The Facebook campaign has started already

Published: September 5, 2008 at 11:55am

Having taken literally to heart the accusation that Labour lost the general election because it wasn’t campaigning on the internet (so it wasn’t the leader, then….), the party’s MEP electoral candidates are tripping over themselves to reach the Facebook generation, which means roughly everyone between the age of 10 and 60 – except me. I registered to track down my old schoolfriend in San Diego, found her, forgot to deregister, and now keep getting friend requests from a lot of people who probably think I’m snubbing them. I don’t want Facebook; it will end up as just another pressure, something else to check and update.

Ah, but here’s Charlon Gouder, with his Facebook campaign.

“Few people perhaps know that I started my professional career as a full time
musician, not as a journalist. Between 1998 and 2003 I was a regular
trombonist with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra. At the age of 16 and 17,
at the time when I was a Junior College student, I represented Malta in the
Youth Mediterranean Orchestra and participated in various concerts
throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. *I also hold a diploma in Trombone.”

So just remember this: if you’re clueless about who to vote for come the MEP elections, bear in mind that Charlon Gouder has a diploma in (capital t) Trombone. Over and out.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Sigmund Bonello says:

    1) Highly recommended browsing for people suffering from opinion overload a la maltaise:

    Vlad’s Fool’s Cap blog at

    Possibly the best blog this side of the Canale di Sicilia.

    2) Maltese politics meets the internet age at:

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Here’s someone who can blow his own trumpet.

    I’ll get me coat.

  3. Amanda Mallia says:

    … he also seems to love blowing his own trumpet!

    (Toni Abela, that’s not a euphemism for a sexual act.)

  4. Marku says:

    Just as hilarious is their Facebook Friends list. Charlon’s friends include Kurtdilan (yes one word, I kid you not!) Underwood, a police officer (he writes “constabel”), whose photo shows him dressed in a camoflage outfit and carrying an assalt rifle.

    (Daphne – Oh God, another one of those with the Rambo dream.)

  5. Mark Vella says:

    Not to be a pedant, but I guess the capital letter is there as Trombone is the name of the subject and not a simple common noun, like any other academic subject eg. a degree in Physics etc.

    (Daphne – It’s still doesn’t get a capital letter, because it’s not a proper noun. You take O-levels in physics, chemistry and biology, not Physics, Chemistry and Biology.)

  6. amrio says:

    I actually cannot picture wee Charlon with a huge trombone, sorry! I would think that a clarinet or an oboe would be better suited to him.. what do you think people?

  7. ST.eff says:

    Music to my ears … NOT !
    {all the nonsense he utters I mean}

  8. Sigmund Bonello says:

    1) Highly recommended browsing for people suffering from opinion overload a la maltaise:

    Vlad’s Fool’s Cap blog at

    Possibly the best blog this side of the Canale di Sicilia.

    2) Maltese politics meets the internet age at:

  9. ASP says:

    @Graham – good one!!!

  10. ASP says:

    wasn’t Gouder going to resign from politics/journalist after the election? his words on maltatoday?

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