Hey bishops, condemn this
March 17, 2009 at 8:50am
You can’t dress as Christ, the Apostles or Fr Anthony Mercieca ta’ Miami u t-Tokk without having the bishops and the police on your back, but you sure as hell can speak out publicly in favour of genocide. This is from the comments-board at timesofmalta.com
Kenneth Galea
Enough is enough!!! Trying to be diplomatic does not work so it is about time that we start using force to send a clear message. We all know what happened in Bosnia and Kosovo when the Serbs sent in the paramilitary to deal with the situation. The AFM should do the same but I think they won’t get the green light from our spineless government!
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Would the Bishops also condemn this?
Is this in regards to the immigration issue as well? Who is he suggesting we attack?
[Daphne – Yes, it was posted beneath an immigration story. We are supposed to start attacking the invaders.]
In The Times website you can’t say that the writer of a published letter is using his imagination when quoting ‘facts’ but you sure as hell can speak out publicly in favour of genocide.
Now that http://www.vivamalta.org has closed down, The Times – online and as hard copy – has become the foremost broadcaster of racist views in Malta.
[Daphne – I didn’t know vivamalta had closed down. So that explains why the racists and hodor are congregating on timesofmalta.com. It’s a shame, because they’ve squeezed out everyone else.]
Good morning Daphne, any comments regards PL’s proposals in dealing with the illegal immigrants’ issue?
[Daphne – I’m saving them for my Thursday column.]
It is amazing that The Times allows such comments.
So vivamalta.org has been replaced by a cyber squatter’s site, which is why we see all those adverts instead of the usual mess on their front page. It’s funny, because those adverts are generated by computer programs that analyse the site’s content and build a profile of the typical user in order to generate targeted advertising. In this case, the adverts tend to be like the following: ‘Book Vatican tours’; ‘Find Ukraine love’; ‘Hotels Germany’. I think we can say that the computer program was 100 per cent accurate in the profile that it built of the site’s users: lonely Catholic wannabe Teutons.
This is a very sad country, indeed.
Hi Daphne, did you read Vassallo’s opinion article in Malta Today, in which he claims that the Zwieten (risen christ) were in fact mocking an opposing band or something? The following is an excerpt:
“This in turn was the raison d’etre for the participation of some of the wackier of the band’s partisans in the Nadur Carnival last weekend: which, of course, makes perfect sense to the butterflies amongst us.”
If this was the case, it is indeed very ironic and I am surprised that nobody picked this up. The bishops have interpreted this occurrence perhaps through genuine ignorance or naivety as an attack on religion coming from the ‘liberals’ who in their eyes are valueless individuals. However, the people involved might not have been ‘liberals’ at all since people usually involved in these parochial feuds are usually close-minded conservative idiots who are not usually considered as ‘enemies’ of the church…therefore the ‘offensive’ occurrence happened within the church sphere of influence itself rather from ‘outside’. [Daphne – Yes, that was obvious to me and to others: that the people parading in the carnival were parochial types being ‘daring’.]
I don’t know if you agree with me but this detail should have disqualified the bishops’ argument a priori and the discussion that ensued between secularists and conservatives was in fact out of point. [Daphne – No, it wasn’t, because the point was that a person shouldn’t be arrested and prosecuted for dressing as a priest, Christ or an apostle.]
” … it is about time that we start using force to send a clear message.” Either bullying or kamikaze.
Twerpy is amazing. On one hand he says Malta needs to fight the illegalities which the refugees are committing, and on the other hand he maintains that should international laws not suit us, Malta should think of suspending its “legal” obligations….!
Does he believe in the rule of law or doesn’t he?
Miskin, I think he’s just verrrrry confused.
Here is something else for the bishops: