How to bring down the government, by Anglu Farrugia

Published: May 13, 2008 at 4:00pm

Book by Anglu Farrugia

Biography excerpted from Who is Angelo Farrugia? – ‘violet revolution in Giorgia’ and all. He must have had pink elephants on his mind at the time.

Anglu Farrugia has come up with a cunning plan to bring down the illegitimate government. He wants passive resistance and mass meetings every fortnight. After all, if Eddie Fenech Adami did it in the years 1981 to 1987, why can’t Joseph Muscat do the same in 2008 to 2013? That was a rhetorical question. We’re not all as interestingly-brained as Anglu Farrugia, who expounded these views in an interview on Super One radio earlier today.

Farrugia used the opportunity to tell his audience of plebeians that he is an expert in international law, who graduated magna cum laude from the University of Malta. Imagine being in your 50s and boasting about these things. Is it a disease that affects Labour’s big cheeses exclusively? Farrugia took the trouble of explaining, for the benefit of those plebs, what magna cum laude means.

Well, here’s another one who’s divorced from reality. Does he honestly think that what people really, really want is another run of boycotts, partisan hatred, Sunday outings to mass meetings, the preaching of fear and hatred, attempts at bringing down the government, and lots of other jolly ideas that destabilise the economy? All this when a factory that employs 2,200 is threatening to shut down its operation here?

These people are nuts.

73 Comments Comment

  1. Jennifer Attard says:

    Hope and pray that the MLP will never copy Dr Fenech Adami and bring our nation on the verge of a civil war.Both our main political parties have sit down and reason things out in a civilised and democratical way.

    Though I fully agree that the situation now is not different from the 1981 -87 situation and any new MLP leader has the right to do all EFA did during that period,
    I hope it won’t happen.Thus let us all please be more careful in what we say or write. We do not need to create a state within a state to solve our differences. We should be more mature then 28 years ago.

    No these people are not nuts but provacations can turn us all into nuts indeed.It would be a big mistake if we take things for granted.

  2. DM says:

    Jennifer and other disillusioned Labourites. Can you please, once and for all, refrain from comparing the 1981 scenario to the 2008 one? (Unless by 2008 you mean the Zimbabwe election).
    In 1981 MLP did not got the most votes. In 2008 PN did (not trying to rub salt into your freshly re-opened wounds here). Simple.
    In 1981 MLP took advantage of the situation and with one specific target in mind “jerry-mandred” the districts. In 2008 PN won “in spite of” the shifting of the districts by the independent Electoral Commission. Simple.

  3. Libertas says:

    Does Anglu Farrugia mean to say that the Police will also copy what he did during 1981 and 1987?

  4. David S says:

    Perhaps Anglu Farrugia can also explain “beatings cum laude” when he was very much part of the police force. Perhaps he could also QED his own police boots too.
    Go and hide under a rock Anglu, lucky you did not spend time behind bars

  5. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Maybe Anglu wants to relive his glory days. Perhaps in the privacy of his own home he dresses up as a police inspector and plays with his baton. Sorry, I couldn’t resist that.

  6. john says:

    In 1981 thr PN had more votes than the MLP but still was in opposition due to districts’ gerrymandering. In 2008 the PN has more votes than the MLP and is in government due to an amendment to the Constitution. So Dr.Farrugia has no legimate and legal right to call for passive resistance. Everything is in place. If at all Dr.Farrugia may start a campaign of passive resistance within the MLP so as to make Jason Micallef resign his post of Secretary General of MLP.JASON MICALLEF brought so much tears in the eyes of Labour peaple.

  7. When Michael Falzon went to shake hands with Joe Saliba in the counting hall and concede defeat should Joe Saliba have said `Hold it – Gonzi told me that even though we have a majority of votes he doesn`t feel he should govern so you can tell Sant he can take over and he (Gonzi) concedes defeat.`

  8. John Schembri says:

    In the 80’s Magna cum laudae meant another “Karta ta’ l-incova”, according to the Malta Socialists’ creed of the 80’s.
    What really worries me is that people like Anglu are not concerned about workers who may lose their job but how they will bring down a legitimate government and disrupt the economy.
    If I see Joseph Muscat using his position as an MEP helping MALTA with SOLUTIONS in this very grave moment for SGS workers , then I would take the young man seriously.
    So far I have seen him ‘fighting’ battles which we all knew that they were already won .
    @ Daphne :last Saturday on RTK an MLP radio elf who made a long uninterrupted phone call on Stampa Cara claimed that she was instructed by the PN to dump rubbish on roundabouts in the 1981 crisis, nobody on the panel rebutted her untruth , and there was no time left for any rebuttal by another caller.

  9. Gahan says:

    …. with enemies like Anglu who needs friends?

  10. amrio says:

    @Jennifer Attard

    Prosit! You have effectively substituted marvellously Meerkat as the eminent female joker of this blog!

    Meerkat, where are you? You’re wanted back ASAP!!!

  11. IM9 says:

    Factor in the fact that Labour only gained 23.276% (quoting OPPOSITION LEADER ALFRED SANT) of the “international” vote, and you will realise that labour won by a landslide…. Start the protest… dan il gvern ILLEGITIMU!!

  12. IM9 says:

    Some may think i am joking, here is where the 23.276% comes from:

  13. jenny says:

    I remember once when Anglu Farrugia said on T.V that there would be a time when we would be telling our children,that once upon a time there once existed a political party known as the “Partit Nazzjionalista”. How mistaken he was as it seems that his party is heading that way.

  14. maryanne says:

    Daphne – just saw Ev on one news He has a new hairstyle… a wet loook!!!! Guess he wants to shake off the tal-muzew image

  15. me says:

    @Jennifer Attard
    Go and read some fairy tales.
    They will do you much good.

  16. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Maryanne – a ‘wet look’ Evarist, eh? How sexy. Maybe he’s competing with Silvio Parnis. Let’s spell it out: (1) wet look hair is right out of style, and (2) it was never for the over 50s.

  17. Mark says:

    That picture is epic. What – a – muppet. And to think that this joker is actually in the running for the leadership of a major political party – says so much about the quality of the MLP and its merry band of witless supporters.

  18. Jennifer Attard says:

    @ me .. You sound an expert on fairy tales. Keep it up and share it with us here.

  19. Amanda Mallia says:


  20. jenny says:

    It is about time that Anglu Farrugia accepts defeat. I hope he is not comparing himself to Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami, who brought Malta out of troubled times. Anglu Farrugia get it through your head the P.N won this election fair and square! Concentrate on who will be leader of your divided party and forget about boycotts. You will have a chance to organize mass meeting in about another five years time.

  21. Amanda Mallia says:

    IM9 – You sure do act like you are (9, I mean)

  22. Philip Grima says:

    Jennifer, anyone who lived through the seventies and eighties, and was on the receiving end, can tell you that the general feeling was of despair. Some of us were resigned to living the rest of our days under a socialist regime and I am not being dramatic. Others ,mainly those who didn’t attend the mass meetings, spoke about taking matters into there hands. It was thanks to the inspired leadership of Eddie Fenech Adami, who although under relentless provocation, remained adamant that the impasse could only be resolved through peaceful means. Attending a mass meeting in those days was one way of showing defiance and was an act of courage in itself. It was worth the while as Eddie never failed to uplift us with his words of wisdom and great oratory skills. To say that Eddie Fenech Adami could have been instrumental in provoking a civil war is a great injustice. The large crowds present at the meetings, who used to cling to his every word, are witness to his peaceful ways. It hurts , even after all these years, to read such slanderous and unfair comments.

  23. Meerkat :) says:


    I AM MORTALLY OFFENDED FOR REPLACING ME WITH JENNIFER! and not because of what you’re thinking (I had to say this or else Daphne will fall on me like a ton of bricks for flirting!) but for thinking’s that Jennifer’s post can be likened to my humour. I will NEVER RECOVER unless you redeem yourself pretty quick!

    Ohhhh, I am dying!

  24. Meerkat :) says:

    Daph, Ev’s wet look eh? Maybe anglu’s iljunfant had an accident

  25. Meerkat :) says:

    Anglu interrogating the elephant….

  26. Meerkat :) says:

    Anglu’s elephant needs therapy

    Amrio: do you still think that Jennifer can ever replace me issa?!

    Now back to my studies pronto.

  27. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, it’s not fair. You lied to us. On this blog you’re always going on about how the Nationalist Party won the election, but I have just read DOKTOR Sant’s speech on maltastar and no way is it a loser’s speech. Therefore, MLP must have won the election. I’m not in Malta so I get my news feed from the media. And you have lied to us. Doctor Sant won the election and is now Prime Minister. Or I am a banana. Or both.


    H.P. Baxxter

  28. amrio says:


    NO-ONE can replace you!

    But I did make you re-surface in this blog by my sarcastic comment….. so it worked!

  29. Meerkat :) says:

    Eeeeeeeeeee tenkju

    Mela t-tort tieghek li rega’ tfacca Sant ukoll?

  30. amrio says:


    No Sant’s return is not my doing…. reminds me of a Stephen King novel…

  31. amrio says:



    Who are Violet and Giorgia?

  32. avvocato says:

    Is it true that this Angelo Farrugia is a lawyer? I mean is it true he graduated LL.D from a university?

    [Moderator – Yes, and magna cum laude, if you please. It says a lot about the law course.]

  33. Meerkat :) says:

    An sentence for from Anglu’s bio:

    “His hobbies include reading, researching about Maltese of Abroad [sic!] and Jogging.”

    As for researching about “Maltese of Abroad” … maybe they’re part of his sleuthing regarding his 3 pager Magna Opus about Vote Rigging DIY?

    Jogging ej? Pity his memory can’t be jogged along with the rest of his body since he has difficulty remembering certain details from his glorious past.

    [Moderator – “Western civilisation, in its best sense, was born with the promenade. Walking is a sensitive, spiritual act. Jogging is management of the body. The jogger says I am in control. It has nothing to do with meditation.” – Libération. More here, here and here.]

  34. Meerkat :) says:

    Hekk irrid nitilfek!

    Violet Revoljuxin in Giorgia


  35. Meerkat :) says:

    or this one amrio…though I don’t imagine Dr Sant in a frock

  36. amrio says:


    This is ridiculous! Why can’t someone like Sarkozy jog? After all, they say, jogging keeps you youthful, and our friend has to keep up with a wife called Carla Bruni….

    [Moderator – Apparently, it’s ‘right wing and individualistic’. And this is France we’re talking about. They philosophise about everything, even flatulence.]

  37. Bendu says:

    avvocato: there are so many lawyers and graduands tipo Anglu at the MLP, didn’t you ever notice that?

  38. Meerkat :) says:

    well, well, judging from Anglu’s ample girth, methinks it’s more a question of hogging (the fridge) than jogging. Poor elephant

  39. combinaguai ]}:-) says:

    @ Daphne
    Well I’m all for Lejber fourtnight meetings if we get all the creme de la creme of screaming and clapping red-flag-wavers each time il-mexxej appears as Jesus Christ Superstar (no blasphemy meant) on the stage available on Youtube!
    I guess those saucy clips helped a lot to show the world what Malta Lejber is all about! And they might have had a significant contribution in Lejber’s performance in the last election. (2 months passed already!? It seems like yesterday. It must be the peace of mind…)

  40. MikeC says:

    ermmmmmmm the exact quotation on anglu’s web site, in maltese, is:

    Huwa jhobb jaqra, ijrricerka dwar Maltin ta’ Barra, u jiggoja

    ijrricerka? jiggoja?

    [Moderator – Scroll down for the translation in English.]

  41. david s says:

    daphne you have a misprint in the book , it should be Dr Angelo Farrugia LLD, they just love putting both in, “Dr” before the name and the degrees afterwards. What is it with degrees with us Maltese, we just love serenading them on the telephone directory (Reggie Fava), newspaper articles (Dr Anthony Licari)….ooops I almost forgot Dr Joseph Muscat Bur. M A. rad.

  42. Mario Debono says:

    So his hoppy is jogging ej ? I worked in Mosta for a long time, never saw him doing that, and I do get around. Did u ever see him Daph….when u whizz down the hill and up to Mosta for your newspapers? Glad i didnt. The temptation to park my bonnet up his backside might have been too great. Now I’m not a thin person but Anglu’s wife and cherubic daughters are right proper heifers. Maybe they should go out jogging as well. As for Anglu’s utterings today, the man must be living in cuckooland. Either that or the man has the intellect of a particluarly stupid cockroach. Minn fejn igibhom dawn l-idejat? Who is he trying to convince? What audience is he playing for ? Magna cum Laude inded ! i’m sure many people thought he was trying to explain some obscure Formula 1 theory linking engines ( Magna) to Niki Lauda. U hallina Anglu! Nispera li il-warrani tar-rix, halli meta taqa ghan nejk ma tbatix. That we have ths man as an MP is symptomatic of how many mindless idiots are there out there. They actually voted for him. This is beyond belief!

  43. me says:

    @Jennifer Attard
    Sorry for being late….but…
    Here is another fairy tale for you……regarding the water situation back then…

    “Ghandna progett iehor ukoll, li fih ahna rridu naghmlu li nistghu biex nghinu lil kullhadd halli nibnu tankijiet tal-gebel u mhux tal-hadid u anqas tal-konkos, biex nifrankaw il-flus li jmorru barra minn Malta. Mill-bejt, l-ilma jigri fit-tank tal-gebel li jkun fil-gholi u mit-tank tal-gebel imur fil-viti tal-kanna, ghall-ikel u ghax-xorb. Iz-zejjed jaqa fil-bir. Il-ministeru tax-xoghlijiet diga ghamel mudelli ta dawn it-tankijiet.”
    (Mintoff: Speech to the nation – 28/12/1979)

    Yes, sure I collect these type of fairy tales.

  44. Jennifer Attard says:

    Arrogance is very cheap and would in the long run be the downfall of those playing superman/woman. That, which for many seems insurmountable, a few months ago, would soon fall down. Spite and hate won’t stop the inevitable. It is not a question of individuality, it is much wider. The real danger is not Anglu Farrugia or who ever is chosen ‘for the kill’, by the self made arrogant oracles.

    The danger that many arrogant oracles dreaded, is getting nearer and nearer. They know it and they feel it. It is getting at their doorsteps. Deceit, abuses, empty promises, lies, corruption, twisting of events, misinformation and disrespect towards basic rights ( to name a few) won’t stop the inevitable. Name calling, arrogance and character killing won’t stop the express train that is to pass over. The virus that these arrogant oracles are spreading is not affecting anyone.

    Dark and cloudy days are on the horizon for these arrogant oracles. It is much better for them to stuff their bunkers with all necessities and hide there till they might be forgotten. To survive the forthcoming upheaval, won’t be easy for some. Russian roulette would be their favourite game.

    [Moderator – Are you sure you aren’t Peter Muscat?]

  45. me says:

    @Jennifer Attard
    Well here is another fairy tale for you…

    “Bomba wahda hija bizzejjed biex teqred il-popolazjoni ta’ Malta. Ghaldaqstant il-gvern Ingliz huwa fid-dover li parti kbira mill-popolazjoni taghna li jien nikkalkula b’100,000 ghanda tigi trasportata fi zmien qasir f’postijiet ohra fil-boghod mill-periklu, fi bliet godda f’art fejn ix-xoghol ikun diga preparat ghan-nies taghna.
    Mhux talli ahna ma jmissniex inhallsu ghal-emigrazzjoni imam l-gvern Ingliz stess imissu hass il-htiega li minn Malta l-fortizza jnehhi n-nies zejda specjalment meta llum stess jinsabu minghajr xoghol, specjalment meta llum stess qeghdin jitolbu c-cans li ifasslu hajjithom banda ohra.
    Dan huwa d-dmir tal-gvern Ingliz. Nafu li bicca xoghol ta’ din il-kwalita, xoghol li tibni Malta zghira banda ohra, xoghol li tittrasporta u tiprovdi ghall-ghixen ta’ 100,000 ruh, lill-gvern Ingliz tqumlu kemxa sewwa, imam nafu li il-Maltin ghandhom dritt, ghax ahna British.”
    (Mintoff: Speech to the nation on Rediffusion – 31/08/1950)

  46. Jennifer Attard says:

    @ me … Lol .. I was born just few days before that day.
    Your negative fairy tales seems to be your favourite pastime.You live with them too.Enjoy them of course.

    The present fairy tales seems you have no intersts in or maybe you are still sorting them out for posterity.Howver the prsent we live in is no fairy tale. I bet you are aware of that but, of course, you choose to play deaf and dumb.
    Playing deaf and dumb is a very dangerous game and it might hurt you or burn you in the long run.

    We all have a right to err but insisting in erring is not human at all.Persons are repeating the history you please yourself to refer to though in a much more sophistacted way.
    Maybe the present actors are not so outspoken as Mintoff was but surely they much more deceitful and much more deadly in their actions.

    Yes keep playing deaf and dumb if it makes you happy.Have fun with your past fairy tales.

  47. Jennifer Attard says:

    @ Moderator Who is this Peter Muscat? Today I am leaving for Brussels. I be glad to meet you in person one day, if you prefer to. I don’t mind. Who knows you might join my club. My offices are not far from yours. LOL.Take care.

  48. Mark says:

    Did anyone understand a word of Jennifer Attard’s last post?

    “Dark and cloudy days are on the horizon for these arrogant oracles”… what? “To survive the forthcoming upheaval, won’t be easy for some. Russian roulette would be their favourite game.”… what?? “Name calling, arrogance and character killing won’t stop the express train that is to pass over.” Seriously, WHAT are you on?

    @Moderator: She sounds more like Lorna Tomb Raider Vassallo.

  49. "Maltese of Abroad" says:

    I’m a “Maltese of Abroad” and of the “Maltese of Abroad” who live in my area and voted in the last elections, I would say 90% were Lejber. Has Sant told us what he’s basing his statistics on?

    @Jennifer Attard – Pleeeease shut up! The attempt to use a ‘literary’ style of prose is excruciating … and what is it you’re saying? Are you threatening Armageddon? Sorry, didn’t quite get it.

    One other thing, would you please try not to use ‘would’ when you mean ‘will’; it sets my teeth on edge!

  50. Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

    I’vet heard Dr Alfred Sant’ s speech in parliament yesterday and to be honest without any “beating about the bush” he was good, think he left the best for last. I trust that sometimes even though you detest someone, in my case Dr Sant, does not mean you don’t “call a spade a spade”.
    What we hear in the mass media does not necessary be the whole truth especially by the so called intellectuals of the political establishment One News, thinking they are gifted and people are brainless.

    I must say humbly that Dr Sant is a good spokesman, (definitely not a statesman) his speech was very convincing and to be frank I do believe what he said, though it was a little bit exaggerated and overblown still I think it was all truth.

    Let us be honest with ourselves- the Orlando case…, Air tickets saga, Tax pardons, Tax refunds –my girlfriend received hers four days before the election.
    The PN knew that it was a photo finish. I had people calling , asking me to vote before I leave the island cause I had a flight early in the morning on election day. Man from outer space, people I don’t know calling on my cell phone – hello cosmos calling, don’t forget to do your duty and cast your vote tomorrow, as if I had a contractual obligation with anybody.

    Having said that, does not mean that whatever was said and done Dr Gonzi is to blame and surely the Prime Minister is not responsible for all the happenings in this country and for that reason – I voted Dr Gonzi.

  51. Alex says:

    If Jenifer is not Peter, then it is quite a coincidence that they like to brag about going abroad….and working…and blablabla, both mature and still bragging about going/working abroad, come on!!

    Thinking about it, this reminds me pretty much of the ARANI MA people!!

    Have to leave now, the presidential chopper is picking me up for an urgent meeting with cowboy Bush…

  52. me says:

    @Jennifer Attard
    Having passed through all the fire the party you support could have thrown at our generation, there is nothing that can hurt us.
    We have been there and back as winners, and the nations winnings have been multiplied by the ineptness of the mlp. That is why many people on these posts have been urging the mlp not to repeat the same errors by choosing the wrong person. If you think that what is being written is for the benefit of the pn, then you are wrong. No one like those who passed through those terrible times would be more happy to see a stable democratic system where the alternation of power does not bring convulsions to the nation.
    Do not try to draw parallels between those years and now, because although you give an idea of your age I would say that you were either not born then or have been dead since.

  53. Paul Caruana says:

    @Jennifer Attard – Sad rant, elf. That’s an anagram of Alfred Sant for you, given that you like talking in riddles.

  54. Chris says:

    @Jennifer Attard

    If there was anyone who stopped a civil war that was Eddie – I was a young University student in those days and I know the feeling amongst the young people that had seen their dreams disappear – I can assure that some of us were ready for anything and still some of us were not very happy with Eddie’s call for quiet civil disobedience – Now most of us have realised that his was the best plan and even though we had to pass through 6 years of hell and lost thousands of opportunities, we have finally seen our dream come through.

    With people like you in the MLP fold, people like me will never be brought about to vote MLP.

  55. Mixx says:

    Oh yeah Daph, you surely must be referring to the radio programme which kept me rooted to my car seat with my eyes popping in ‘n’ out of my head, where Simone Cini was interviewing Angelo?!
    The only person who beats this guy when it comes to talking in pre-1987 mode from his a-se is the CNI guy who’s allowed (much too much) air time on Smash TV some evenings! My mum insists the latter’s none other than Eddie Privvie in persona divina! How about listening to HIM some time?….. But not after a heavy dinner……. ;o))

  56. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Leonard Ellul Bonici – I see your point about pulling out all the stops, but you have to remember that these people were working so that YOU wouldn’t have to put up with a chaotic Labour government led by Alfred Sant. So whatever it took – phone calls, pestering, chasing – who cares? It got the job done, and boy, am I glad that the man in the stupid wig is safely corralled on the opposition benches thanks to all those hundreds of people who beat their brains out over a six-week campaign. You have to put in that kind of effort when it appears that half this country seems hell-bent on self-destruction.

  57. europarl says:

    @Leonard – which tribe was it that inundated you with calls to go and vote? This would indicate which list you’re on – that is to say, are you still on the Labour list (I wonder whether you ever voted Labour:)?

  58. Ronnie says:

    @ Daphne. True a lot of work had to be put in to save us from having to endure Sant & co for 5 years. However what AS implied in his speech was that in the run up to the election, not everything was done above board and in the most transparent of manners. If that were the case I would have to agree with him.

  59. Ronnie says:

    I suggest Anglu Farrugia for Leader and Toni Abela for Deputy Leader. If they make it to Government will the last person to leave, please switch off the lights!

  60. @ Daphne – I agree with all you`ve written regarding the recent elections and candidates and MPs and party officials and rumours and the 70`s and 80`s and Prime Ministers etc but I think the best sentence was
    half this country seems hell-bent on self-destruction.
    I`m still struggling to understand how the PN just scraped through with Malta in the state it was all those years ago.

  61. John Schembri says:

    @ europarl : Leonard’s tribe must have been the Nationalist , the pepsodent guy was sleeping on his laurels because the “servejs” said MLP was winning , and because he thought he was controlling the situation.

  62. jenny says:

    I once saw Anglu Farrugia out jogging somewhere around ta’qali, not that it is doing him much good. He is nearly as fat as the elephant he is sitting on. Joking aside, I personally think that he must really hate all those who did not vote labour in the last election. We must be thankful that labour are in opposition, because if this was not so we might today be reliving the terrible 70’s and 80’s.


  63. Tony Pace says:

    Just read Alfred Sant’s diatribe. What a sad, bitter and obnoxious man he is. Not even a “sorry guys, I lost you the elections with my antics and hard head”!! I have met so many people who voted Labour or not voted , who now realise how close they were to self-destruction.
    Thank God a lot of us saw the light.

  64. Corinne Vella says:

    Tony Pace: Yes, and what a shame so many didn’t. Truly none are so blind as those who will not see.

  65. @John schembri
    What is wrong with “karta ta l-incova” as a nickname for any University Diploma.
    Look at a French encyclopedia or in the internet and find the use of the expression “Peau d’âne” (Ass skin).
    Every country has its say in such matters. I don’t know what the English call it, perhaps you know and tell us.
    Are you touchy so much?

  66. Those who criticize Dr.Anglu Farrugia have a very short memory of his time in the Police Force. I will not say to what I am referring, but he surely received a lot of praise at the time from his present day critics.

    [Moderator – What? Please clarify.]

  67. Corinne Vella says:

    Michael Debono: We’ve always known Mintoff is vulgar. He didn’t need to go ahead and prove it with his name calling. As for Anglu Farrugia and his time in the police force, what sort of dark magic are you hinting at? His service at the time of a despotic regime was none too admirable, given that he seems to have preferred to act as an agent of that regime, rather than against it.

    And please drop the titles and unnecessary capital letters, would you? ‘University’ and ‘diploma’ are not proper nouns. Nor is ‘Dr’ part of Anglu Farrugia’s name.

  68. Joe Borg says:

    A couple of years ago I was admiring the summer sunset,and as I was not far away from these two gentleman, I heard part of their conversation & it went something like this.
    ….mela u qalilna “come on boys”(or something similar) ha nitilghu hdejn kastilja ghax hemm xi studenti universitarji qed jaghmlu xi protesta halli nihdu hsieb is-sitwazzjoni.
    U kif wasalna kien hemm xi zghazagh marbutin ma’r-railings u kien hemm ftit storbju.Insomma to shorten,kien ghaddej qassis mill-qrib u da’l-mad…. qassis fettillu jihu xi ritratti ta’s-sittwazzjoni,u rah li spettur,u da’l-os… spettur dar fuqna u qalilna “morru kissrulu l-kamera u lilu wkoll…….
    Unfortunately some of them obeyed.
    U li spettur???. ermmmmmmmm I’m afraid he was Anglufant Farrugia B.A.LL.D.A.B.Z.M.L.
    And for those curious enough, the last two letters mean Mill-.Ligi.

  69. Daphne and the whole club that enjoy writing and be read.
    Can you tell me who was the prosecutor of Police commissionner Pullicino?
    I forgot, so I plead you to remind me.
    I have a hint but I would not share it unless you answer my query.

  70. A day has passed and no reply has been forthcoming to my question about who acted as prosecutor in the case against police commissioner L Pullicino.
    It will surely not be forthcoming because the castle will crumble like a plying cards’ one.

  71. I mean like a playing cards’ one. Typing error regretted.

    [Moderator – I’m reminded of a villainous character that keeps making a mess of his clichés and punch-lines, but I can’t quite put my finger on the guy.]

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