Our favourite photo of Labour's deputat mexxej

Published: October 7, 2008 at 4:04pm

The photo gallery on Anglu Farrugia’s website has a category for ‘most viewed’. Go on, guess which photograph got looked at the most? That’s right: now click here for a good look

You’ll need to click on the ‘most viewed’ tag at the top of the page.

7 Comments Comment

  1. kagemusha says:

    uff hej halluh daqxejn dak ghax qatt ma rkibtu iljunfant..dik kollha ghira baz**** halli niftiehmu …ahjar iljunfant milli tal-linja :-)

  2. Dunstan says:

    Considering that we do not see so many elephants nowadays….nothing wrong in taking a peep is there?
    I`m also sure the poor elephant will never forget the burden he was made to carry!!!!

  3. Luca says:

    Was he ever a circus animal-trainer? He seriously looks like one, haha! Anglu the rider……..

  4. Claude Calleja says:

    Oh Daphne, that was just precious!!

    [Daphne – Even more amusing: it’s filed under the heading ‘International Relations’….with an elephant.]

  5. Mark says:

    Incidentally, there is a slight problem with the ‘sacred temple’ in the background to the top right hand corner photo. Er … it’s not a temple, but a memorial to a Mughal emperor. It’s known as ‘Humayun’s Tomb’.

    [Daphne – I’m surprised he got the name of the elephant right. I suppose it’s thanks to Dumbo that he didn’t call it a rhino.]

  6. amrio says:

    Your fave is the elephant one, but just take a look at this gem:


    LOL!!! As they say, a picture says a thousand words, and if the picture weren’t enough, there’s the caption to cap it all (Anglu Jipprezenta il-Klarinett lis-Socjeta’ Nicolo Isuard) – seems the ‘lady’ beside him didn’t like the clarinet that much. And what has he got in the clarinet case? His santi tal-precett? LOL!!!

  7. rene says:

    jidhirli li hadd ma kkumenta fuq il fatt li l gimgha l ohra joseph qal u sostna lill gvern m ghandux jirratifika l patt li malta lahqet mal E.U.dwar l immigrazzjoni illegali u il bierah fil parlament gorg vella qal li l oppozizjoni qieghda wara l gvern fuq dan il punt anzi four-square behind the goverment (ara times pg. 15)……hawwadni ha nifhmek

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