BBQ Najt tal-Labour il-Birgu

Published: March 31, 2009 at 3:13pm
Ustja, dawn il-humborgers m'hemmx li jsiru, Michelle

Ustja, dawn il-humborgers m'hemmx li jsiru, Michelle

Joseph Muscat famously said in an interview that when rich and powerful men eat in restaurants they wear tracksuits, so he does the same. It appears that he believes the inverse to be also true, and that when rich and powerful men hold a barbecue night for friends they wear a suit and tie.

Joseph and the hamburgers on the mount at Birgu: it makes an interesting variation on the theme of loaves and fishes.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    On The Times website I had suggested that the ‘monument’ could be used as an artificial reef somewhere but the pot should be kept as it would be lovely for barbecuing hamburgers. The moderator must have thought it would incense the elves too much however and my constructive suggestion was never published.

  2. Jakov says:

    Eating out at McBirgu.

    Look at this comment from MaltaStar: “wasn’t Gatt, the knight in shinning armour …”

  3. Roma says:

    Hey….maybe he could star in a similar advert to this one.

  4. Graham Crocker says:

    Well I always wondered who Ronald McDonald really was, until I saw this:

  5. Ray Borg says:

    @ Antoine Vella

    …and dream about keep the pot burning by the Fiamma Tricolore…….Dream on

  6. Darren Azzopardi says:

    One of the few comments on the Times that makes sense.

    Politics have always fascinated me for its unbelievable and unashamed flexibility. One day you’re hailed a Saviour… the next day you are damned as a Traitor.. and in a short time you’re once again applauded and revered as Freedom Fighter…. by the same crowd !! This, perhaps is the greatest lesson in life one could get. It doesn’t pay to be consistent in politics, as opinions change and swing vertiginiously from one extreme to the other without the batting of an eyelid.

    As to having one National Day… a mature and proud Nation as ours should strive for this without delay, so that we can wean ourselves away from the current ridiculous situation of having 5 national days, simply because the few thousand souls on this water-logged speck of a rock cannot find courage enough to rise from the abyss of political pig-headedness and polarisation. May Joseph Muscat’s impetus on this issue gather enough momentum to finally arrive at a mature concensus. In my opinion, no one of the current five should be chosen. We must go for something new. Just for starters, let’s consider the day we joined the EU (both parties accept the EU now) as one possibility.

    [Daphne – Why do I suspect that the one national day Muscat is after is Republic Day? This suggestion of his is another stupid non-starter made just for the hell of it and to make him look ‘open-minded’. In practice, all those with two brain-cells to rub together will see that it can’t work. What is it going to be – Republic Day? Independence Day? And if they choose Sette Giugno, I’ll start a campaign against it myself, on the grounds of historical inaccuracy and mealy-mouthed hypocrisy. As Antoine Vella pointed out, the agents of the Labour government in the form of the Maltese police did far more shooting into crowds and assaulting them than any number of British soldiers. I should know, having been there. If we had to have a national day for every one of those times, we’d be on holiday most of the year.]

    • john says:

      Net News just announced that it was the prime minister who first came up with the suggestion of one national day a few months ago, sounded out Muscat about it, who’s now taken it up.

  7. I appreciate Muscat’s call not to be partisan but I must have seen it-torca elsewhere.

  8. Luca Bianchi says:

    Hi Daphne!

    Excuse my ignorance, but is there any particular reason for which you wrote “fishes” and not “fish”?

    By the way, I love the new layout! Keep it up :)


    [Daphne –

  9. Luca Bianchi says:

    Oh, I must admit I was not aware of such a thing.

    Thanks a mil :)

    [Daphne – You’re forgiven. You’re Italian.]

  10. Luca Bianchi says:

    True true… Yet I should not, or rather, I really do not want to make such blunders, Italian or not Italian. :)

  11. Jes Farrugia says:

    How do you know that there were two types of ‘fishes’????

    [Daphne – Observation of fishermen throughout the Mediterranean region. Also, the accepted name of this particular bible story, in the Anglophone world, is ‘the parable of the loaves and the fishes’ and not the parable of the loaves and fish. Google it if you don’t believe me.]

  12. Jes Farrugia says:

    Ah! So fish is the plural of fish and fishes is the plural of fish (many fish)!

    [Daphne – No. Fish can mean either one fish or many fish of the same species or type. Fishes, on the other hand, denotes a number of fish of different types. Three sharks are fish. One shark, one mackerel and one cod are fishes.]

    • Corinne Vella says:

      And on those fun-time comments boards, one cow, one shark, one mackerel and one cod would be a cattle of fishes.

  13. Amanda Mallia says:

    Could the Labourites be too thick to see that if the last day the British were here was the 31st March, then they should be celebrating “Jum il-Helsien” on April Fools’ day instead. I would say that the date agreed upon thirty years ago was most certainly typical “subtle” British humour.

    • Paul Caruana says:

      The reason why ‘freedom’ day falls on the 31st of March is as banal as the non-event itself. The British financial year begins on the 1st of April so a lease – be it for a garage, a fish and chip shop or a naval base – would normally expire on the 31st of March.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    Amanda Mallia

    I have often discussed your point with Labourites and they rationalise their celebrating one day early by claiming that they are commemorating the departure of the British forces. It is, however, a weak excuse and deep down they know it.

  15. me says:

    One should not celebrate the last day he was a ‘slave’ but he first day he was ‘free’.

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