Oh, look – another irrevocable resignation

Published: May 31, 2008 at 7:30pm

Josie Muscat

Josie Muscat resigned as leader of Azzjoni Nazzjonali after the general election result was announced. He said that he was done with politics, that the result ‘was what it was’, and he would be moving on.

And now, look….he’s back as leader of Azzjoni Nazzjonali. He was the only contender for the post, and he was elected. He said that he had been persuaded to stay on. Well, if anything, he was persuaded to return, given that he had left with a few well-chosen dramatic words just after polling-day.

And Harry’s still there, too, waiting to be persuaded to stay on in the AD leadership election that shows no sign of happening. Meanwhile, Labour’s why-we-lost report is up for public discussion, but we’ve heard nothing about AD’s report. Either it’s still being stewed and brewed, or it’s ready and being kept secret.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew says:

    Have a look at those strategically placed doughnut charts. And why is he wearing two watches?

  2. Meerkat :) says:

    @ Matthew

    Because he wanted to make sure that his time wasn’t up

  3. Marku says:

    Good for him. He can now continue to hang out with the bunch of xenophobic fools in AN.

  4. my name is Leonard but my son calls me Joey says:

    Looks like a well-prepared referee.

  5. Anthony says:

    This chappy is a political nonentity. So no more wasted time on him please. It would have been much better if Doktorelfrid were persuaded to stay on until a proper election of a successor could be held. Taking advantage of collective post traumatic stress disorder is really unfair. As things now stand a Putin style succession is being engineered to the detriment of the MLP and ultimately of Malta.

  6. Observer says:

    Two watches, two (drinking) glasses – For Jeckyl and Hyde or what?

  7. Ray says:

    @Meerkat: It is not just Josie’s time up. I think it is also Lejber’ time up. The choice of a new Lejber Leader has really opened up to us a can of worms which has long been suspected and “accused of” existing. This is a confirmation of our suspicions.

    I think that the only solution to the present Lejber situation is a new party, a really New Labour (or whatever name is given). Will George Abela do this when he is not elected this coming Thursday? Let us hope so. Lejber will never change, not with that upstart goatee at the helm and a pack of wolves behind his backside.

    They say that God moves in strange ways. The last election was a double blessing: 1) It gave PN a jog to pull up its socks and 2) it saved us from the meyhem that would have materialised had Lejber been voted in as Government. Those same factions, those internal squabbles, dagger thrusts, would only have been amplified had Sant been voted in as the new PM.

  8. John Schembri says:

    George Abela will contest for the MEP Elections…… together with Alfred Portelli.

  9. John Schembri says:

    Dr George Abela will contest for the MEP Elections……


    together with Joe Mizzi, and probably with Dr Alfred Sant ,Dr Josie Muscat , and Joe Saliba.. What about Dr Harry?

  10. @ Anthony – I agree it`s unfair in the sense that one day we will have to live with whoever is elected as leader. As things look at the momentthe prospect ahead is not bright. The only good thing is that Daphne will be in her element and that makes for entertaining reading. (not much consolation really)
    @ Ray – plus it made us realise that when GonziPN used to warn us of the factions, internal squabbles, dagger thrusts, total disary etc he was right. It wasn`t just mud slinging.
    As many people have said – if the MLP Leaders couldn`t manage and control their own party what would they have done to our country.

  11. Albert Farrugia says:

    Yes in fact I am reliably concerned that George Abela is only waiting for the signal of a certain “Ray” to found his new party. Now that “Ray” has shown his support, I suppose there is nothing that can stand in Dr Abela’s way. U hallina habib! Why dont you rather take a look here instead.


  12. Mario Debono says:

    Kummidjant! enough said!

  13. Caphenni says:


    Daphne please comment on this article. It’s such a poor and tragic sight. 64% of young people never used a condom when having sex. :(

    We need sex education, and we need condom-availability. And we need them now. Please help to make it an issue.

  14. eve says:

    True Ray. Rather than concentrate on the leadership ‘succession’ they would have been oh so busy dissecting Malta into a zillion pieces. I agree with you. God moves in strange ways – he saved this country from eternal damnation a little under three months ago.

  15. Jo Saliba says:

    Prosit lil kontibuturi kollha! Tassew ittuni pjacir. Josie darba kien organizza l-FFF (Free Freedom Fighters) fiz-zmien il-lejber (Kont se nghid l-antik – skuzawni!) Kont sirt membru (tal-FFF). Imma ma niftakarx li qatt ghamilna xi haga bhala grupp. Naf li konna nircievu Newletter.

    Dwar il- Lejber f’hames snin fl-oppozizjoni ma kellhomx hila johorgu programm elettorali sura ta’ nies ahseb u ara kemm kienu lesti jiggvernaw.
    Laburisti ta’ veru araw x’taghmlu ghax inkella ma tkunux fil-gvern qabel it-tielet Millenju! Forsi.

  16. John Schembri says:

    Jo Saliba, your memory is playing tricks on you , it was the Front Freedom Fighters who were rightly rooted out by Louis Galea from the PN, they were a party within a party.
    To be fair with Josie , in the South ( Zejtun Zabbar, Cottonera area) violence was the order of the day and the PN supporters had no protection from the police,probably Josie got fed up trying to convince the top brass at Pieta and organised his group.
    The public woke up to the harsh reality of violence from the Tal-Barrani ‘battle’ and the political murder of Raymond Caruana.
    Today if one asks a fifty year old from Mellieha or Gozo about the political violence which we experienced in the 80’s , one would hear the version from a detached point of view. Hearing the same narration from a person the same age from Zejtun would be different ; names, dates and places will surely pop up in abundance and maybe some personal anecdotes recalled too.

  17. Vincent Pace says:

    I cannot believe that these people are still around after having been given the boot. Their narcissism must be their strongest quality, and it’s what keeps them going. Bully for them !!

  18. Paul says:

    Bring on all the leader for a Gonzi the basher

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