Short memories, all of us

Published: February 18, 2009 at 9:08pm

How could I have forgotten? I’ve just been reminded of one of the key highlights of Labour’s election campaign last year: a Panama canal across the Valletta headland, cutting through the moat, and lots of little ferry-boats full of jolly people taking rides round a literally isolated Valletta.

I actually remember now this huge on-line exchange of views between the AD fanatics like Claire Bonello, who was by the end of the campaign rooting for Labour by default, Labour’s Lone Ranger of the internet, Victor Laiviera, myself and others who thought the moat idea was pants. Bonello and Laiviera were trying to justify it. It wouldn’t be such a bad idea, said Claire ta’ Vote George, Get Lorry, who is now objecting to the hofra beneath the square; let’s give it a chance. We can use locks to adjust the water level, said Victor Laiviera, when he was presented with this particular problem; all you PN supporters are Luddites.

And Astrid and the FAA, of course, were silent. Niehduha kontra Sant fil-kampanja elettorali? Mela x’naghmlu. Mhux taqbez fuqna Meri.

One Comment Comment

  1. P says:

    Do I remember correctly that one of the main stops of the ferry-boats was to be at St George’s Square, right in front of the Grand Masters’ Palace – of course, through a huge shaft with lifts bringing passengers to the surface from down under?

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