Different folks, different strokes

Published: February 16, 2009 at 11:59pm

Tony Blair has won a million-dollar award for “achievements that shape and enrich society today”, from the Dan David Foundation based at Tel Aviv University. The foundation described him as “one of the most outstanding statesmen of our era”, praising his roles in Northern Ireland and Kosovo.The money will be donated to his charity for religious understanding – the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Whatever your views of Blair, compare that to the way Dom Mintoff grabbed his Libyan prize money and ran, biex izidhom mal-qamel li ghandu.

4 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    It’s the difference between a statesman and a “sahta ghall-pajjiz”, whose legacy lives on.

  2. Sybil says:

    Whatever your views of Blair, compare that to the way Dom Mintoff grabbed his Libyan prize money and ran, biex izidhom mal-qamel li ghandu.”

    Kollox mieghu ha jiehu nahseb. :)

  3. Harry Purdie says:


    ‘Different folks’? Politicians? All the same. Mark Twain (again):

    “Suppose you were an idiot,
    And suppose you were a member of Congress (Parliament),
    But I repeat myself.”

  4. Pat says:


    I find it so hilarious (actually a bit sad) that half of Malta hates the man while the other half worships the ground he walks on.

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