More fabulous debate from home

Published: September 4, 2008 at 11:43pm

Someone called Frank Mercieca is getting it in the neck for writing on The Times comments-board that he’s lived in the UK for 45 years and has no complaints about dealing with African people, though he wishes he could say the same about his fellow Maltese. Here are some choice reactions.

L. Aquilina (15 minutes ago)
Frank Mercieca.. why don’t you move into Buckingham Palace then? After all the Queen
resides there purely by ‘accident of birth’. Are you paying taxes in Malta? If not,
I suppose it does not give you much right to foist an opinon which you are not
economically contributing to.

Mary Birncat (1 hour, 22 minutes ago)
Frank Mercieca talks reality, he does not talk racism and hatred sentiments, mela
Frank Mercieca is not Maltese! :-)

Denis Catania (1 hour, 47 minutes ago)
PM GONZI as Abraham Lincoln said. You can fool some of the people some of the times,
but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.
A PN Supporter Denis Catania

a.sevasta (1 hour, 59 minutes ago)
@ Frank Mercieca
Are you serious?? Have you ever been to Brixton…..once when I was younger some 10
years ago a friend asked me a favour while I was in London to buy him some part for
his car from Brixton. When my friend and I approached the ticket counter to ask for
a ticket to Brixton he was negatively concerned. Asking us quite a number of
questions finally he confessed the problems in that area related to african blacks
and mugging. Anyway, we took our chances, went around very careful, bought the part
and rocketed back to Piccadily!! That is how Marsa, HalFar and Birzebbugia will be
in a few years time, 24/7 not only at night!! Since you live in England and make
business with many fellow Africans why don’t you explain to us what these “fellow”
Africans, in the ‘rich’ continents are doing to prevent genodice, wars and
discrimination in their ex-countries?? What are these people doing to help their
fellow countrymen in their needs?? Your paragraph is a very sad statement indeed it and portrays you as a fully fledged uncorteous and unpleasant person, surely not a fully fledged Maltese.

Edward Bonnici (2 hours, 15 minutes ago)
Why all this bleating? Where have you been last March?
Shut up – bunch of desperate women, and useless men.

Denis Catania (2 hours, 36 minutes ago)
@Corrine Vella: So basically the e-mail that you received, calls for Africans to do
the work, that the Maltese don’t want their kids to do, remember your friend said
this not us.Isn’t that racist, keeping them somewhere, they don’t want to be. Just
so they can do the dirty work for us. How about sending them to countries where they have opportunities? If those countries don’t want them, let’s expose them the African Americans, so they can pressure Congress and the Senate, so they can take it up to the Presidents desk.
Because the EU is doing nothing for these people who a stuck in Malta.

Palermo is starting to look more attractive.

5 Comments Comment

  1. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    All the xenophobes seem to be the type who go abroad and spend their time worrying that these filthy foreigners are going to screw them. Get used to it, people, the world is made up of people who are of a different colour and culture to you and if you lived anywhere but within your insular minds, you’d understand that.

    (Daphne – Yes, they’re like those Little Englanders who view onions and olives with suspicion and talk in loud, clear voices to Foreign People.)

  2. Kieli says:

    @ Denis Catania: “So basically the e-mail that you received, calls for Africans to do the work, that the Maltese don’t want their kids to do, remember your friend said this not us.” The comment quoted by Corinne Vella said no such thing; that comment was a statement of fact, that immigrants are filling jobs that the locals do not even want to look at, let alone do. There is absolutely nothing ‘racist’ in that statement. This is a process that happens with immigrants everywhere, cf London Transport depending on Jamaicans, food outlets staffed by Filippinos. Far from being a burden on local tax-payers, these immigrants are contributing to the economy – and actually contributing to the unemployment benefits paid out to those ‘Maltese catholic christian saints’ who instead of taking up said jobs, without any twinge in their saintly conscience, choose to continue to defraud tax-payers of hard-earned funds.

    As to ‘exposing them to the African Americans’ the resultant mass display of ‘rude bits’ should certainly provoke some reaction – though not perhaps in the way DC intended.

    As a matter of incidental interest ‘Denis’ derives from the Arab word ‘dennes’ meaning ‘to taint’ [cf Maltese imdennes], while Catania obviously refers to Sicilian immigrant origin. DC might wish to ponder on the realities of his own family roots. Or maybe DC consders it is alright in his case because his antecedents were just swarthy, not brown or black.

    (Daphne – I believe that Catania is also an immigrant, because he regularly refers to the fact that he lives in the USA.)

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    Dennis Catania lives in the USA. He’s organising a protest “in front of the Maltese Ambassador to the UN” – presumably because he believes that that is the best way to help immigrants in Malta get to countries where they have opportunities. You can’t say his heart isn’t in the right place. I’m not too sure where his head is.

  4. Amanda Mallia says:

    Aaaah, Daph, but he probably gloats that he’s there legally.

    (Daphne – Yes, he does. And he wrote about the trauma of leaving Malta when he was a child in 1971, hearing his grandmother screaming in the balcony and seeing his grandfather crying at the airport, knowing that he would probably never see them again. He said that this was the worst day of his life. You would think that experience would cause somebody to have more empathy, not less.)

  5. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Take a look at this:

    See the comments. Apparently, writing “Blacks Out” on walls is not racist, according to some enlightened fellow co-“patriots”.

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