A highly informative letter sent out by Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar

Published: February 17, 2009 at 10:14pm

Those who signed the petition did so in response to this round-robin email. Incidentally, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando signed the petition and so did Jesmond Mugliett’s wife, Karen. So the government should have seen that one coming, with lights and bells on (No. 682 – Karen Mugliett – No. 17 Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando). Another point: the petition has been doing the rounds since the summer.

Please note the reference to “a three-storey structure to replace existing building in the cathedral courtyard”. Which existing buildings? And how does a glass roof become a three-storey structure?

Please note also the reference to “the remains of a palace of the Knights’ period” beneath the square (they have X-ray eyes), and the cunning (as in Blackadder, but it worked) deployment of language to make it seem that beneath the square there are “underground chambers, tunnels, channels and water cisterns for the catchment of rainwater and the disposal of waste water” which “are 16th century engineering treasures, evidence of the advanced engineering techniques of Laparelli and Geronimo Cassar and of the Order’s foresight in ensuring Valletta’s water supply”.

And look at the reference to the funds being better spent elsewhere: it leads the potential signatories on to think that there’s this EUR14 million chunk that the government has to spend as it pleases, and that it can take that chunk of funding and use it to restore another building – hekk, just like that. No mention of projects, applications, proposals and the EU funding process. No mention even of EU funding, so that people wil think “they’re using our taxes – iss hej” and this gives them even more of a say in the matter.

To send your objection, all you had to do was click on the link. I’ll bet my last dime that Astrid, Helen, Miriam et al spent their afternoons in front of the television with their index finger on the click button.

Dear FAA Supporter,
As you may know we are seriously concerned about two development applications to extend the St. John’s Cathedral Museum out to the St. John’s courtyard on Merchants’ Street and also under St. John’s Street and Square. These projects are potentially very damaging to our heritage for reasons which we have set out in the letter below. We feel that MEPA should refuse such applications especially as a much wiser alternative exists to restore and convert one of the nearby deteriorating palazzos as a museum extension.

Valletta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and St. John’s is the gem within that site. We call on you to help us ensure the Cathedral is managed with prudence and sensitivity while fulfilling its space requirements in a way that will benefit Valletta for posterity by clicking on the link (http://www.ambjentahjar.org/letterofobjection3.asp) to send an objection to MEPA by Sunday 3rd August. We add that the objections you had sent on the Hondoq case were noted by MEPA and remarked as being highly effective so we once again ask you to stand up and be counted.

Many thanks,

The FAA Committee
Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar
28th July 2007

OBJECTION TO PA 00167/08 and 00168/08 Site at St John’s Cathedral Valletta

As a member of the public concerned for my country’s heritage, I vehemently object to the above-mentioned applications to extend St. John`s Museum by building a three-storey structure to replace earlier buildings in the courtyard of St. John’s Cathedral, as well as to the excavation of chambers below St. John`s Street and Square, connecting to existing underground chambers and to St John’s Cathedral and to construct vertical lift through all floors and other alterations.

The excavation of St John’s Square in order to provide more chambers might not only affect the Cathedral’s foundations, but will also destroy the remains of a palace of the Knights’ period there. Valletta’s underground chambers, tunnels, channels and water cisterns for the catchment of rainwater and the disposal of waste water are 16th century engineering treasures, evidence of the advanced engineering techniques of Laparelli and Geronimo Cassar and of the Order’s foresight in ensuring Valletta’s water supply. As such they should be mapped out, studied and preserved, and not damaged and exploited.

In addition to contravening several MEPA regulations on the preservation of Urban Conservation Areas, these applications also violate the Heritage Act since St. John’s Cathedral as a National Monument Schedule Grade 1 falls under: “Buildings of outstanding architectural or historical interest that shall be preserved in their entirety. Demolition or alterations which impair the setting or change the external or internal appearance, including anything contained within the curtilage of the building, will not be allowed. Internal structural alterations will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances where this is paramount for reasons of keeping the building in active use.”

Clearly, this does not permit an extension which changes St. John’s external appearance, just as the Cathedral does not need an extension in order to remain in use. If the Cathedral needs extensions, these could be accommodated in one of the many palazzos or old buildings in the immediate neighbourhood of the Cathedral which are in an advanced state of deterioration. I maintain that the enormous funds to be spent on this extravagant and damaging project would be much better spent on investing in and restoring such a palace as a ‘state-of-the-art museum’. This would avoid the damage to Valletta’s underground heritage, avoid any risk to the foundations and structure of St. John’s Cathedral, spare the residents, shops, visitors and tourists years of upheaval in ripping up the newly-paved square, and will enrich Valletta through the restoration and rehabilitation of a decaying building.

I therefore urge Mepa to refuse these applications and ask to be recognised as an official objector and to be kept informed of any developments and hearings on this case by communicating with me at the above-mentioned email address.
Click here to send objection to MEPA.

4 Comments Comment

  1. “Geronimo Cassar”? The “advanced engineering techniques” of someone with that name would be of use in constructing wigwams not churches. Was this written by an “expert”?

    [Daphne – Oh my god, how did that one slip past my eagle eyes? Where are my spectacles?]

  2. Andrea Sammut says:

    A highly informative article by architect Robert Musumeci is The Times’ Talking Point today.

  3. Alan says:

    A childish way of ridcule someone’s better argument…. A repulsive level of superiority complex from all of you! Confront an argument with a better argument not making fun just for the sake of pleasing your usual small inner circle contributors. I hope you all know who is Glormu/Geronimo Cassar after all??

    [Daphne – No, Alan, I don’t. Please tell me, do.]

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