Thinking like a true Maltese

Published: February 28, 2009 at 2:28pm

You know how at every general election, there are people who vote to spite others without thinking of the widespread, long-term consequences for the country? Or how there are people who will sabotage a museum project out of personal vindictiveness without worrying about the general implications? The important thing is to put yourself first, and to hell with everyone else.

Well, here’s another example of that Maltese mindset.

The Times, Saturday, 28 February

Bomb hoax disrupted delicate operation on baby

A bomb scare at St Luke’s Hospital disrupted a delicate operation on a baby, a magistrate heard yesterday. Magistrate Audrey Demicoli jailed Carmel Camilleri, 28, from Luqa for 18 months after he admitted to calling the emergency line 112 in June 2007 claiming there was a bomb at the hospital and at the law courts. Hospital superintendent Frank Bartolo testified that the hoax disrupted an operation on a baby, which involved taking a tissue sample to the virology lab while still under anaesthetic. Since the virology labs, in the Outpatients’ Department, had to be evacuated, the operation could not continue. Due to the bomb scare, the baby was put under anaesthetic needlessly, Dr Bartolo said.

Dr Bartolo explained that about 1,000 patients visited Casualty and Outpatients’ and all the appointments had to be cancelled and rescheduled for another day. The court heard how the police traced the anonymous phone call to Mr Camilleri.

When confronted by the police, Mr Camilleri said he made the calls because he had a court case scheduled for that day but had no money to pay his lawyer.

The director of court services, John Sant testified that all the cases due to be heard in court that day were suspended or postponed. Magistrate Demicoli said Mr Camilleri’s justification was unacceptable. The court wanted to transmit a clear message to society about the consequences of such behaviour, which caused inconvenience and useless damage to the administration of justice and health services, she said. Mr Camilleri was also found guilty of relapsing. Police Inspector Mario Tonna prosecuted.

2 Comments Comment

  1. Darren says:

    Can anyone explain this to me?

    Trevor Mizzi (2 hours, 47 minutes ago)
    Begging is a way of life for a lot of the Roma people from eastern europe. Not every culture buys into the eight to four job for 40 years and paying a ton of income tax. Opting out is good sometimes. Look at it as an alternative life style.

    [Daphne – I think a lot of these people have forgotten that two generations back, their own families were probably destitute beggars too. No compassion.]

  2. Pat says:

    “Magistrate Demicoli said Mr Camilleri’s justification was unacceptable.”

    Duh for pointing out the obvious. Is any justification acceptable for such an act?

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