Not his brothers' keeper

Published: September 19, 2008 at 6:30pm

The Said men in this report in The Times are the brothers of parliamentary secretary and former Nadur mayor Chris Said.

The bushfire telegraph that communicates more effectively than the media has put it about already, but the newspapers/television are not reporting it because it is not thought relevant. The media operates on the principle that we are not our brother’s keeper. Of course we are not. But if a senior politician’s three brothers are charged with gang-raping a 15-year-old girl, that is definitely a news story and refusing to carry it amounts to misguided editing at best, and to self-imposed censorship at worst.

How can anyone even think of suppressing information like that?

The media decision-makers may have feared that they would be seen as casting unfair aspersions on Chris Said. I see it the other way: that refusing to bring this story out into the open will only serve to feed the rumour-mill. Chris Said, by all accounts of those who know him (I have never met the man) is a decent and hard-working chap who has long been ashamed of his brothers and who seeks to distance himself from them as best he can. He must be pained by this latest scandal.

Most of us know that, while families of siblings tend to be roughly the same in outlook, sometimes a family will find itself with a cuckoo in its nest, or a black sheep. It works the other way round, too: families of awful siblings will sometimes include a white sheep, an unexplained nice guy or good girl.

This story shouldn’t be kept under wraps, if only for this Chris Said to know that people don’t think he has to be forgiven for something that is no fault of his at all. He’s their brother, not their father. John Major had a dreadful brother too, and so did Bill Clinton – though neither of them was ever accused of gang-raping a schoolgirl. The dreadful brothers were acknowledged by the media, and their antics reported – but nobody ever suggested that they might cast a negative light on Major or Clinton.

I’ve just texted a relative with the information. “It’s the kind of mess one would expect from Labour,” he replied. “Those brothers are Lorry Sant henchmen types. About a year ago, the police tried to evict them from an illegal construction yard, but pulled back when they resisted.”

Now here’s where I just have to qualify my beliefs on politicians (or others) not being their brothers’ keepers. The electors of Nadur, in the mayoral heats, may have voted for Chris Said because they think he’s a good man who shouldn’t be penalised for coming from a family of thugs. But shouldn’t they have realised that making the thugs’ brother mayor would give the thugs more to swagger about, even if without grounds to do so? To put it in Maltese, izjed jaghmlu arja jekk huhom is-sindku. And then on top of all that, they rallied round him in the general election polls, so that now these thugs have a brother who is a parliamentary secretary.

The dilemma was passed on to the prime minister who, faced with a good man and a young one on his team, decided that he shouldn’t be penalised for having such horrible brothers and gave him a portfolio of responsibilities. But here’s the dilemma: brothers like these are bound to cause embarrassment sooner rather than later. Do you avoid the embarrassment by leaving Chris Said on the backbench in perpetuity. Or do you stand by him and ride out the wave of scandal when it comes, as it inevitably will and in fact, has just done?

It’s a tough one.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Mariop says:

    it’s not a tough decision at all. Chris Said (whom I do not know) is Chris Said is Chris Said. Having the same mother and father does not make one equally responsible for the actions of the siblings. Whatever his moronic brothers do, they will have to face the consequrnces. If they don’t because they happen to be brothers of Chris Said, then yes, that is a really big problem – for all of us. Wannabe Fusellus in the making?

    [Daphne – Miskin. I mean, really.]

  2. E J Gatt says:

    “But shouldn’t they have realised that making the thugs’ brother mayor would give the thugs more to swagger about, even if without grounds to do so? To put it in Maltese, izjed jaghmlu arja jekk huhom is-sindku.”

    If I remember correctly, while Chris Said was a mayor of Nadur, he personally reported his brothers to the relevant authorities because they were doing some abuses by occupying land illegally or parking construction vehicles in irregular places or something like that.

    Sorry do not remember the details but am sure about the general circumstances that Chris Said did not protect his brothers when he was mayor.

    [Daphne – Nobody is suggesting that.]

  3. Stanley Cassar Darien says:

    Very good article. Chris is doing a really good job, it’s just a question of good management by his boss really.He needs to protect Chris and avoid putting him in certain situations.

  4. Keith Borg-Micallef says:

    Yeah, I fully concur with “Mariop”.
    Chris Said (whom I do not know too) is not his brothers. He, as DCG said, might (undoubtedly is) be the white sheep of his family. It is not his fault if he is surrounded by some creepy relatives. What they did is simply unforgivable, and they will certainly (at least I hope) be punished.

    TVM just mentioned the case, but gave no clue about their being Chris’ brothers. I didn’t follow the Super One news, so I don’t know. But I venture to say that they will probably make a fuss about all this; which would be understandable, were they to speak about those committing this appalling act and not only emphasizing the fact that Chris Said is their brother. Something, I believe will happen. Hope they will prove me wrong.

  5. John C. says:

    Great post, Daphne. I know quite some people who voted for Chris Said even though they are personally victims of his brothers’ illegalities in Gozo, which include, amongst others, an illegal yard where to park their JCBs, the illegal dumping of waste all over Gozo, the numerous times the Gozo Channel ferries had to leave in delay because of them parking their heavy vehicles on the ramp and protesting for something or another, their violent and arrogant behaviour all over Gozo, their illegal use of heavy vehicles on roads from where they should not pass, and so many others. Still, the people voted for Chris Said because they like this white sheep in the family. But they still believe in justice and want justice done. They want to see the violent Said brothers behind bars. At least for a few years. In the meantime they still want to see their older brother in Castille, working for the benefit of the country. But if justice is not done, then I’m afraid Chris Said won’t be elected another time.

  6. John Schembri says:

    Billi huhom hu s-sindku , ma’ jistghu jabbuzaw lil-hadd iktar minn haddiehor.Kull razza ssib paljazza/i .
    Niggudikaw lil-Chris minn ghemilu, mhux bli hutu huma mixlija.
    Niftakar ministru twajjeb Laburist li huh spicca l-habs fuq serq , allura kellu jirrizenja?

  7. David Buttigieg says:

    I hate to say it but in my opinion, in the real world, he should resign his post as Parliamentary Secretary.

    I know he is not his brothers, and I’m sure he is as honest as the day BUT in the real world – Life’s a bitch! Unfortunately his brothers CAN and probably will cause embarrassment, both to him and possibly to the government. I know it’s not fair but life often isn’t fair. In his position I would probably resign from his parliamentary secretary post. In my opinion that is the most honourable thing to do!

  8. Albert Farrugia says:

    Just as a reminder….a former Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta was made to resign because of the serious misdeed of his son. A former Nationalist minister has resigned, also because his son was allegedly involved in reprehensible business.
    Holders of public office have a very, very, great burden which they, of their own initiative, let themselves into.
    Since public office is about justice, and about justice being seen to be done, at all levels and at all times, holders of public office have to be as distant as possible from wrong-doers. Having family members, next of kin even, as wrong-doers is, unfortunately, a no-no.

  9. John Schembri says:

    @ Albert Farrugia: that is different, one was in the anti drugs co-ordination group , and a minister has more power than a simple PS or Mayor.
    Chris Said’s family counts to 15.

    [Daphne – Do they use an abacus, or do they start on their toes once they’ve run out of fingers?]

  10. Pegasus says:

    @ Daphne: Chris is the eldest of 13 siblings, and these two offenders are the black sheep of the flock. Only two of the accused are Chris’s brothers, the third Said chap mentioned is not related.

    (Daphne – Noted.)

  11. John Schembri says:

    Sorry for my inglix Ms Daphne : they are a BIG family of fifteen. parents included.

  12. Gaudiensis says:

    “ta’ Kattolċi
    ta’ Latini
    Maltin (jew Għawdxin) veri naħilfuk.”

  13. Gerald says:

    I beg to differ, John Schembri. A Parliamentary Secretary is a cabinet post. And CS is PS for Public Dialogue and Information, a very sensitive post that makes him extremely visible and almost in the news every day.

    Lots of apologetic statements on his behalf will get him nowhere. However it is a Gozitan case after all so enough said

  14. David says:

    Good article, Daphne. I think it would be a huge injustice if Mr Said were forced to resign for the actions of brothers he’s consistently distanced himself from. I’d be pretty peeved if I lost my job because, say, my brother was a serial killer. (He isn’t, as far as I know.)

    Poor old Terry Major-Ball, though. What on earth did he do to earn the description of dreadful? The UK obits all described him as a nice, friendly, down-to-earth guy.

    [Daphne -…..and an embarrassing waster.]

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