Look what the cat's dragged in

Published: April 2, 2008 at 1:00pm

Toni Abela as Otello, with Ruth Frendo (she’s the one with the dress)

Toni Abela as Otello, with Ruth Frendo (she’s the one with the dress)

Now Toni Abela – that buffoon who tries to entertain people with his farcical performances on Super One, but who instead makes us cry in despair – has announced that he is interested in ‘any leadership position’ in the Labour Party. What are these people trying to do? Turn the Labour Party into an act suitable for Moira Orfei’s circus? Joseph Muscat as leader, Toni Abela and Anglu Farrugia as deputy leaders, Alfred Grixti as secretary-general, and Evarist Bartolo bringing up the rear and communications bridesmaid.

Here’s Toni Abela, speaking to The Times:

My wish is to transmit my beliefs and try to convince people about them in a bid to strengthen democracy. It is in the interest of the country that the MLP becomes stronger as this will contribute to a stronger democracy. There has to be an opposition which speaks strongly and with conviction, without hurting anyone.

You can best serve the interests of the Labour Party, Toni, by grabbing hold of Manwel Cuschieri and Jason and heading straight for the nearest cliff.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Marie says:

    you crack me up!

  2. Simon says:

    Daphne you’re unbeatable!

    As soon as I heard this wonderful news I knew I had to have a look at your blog…and voila! There you go, a post about Toni Mustaccun.

    I must say I’m fairly disappointed though, you can’t possibly move on without sparing some loving thoughts about that charming moustache?

  3. Avenger says:

    On his way to the cliff, Toni should grab hold of Wenzu Mintoff. No parachutes allowed

  4. Meerkat :) says:

    Ghaziz Toni

    Issa li hiereg ghall-elezzjoni tajjeb li tbiddel ftit.

    Dawn ftit suggerimenti


  5. Meerkat :) says:

    Hey amrio,

    Peress li Daphne ma hallitnix immur niltaqa’ mieghu Sarracin ma kellux ma min iqabbel…

    This is what I look like


  6. my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey says:

    so vicious ;


  7. Guzeppi Grech says:

    Uffa! Everybody and his brother/sister is trying to get on the MLP leadership bandwagon.

    If only I could get support from the folks haunting this blog I might even think of running for office myself.

    What d’ya think guys and gals? Would you support my bid?

    Would Daphne handle my campaign? Don’t worry about the delegates, she can write in English and then I’ll get Europarl/Kevin/Sharon to translate into the vernacular. For example Leadership becomes liderxip.

    Also some same language transcoding might be necessary like: Stamperija = Centru, Kap = Mexxej, Kunsilliera = Delegati. No problem…I can solve it all.

    Believe me, I already have a vision for the next 10 years (after all I have to beat Joseph Muscat’s 5 years).

    My leadership will be the most inclusive ever. I will work with anyone, anywhere!

    I will be more European than the EU. I will be more Catholic than the pope. I will be more socialist than Lenin. I will support free enterprise more than Milton Friedman.

    Faster, Stronger, Higher!

    Support Guzeppi for Leader…he can beat GonziPN (if he’s allowed to use a large stick).

  8. amrio says:


    You learn a new thing every day! Actually, googling meerkat I found a sexy picture of you:


  9. kenneth Spiteri says:

    Poison first Album……heehheh

    that’s title brings me back old wonderful memories….


  10. Meerkat :) says:

    @ amrio

    you warm the cockles of my heart

  11. kenneth Spiteri says:

    hehheeh i’m with you Guzeppi……

    GUZEPPI AS LEADER……wooooolllllaaaaa


  12. Amanda Mallia says:

    There are a couple of other buddies of his whom he can get hold of …

  13. Meerkat :) says:

    Ton, ruhi, iftah l-ahhar buttuna tal-glekk!!! You look like a trussed-up chicken with all them buttons closed!

  14. andrew borg-cardona says:

    while on the subject of jacket buttons, only the middle button (when there are three) or the uppermost one (when there are two) should be done up. and of course, that golden hue should be reserved for eurovision singers. the accessory on the gentleman’s right is, however, quite acceptably turned out.

  15. Meerkat :) says:

    @ daphne

    U leee don’t ban the smileys we are happy :-D :-D

  16. Vanni says:

    ” the accessory on the gentleman’s right is, however, quite acceptably turned out”

    In fact one would be quite forgiven for thinking that said accessory is far more pleasing to the eye than the gent…….

  17. VekSal says:

    But the Labour party really isn’t getting it. They need new blood and new ideas! How on earth is the party going to move forward if all these past faces come out of the woodwork and ask to become leader!

    They need some fresh air and new faces…and Toni definitely needs a new suit!

  18. kenneth Spiteri says:

    @ VekSal..

    hehehe qtiltni this morning….definelty needs a new suit…hehheheeh


  19. Amanda Mallia says:

    VekSal – “But the Labour party really isn’t getting it. They need new blood and new ideas! How on earth is the party going to move forward if all these past faces come out of the woodwork and ask to become leader!”

    And we probably haven’t seen the last of the old cronies yet … Make a bet there are a couple of closet ones itching to come out at the opportune time. (Unless, of course, they decide to hop over the fence they are balancing so precariously on.)

  20. Mario Debono says:

    look what the cat’s dragged in…..u killed me with laughter with this pic. What a toad! She is not bad, although her dress is rather exagerrated. But Toni as Othello. Whatever will your cat drag in next?

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