – hekk biss tkun normali u milqugh fis-socjeta’. L-uniku mod kif se nsalvaw minn dan l-istil ta’ hajja ta’ l-imgienen nafuh ben tajjeb meta ninghalqu fis-skiet ta’ kamritna u nisimghu lehen Alla jkellimna.

  25. Antonio says:

    hahhaha il-punt kien li l-kwalita’ hija baxxa u li hija sessista – u mhux li hu moralment hazin (dik kulhadd jara fiex jemmen hu). Jekk trid tara mara gharwiena ma nahsibx li ghandek ghalfejn tmur Maltastar Carmel wara kollox. Bicca search fuq google ukoll turi l-providenza teknologika kemm hi kbira hahhaha…

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