You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps

Published: June 11, 2008 at 1:30pm

Alternattiva has published the report written by a committee set up to investigate the reasons for its failure to garner four seats and a coalition in the last election. The report blames Harry Vassallo’s failure to sort out his VAT problems, the promotion of the idea of a coalition, over-confidence rooted in the MEP election result for Arnold Cassola, the Nationalist Party for stealing its green cloak, the party’s neglect of social issues, and its failure to communicate with people ‘in the south’ while “adopting a strategy focussed on the north”.

And who sat on the committee and wrote the report? Carmel Cacopardo of AD, Claire Bonello of AD and Kurt Sansone of AD. Cacopardo stood for election under the AD ticket and contributed to the mess with his ‘whistleblower’ antics. Claire Bonello wrote one newspaper column after another justifying the agitation for a coalition and denying that the party was targeting voters in traditional PN strongholds while ignoring the Labour strongholds of ‘the south’. And Kurt Sansone is one of the disproportionate number of AD-voting reporters at the Malta Today/Illum stable, who I predict will now start swinging from Joseph Muscat’s tail because he is just the kind who will appeal to them.

You don’t have to be crazy to work at AD, but apparently, it helps.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Caphenni says:

    Seems to me like they hit the nail on its head with the report.

    I don’t get why you think they are crazy. Just because they can be objective and critical about their own strategy?

    [Moderator – I’ve read the report. The authors put more effort into criticising the billboard designer and focusing on decade-old statistics from local elections than they did into criticising the man who led them into this mess. As though the party’s graphic designer came up with the idea of selling a coalition to people who don’t want it.]

  2. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Caphenni, my point is that they are the very ones who contributed to the mess in the first place, with their erroneous strategy. Now they are the ones saying that the strategy was erroneous, after the event and because they saw that it didn’t work. That’s nuts.

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    Caphenni: They knew all this beforehand. They just didn’t take it on board.

  4. Xewka says:

    Why should we call someone crazy just because he saw his mistake and admitted it?

  5. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Xewka, I’m calling them crazy because the same people who made the mess were asked to assess the mess.

  6. Sybil says:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia Wednesday, 11 June 1821hrs
    “Xewka, I’m calling them crazy because the same people who made the mess were asked to assess the mess.”

    They followed the MLP’s example.

  7. Amanda Mallia. says:

    Take a look at this, and listen to the music, which is ironically entitled “Bitter Sweet Symphony” (The Verve):

    I wonder whether the poodle’s choice of accompanying music with such a title was an unfortunate mistake (if so, then so much for the PR expert “lil din!” wife), a funny coincidence or whether it was intentional, with some underlying tone!

  8. Alex says:

    Daphne you forgot to say how booooring her columns are. I never manage to make it over the third paragraph.

  9. Harry and the VAT returns says:

    Is Harry going to pay his VAT fines, especially now that he’s out of a job?

  10. Shannon Andrews says:

    31 days after the election results are published every candidate is required to submit a sworn statement of expenses, before a magistrate, showing that he or she did not spend more than the prescribed amount. If that statement is not made, or made falsely, the sanction is to lose your seat in Parliament! If you have not been elected the sanction is a fine of up to €465.87. In both cases, you are struck off the voters list for four years. Apparently Dr Vassallo did not send in his statement.Doesn’t this guy ever learn!!

  11. Peter Muscat says:

    While conversing with someone regarded by many as ‘the village idiot’, at a most wonderful Gozitan village, I was conviced that:

    1.Hate, spite and anger are the most powerful ingredients that destroy a man/woman.

    2.Great are those that give away love,hugs and smiles.

    3.Time, words and opportunity never come back.

    I did write some time ago that ‘a village idiot is more intelligent then most posters in this forum’! How right I was!

  12. Corinne Vella says:

    Peter Muscat: And yet you choose to spend your time among people who are less intelligent than the ‘village idiot’ you mention. Now what does that say about you?

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