Toni Abela uses a hackneyed literary device

Published: November 9, 2008 at 7:07pm

….and a hilarious one. At the panthers-for-courage demonstration this evening, deputy leader no. 2 recited a letter he had written – a letter from Barack Obama to Joseph Muscat. Yes, he can! I’ll bet the more chicken-brained members of his audience thought it was for real. Ara, Bombara-Ombaba-xil-madoffi jismu kiteb li Joseph taghna, ta! Jahasra.

20 Comments Comment

  1. tax payer says:

    From Toni Abela you can expect this. He must have felt happy that he took the audience in front of him for a ride. And by the way, was it a mass meeting or not because that is the impression I got when hearing the news about the speeches delivered by the deputy leaders.

  2. hope says:

    If you listened to all the speech, you must have realised that he said more than once that it was imaginary! Tonight at Valletta, there were Maltese citizens worrying and trying their best to be heard…(n.b Maltese citizens not Labourites).

    [Daphne – They were Labour supporters. That’s why Toni Abela had to explain more than once that his ‘letter’ was imaginary.]

  3. Michael A. Vella says:

    Hope: “…there were Maltese citizens worrying…”

    ..and there was your Joe spouting nonsense from his pulpit up above and worrying them even more by telling them that back-dating of W&E rates means that they would be compelled to pay high rates for utilities that they had not actually consumed.

    Nahseb li ahjar ilkoll ghadtu d-dar u almenu ffrankajtu l-petrol li hlejtu biex tidhlu il-Belt ghal xejn illum wara nofsinhar.

  4. I M Dingli says:

    @ MA Vella

    Mhux hekk hux, kemm inti bravu!

    Correct me if I’m wrong but did you see any Labour Flags displayed?

    It is more than obvious that since the manifestation was called by the Opposition leader, the Labourites would be flocking for the activity but rest assured that it wasn’t just Labourites who were present. At least they didn’t bring along the ‘Torca’ flags or pictures of Dom Mintoff, KMB, Sant etc.

    If I remember correctly when the Referendum results were announced, a lot of PN supporters went around with the PN flags apart from the European Union Flag whereas the victory was of all those Maltese who voted ‘Iva’ be it Labourites, PN, AD, jew mill-partit tan-nanna!

    [Daphne – Every time a Labour supporter writes in, I’m reminded why the party’s standards are so low and its leaders can get away with murder. It’s either intelligent people whose commonsense is over-ruled by their abject hdura, or people who reason like a battery-chicken. Oh, for a bit of normality.]

  5. I M Dingli says:

    You are right Daphne, ‘Oh for a bit of normality’……. And please do not come preach about ‘hdura’ it is quite abundant in your comments.

    [Daphne – An essential component of hdura is resentful envy and the wish to destroy, or to acquire for oneself to the detriment of others who have what you want, the elements that cause you to feel angry and envious. It should be obvious even to a lobotomised person that Dr and Mrs Muscat, Toni Abela, Anglu Farrugia and the ‘non-Labour crowd’ in the square yesterday have nothing that I want, need or aspire to. I rather suspect it is the other way round.]

  6. IM9 says:

    I was in Valletta to watch Blasted. As I was wearing a poppy, many Labour supporters looked at me and smiled, thinking it was the Labour carnation. Walking round Freedom Square, I overheard a good number of Labour supporters asking each other “Imma dawn ir-ritratti x’inhuma. Dawn nies famuzi? Dak l-iswed ghala ghandu r-ritratt f’bieb il-Belt?” They had no idea it was an art installation by Norbert Attard.

    If Toni Abela is under any impression that most of the people listening to him realised that his letter was in fact not from Obama to Muscat, he is getting it seriously wrong (once again).

  7. Dunstan says:

    Toni`s was intended for the crowd he had in front of him…very obviously Laburisti. However, Dr.Joe Mifsud, who was ousted by Alex Sceberras Trigona, received a `personalised` letter from Barack Obama, thanking him for helping with his campaign. I bet he`ll frame it.

  8. I M Dingli says:

    So Daphne, does this mean that you envy Saviour Balzan?

    [Daphne – Why would I?]

  9. Victor Micallef says:

    You’re brazen enough to write: “It should be obvious even to a lobotomised person that Dr and Mrs Muscat, Toni Abela, Anglu Farrugia and the ‘non-Labour crowd’ in the square yesterday have nothing that I want, need or aspire to. I rather suspect it is the other way round”. And then you’re surprised that people satirize you! I guess I.M. Dingli is quite right and that in fact he is a very polite and moderate person. If he is the same person, I reckon he is also quite experienced in the policy the PN inner core have been following for years. You should wake up and desist from your intemperate writings. They may be using you (even if against good payment) beyond your real limits, but when need you no more, they goes throw you out. Ask I.M. Dingli.

    [Daphne – No, I’m not surprised. But you do have to differentiate between camping it up and satire. It’s usually queens who like to dress up as Daphne and pretend to be Daphne (shades of Barbra Streisand) but please, let’s not go there. I should wake up and desist from my intemperate writings? Why – is Joseph Muscat going to turn me into a pillar of salt? You like to think that I am paid to do this because it would never cross the remoter reaches of your tiny mind that, read my lips I THINK THE LABOUR PARTY IS RIDICULOUS, HILARIOUS AND BEYOND BELIEF. I do it for fun, and because I believe it’s necessary. I think of it in terms of pro bono work.]

  10. I M Dingli says:

    Cause of the ‘hdura’ in your comments towards him….. u ejja, i’m joking Daphne!

    [Daphne – On the contrary, I am a very patient and tolerant person, which is why I have put up with Saviour Balzan’s relentless cartoons, vicious comments, spiteful letters and brainless-chicken columnists spouting against me for YEARS without saying anything. I suppose Balzan doesn’t like being on the receiving end; he only likes firing the gun. At least, what I wrote about him is true unlike the figments of his imagination liberally mixed in with rumour that he prefers to use in my regard.]

  11. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Thank you for your excellent write-up on Remembrance Day, As a World War II veteran I was disgusted to see that Joseph Muscat did not have the decency to turn up at the War Memorial to lay a wreath.At least Alfred Sant was always present. For the first time in the last 20 years I was unable to attend myself for health reasons, but the Malta Branch of the George Cross Island Association of which I am Chairman, was fully represented and wreaths were laid on behalf of all Maltese civilians and allied servicemen and women who died (around 7,000 of them) during the Siege of Malta between 1940-43. You might like to note in your diary that on April 15th next the GCIA will hold its annual wreath-laying ceremony at the Siege Bell in Valletta, presided over by the President of Malta.
    Thanks again – “we will remember you, too”

    [Daphne – The only siege of Malta they know about is the one that took place in 1565. Strangely, that isn’t described as a gwerra tal-barrani, but as a manifestation of Maltese courage and heroism, even though it wasn’t Malta per se that was being attacked, but the headquarters of the Ottoman Empire’s arch-enemy, the Order of St John. The Ottoman fleet didn’t give a damn about the starving farmers and beggars who made up the majority of the Maltese population at the time, except in terms of possible slave material. But then we’re talking here about people who have shown themselves to be unperturbed by having to live under under a violent, corrupt and dictatorial government which stamps on human rights and quashes freedom of expression, so one imagines that it would all have been the same to them – Axis or Allies, mhux xorta. They would have been quite happy with Mussolini, which is quite ironic given the history of Malta’s political parties. Amazing how the Labour Party has shifted from far left to far right.]

  12. Tim Ripard says:

    @ IM Dingli. If I remember correctly when the EU Referendum results were announced a lot of Labour supporters went around waving Labour flags because their leader told them the result was ‘No’ to EU membership.

    Isn’t it obvious that people waved PN flags? Who managed to persuade the people to vote in favour of the EU, despite a campaign by the MLP demonising the EU? Certainly not Alfred Sant or Joseph Muscat. The latter has since made a 180° U-turn on both counts and now believes a) EU membership is good for Malta and b) the ‘yes’ votes outnumbered the ‘no’ votes. Amazing how a person with a doctorate can take four years to work that out.

    [Daphne – I suspect Joseph Muscat is something like the woman who rang up my purchases at the airport cafeteria a couple of days ago: two bottles of juice, two packets of sandwiches and two wraps. Counting them visually was clearly beyond her, even though they were lined up in three groups of two each. She tapped each item and moved it aside as she counted it, got a total of seven, counted them again, again got a total of seven, then gave up and called her colleague. Meanwhile, the entire exasperated queue stared in disbelief.]

  13. tax payer says:

    Surely Daphne that was a joke

    [Daphne – What was?]

  14. I M Dingli says:

    @ Tim Ripard

    Oh, so you are telling me that the PN supporters done that because of the provocation by MLP supporters. Oh, now I understand everything!!

    Mr. Ripard, did you see any MLP flags during yesterday’s manifestation? No, so why jump to conclusions that it is only the MLP supporters who are complaining. Do you complain about the new measures?

    [Daphne – Listen clearly, and perhaps all the Maltastar elves lurking here should do the same: ‘DONE’ IS NOT THE PAST TENSE OF ‘DO’. The word you’re looking for here is ‘DID’. Madonna, x’attakk nervuz.]

  15. tax payer says:


    [Daphne – No, it wasn’t a joke. It was a true-life anecdote.]

  16. I M Dingli says:

    Really Daphne, now you listen….. In your reply to Stanely J A Clews, what did you mean with ‘to live under under a violent, corrupt and dictatorial government…’ did you mean just one under or you wanted to emphasis it and thus wrote it twice? ugh

    [Daphne – A typographical error is not the same thing as a grammatical error. The first is the result of distraction, the second of ignorance. Grow up.]

  17. I M Dingli says:

    Whatever my queen! I feel like a peasant when talking to you, my mistakes are always out of ignorance while yours can be justified plausibly. The thing is that both of them are mistakes, period.

    [Daphne – You don’t have to be so touchy. They may both be mistakes, but they’re mistakes of a completely different order, and to put them in the same category is yet another mistake.]

  18. Michael A. Vella says:

    I M Dingli: “It is more than obvious that since the manifestation was called by the Opposition leader, the Labourites would be flocking for the activity but rest assured that it wasn’t just Labourites who were present.”

    My comment was addressed to the ‘Maltese citizens’, I never referred to them as labourites. Getting a bit tetchy aren’t we?

    “At least they didn’t bring along the ‘Torca’ flags or pictures of Dom Mintoff, KMB, Sant etc.”

    Which, no doubt was a relief to Joe. Yet it was still an MLP protest and nothing more.

  19. Amanda Mallia says:

    Daphne – “It should be obvious even to a lobotomised person that Dr and Mrs Muscat, Toni Abela, Anglu Farrugia and the ‘non-Labour crowd’ in the square yesterday have nothing that I want, need or aspire to. I rather suspect it is the other way round.”

    Come on, Daph! Wouldn’t you soooo wish to look and speak like Toni Abela?

    [Daphne – I dream about it every day.]

  20. Amanda Mallia says:

    Victor Micallef – Are you for real? (Or should I ask “Is that your real name?”)

    People like you fail to realise that yes, there are people who do what they do without first seeing what they stand to gain.

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