Resign Gonzi PN. Joseph better den you.

Published: October 6, 2008 at 10:39pm

The truth behind Muscat’s secret mission to Libya is revealed: AST took him to meet his old contacts. The Times tells us that the talks “focussed on energy and international oil prices”, and that the visit was made “at the invitation of the Libyan government”. I bet that came from a party press release: who else would point it out? It’s not as though a politician can turn up unexpectedly in a foreign country, give the local boss a ring and say, “Hey, I’m in town. Fancy a drink?” Or, in Libya, a mint tea? Of course it’s by invitation. What else?

I found this cute remark beneath the story:

A. Attard (4 hours, 47 minutes ago)
RESIGN GONZIPN!!!! Dr.Muscat from the opposition and already being invited by Libya to discuss oil prices! They trust more Muscat then Gonzi!! And Libya can’t be blamed, after all we are all the time finding out who Dr Gonzi really is.

19 Comments Comment

  1. A Camilleri says:

    Don’t tell me the rabbit is out of the hat! Did they find out they really he is Dr Gooonnzzzzzzi and rushed to associate themselves with Dr Muscat?

    [Daphne – what?]

  2. amrio says:

    If A. Attard’s comment is anything to go by (and we all know that Malta is full of A Attards) then roll on a Muscat government – Malta will get what it deserves.

    For God’s sake!!!

  3. Amanda Mallia says:

    You can’t expect better from the supporters of a party more interested in asking about sh*t than anything else:

    “Since January five persons have been arraigned in court for not having cleaned up dung left behind by their horses, Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici said.He was answering a parliamentary question by Chris Agius (MLP), who asked if the regulations concerning dog excreta also applied to horses. Dr Mifsud Bonnici said they did not.”

    (Extracted from: )

    I suppose we should be glad that the parliamentary session was not held in English, otherwise the linguistically-challenged reporters working for might have used Captain Bugeja dictionary to translate sh*t into “iz-z*bb!” –

  4. A Camilleri says:

    That was in reaction to the portion of the cute remark stating “And Libya can’t be blamed, after all we are all the time finding out who Dr Gonzi really is.” The comment should have read: Don’t tell me the rabbit is out of the hat! Did the Libyans find out that he is really Dr Gooonnzzzzzzi and rushed to associate themselves with Dr Muscat?

  5. Michael A. Vella says:

    Looks like we really are gonna be in the shit, when persons elected to parliament cannot work out for themselves that ‘Regulations concerning DOG excreta’ obviously do not apply to horse dung. If the title of the regulations was not enough to convey their purpose, a quick glance through the regulations themselves should have provided the answer.

    [Daphne – Or this MP could have have one of the many lawyers in the Labour Party, instead of wasting ministerial and parliamentary time.]

  6. Mario Debono says:

    The Great White (Gingerbread man ) hope of the MLP invited to Libya. Now we all know that no one in Libya has any real power except Ghaddafi and his elite. Jowey has gone to meet some ineffectual puppets. Friend Alex went along to smooth the way and renew old acquaintances. How they must have discussed old times, with Ghaddafi and Mintoff strutting their stuff and declaring everlasting brotherhood.

    Jowey has gone to Libya to seek much needed personal credibility. The impression that the Labour rank and file will get is that he went there in order to obtain cheap oil for Malta. This will resonate with what Mintoff successfully did a long time ago, and they will love him for trying. The problem is, dear Jowey, that Libya is not the country it was 10, or even 4 years ago. Business is the order of the day, and their handouts have decreased drastically. Why should they hand over their oil products cheaply to us?

    If this is Jowey’s aim, then he is demeaning and cheapening us as a country, and a EU member to boot. He went there with his begging bowl in the hope of scoring energy brownie points with the electorate. But it’s been kept mysteriously quiet by Lejber . Just in case his sainted mission fails.

    So all in all, this is what Jowey would do if he becomes Prime Minister. Beg in secret and talk with ineffectual people who may happen to be close to those in power.

    This man is just a shallow opportunist politician who can pull wool over lots of eyes. Lets all recognise him for it.

  7. Gerald says:

    Nothing wrong in beefing up contacts with Libya – we might get something out of them especially regarding oil considering that they have been laughing at us for the past 20 years.

    [Daphne – ‘We might get something out of them’: x’mentalita bazwija ta’ zmien Mintoff u Karmenu.]

  8. A.Attard says:

    Hey it wasn’t me who wrote that comment

  9. Sybil says:

    “Gerald Tuesday, 7 October 0957hrs
    Nothing wrong in beefing up contacts with Libya – we might get something out of them especially regarding oil considering that they have been laughing at us for the past 20 years.

    [Daphne – ‘We might get something out of them’: x’mentalita bazwija ta’ zmien Mintoff u Karmenu.] ”

    But was that not the intention of President Edward Fenech Adami when he trotted over to Libja at the beginning of summer , at the start of the irregular immigration season?

    [Daphne – You obviously know nothing about diplomatic relations, Sybil. A visit by one head of state to another head of state to smooth out bilateral problems is the way things are done normally, if the problem is deemed significant enough. On the other hand, a visit by a politician to the government representatives of another country, wheedling-bowl in hand, is another thing altogether. ‘Getting something out of them’ is the typical Maltese mentality, which you see right across society, and not just in Labour politicians.]

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    If Libya brakes suddenly, our noses will be half a mile up their backside. Our contacts couldn’t be beefier, Gerald. And we’ll still get jack shit out of them. And now the leader of the opposition – the opposition, mind, with zero executive power – has gone south to be anointed by the Great Leader.

    [Daphne – Jack shit, eh? Something tells me you must be my contemporary.]

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Why? It’s a normal English expression.

    [Daphne – Not used in Malta except by my contemporaries, and then just the tal-pepe crowd. I forgot for a moment that you live elsewhere.]

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, you amaze me.

    [Daphne – We aim to please.]

  13. Gerald says:

    Dealing with Libya is not exactly diplomacy at its best and every country in Europe tries to do shady deals with them. Ask the French and Italians.

  14. Sybil says:

    “Gerald Tuesday, 7 October 1505hrs
    Dealing with Libya is not exactly diplomacy at its best and every country in Europe tries to do shady deals with them. Ask the French and Italians.”

    Since the lifting of sanctions, there is no further need for Libya to deal with any country in any way other then, in the most transparent of fashions. They dont need any favours from anyone anymore,to get with the rebuilding of their country. As a journalist of considerable experience, you really need to inform yourself better.

  15. Gerald says:

    Sorry Sybil, I’m not an ambassador in the making so maybe you could give me a few more tips :)

  16. Sybil says:

    I’m no journalist in the making but the lifting of sanctions and Gheddafi’s plan for a Dubai in the Med for his country is hardly breaking news. Don’t you ever read the papers?

  17. tax payer says:

    Wow so whilst in LIBYA Dr joseph Muscat did not find time to discuss illegal immigration with the chief culprits

  18. Graham Crocke says:

    I wonder how Gaddafi will respond to being flirted with, by another man.

    [Daphne – Good point. I hadn’t thought of it myself.]

  19. Mario Debono says:

    Muslims dont like men flirting. They usually punish them by ramming green dates up their backside. These usually swell and….u can imagine the rest.

    I think Ghaddafi will take one look at that oily smile, that ginger balding pate spiked up with a few artfully applied blobs of gel, and then he will run a mile.

    [Daphne – Relax, Mario.]

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