Save Malta from Africans: boycott top-up cards
Flyers bearing the following message were scattered around Zurrieq yesterday.
L-Unjoni Ewropeja nsietna. Il-gvern tilef il-kontroll. U l-poplu ddisprat. Bi ftit hsieb nistghu niggieldu l-invazjoni tal-klandestini billi:
Ma’ maghtux karita li jgawdu ninnha huma.
Ma nifrekwentawx stabillimenti tad-divertiment li jdahhluhom.
Ma nisoccjalizzawx maghhom.
Nzommu l-boghod minnhom minhabba l-mard li jittiehed li jkollom.
Ma nieklux go ristorantili jhaddmuhom (jaqq).
Nipprotestaw mal-politikanti.
Nifthu ghajnejn uliedna ghax il-Ministru Dolores Cristina tibghat is-suwed fl-iskejjel jindottrinaw it-tfal.Mexxu l-kelma.
BOYCOTT Vodafone.
Top-up cards b’xejn lill-klandestini.
U int thallas.
Is-suwed il-hin kollu fuq il-mobile minn fuq dahrek.
The European Union has forgotten us. The government has lost control. And the people are desperate. With a bit of thought, we can fight against the invasion of ‘klandestini’.
Don’t give to charities if you know that they are going to benefit.
Don’t go to places of entertainment which permit them entry.
Don’t socialise with them.
Keep away from them and their contagious diseases.
Don’t eat in restaurants where they work (yuk).
Make your views known to politicians – protest.
Open your children’s eyes – Minister Dolores Cristina sends blacks to schools to indoctrinate children.
Pass the word around.Boycott Vodafone. ‘Klandestini’ are given free top-up cards (for their mobile phones). And you’re paying for them. Those blackies are always on the phone, getting a free ride on your back.
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This is the limit. It’s sick and its dangerous. Maybe it’s time for the 5% of Malta which is sane to become “the people” and demand from the government that it puts a stop to this inhumane racist behaviour. Words fail me.
In fact the church should have a lot to say at this point.
[Daphne – The bishops are far too busy crusading against drunken young men dressed up in bedsheets.]
“Mexxu l-Kelma,” the flyer demands. And Daphne obliges – lavishly.
[Daphne – These things are NOT best kept quiet. That’s how they grow into something worse.]
I don’t know, Daphne, really. I don’t doubt you’re well intentioned, and it’s not about hiding these things. But sometimes ignoring is best – less fuss; less reaction; less importance. It’s his flyer – if you see what I mean.
Lovely – it’s like ‘boycott immorality’ from Chocolat…
if we have come to this then some action really needs to be taken. When will we have our first lynching?
… nahseb li min hareg dan il-flyer kien ghadu kemm spicca jattendi xi kors ezercizzji tar-randan li kienu jittrattaw l-opri tal-hniena, u miskin fehem kollox bil maqlub!
re your comment about the bishops, i would like to invite you to the following link —
Can’t stop wondering how highly President Obama would think of us if he had to read this.
And why is it may I question, that the U.S. (mentality?) has moved on from KKK times to “Yes, we can” whilst we appear to be heading in reverse?
First of all, we do not need Obama’s opinion, thank you very much. The US never lifted a finger to help us solve this problem, and you’d expect us to listen to them? No, thank you. Oh, but I forgot, they gave us a patrol boat (which is a piece of junk), the helicopters (even a sneeze would make them crash) and took eight illegals when there are thousands. Such kindness.
Secondly, with regards to the flyer and anything similar, it is past its time.The people seemed to be content with PN, PL and AD a year ago. So why all the panic now, a year later? Issa ndunaw li pajjizhom qieghed jittiehed? Kmieni! Let them (the people) get what they deserve!
Dear “survivalist”: who’s panicking besides those idiots who get together for fenkati with Lowell and the usual suspects on the Times website?
So they gave you a helicopter and a patrol boat and you are complaining? What did Malta give them apart from a paedophile Florida priest?
[Daphne – And Denis Catania.]
From what I have observed the author/s :
1) do not want to involve the Church
2) do not mention the MLP
3) give a special mention to Dolores Cristina who is really performing as a minister
4) are anti EU
5) are anti PN
6) seem to have an axe to grind with Vodafone
[Daphne – All the indications are that the flyer was produced and distributed by the same man who is currently facing charges for doing the same with similar flyers last March. He is a lawyer employed with the state, about to retire, and his name is Lawrence Galea. The police lifted his computer and found similar flyers prepared for distribution. He fervently Catholic (some of the flyers were formulated like ‘santi’, with prayers for those who help immigrants to be struck down with cancer, and despite working for the state in an EU-related capacity, he hates the European Union. He supports the Labour Party and hates business.]
Someone said that the Church does not speak. Some parents of children a few years ago protested because of the presence of refugee children at the Zurrieq school. The then arch-priest of Zurrieq, Fr Karm Farrugia ‘praised’ (he was being cynical) those parents for the truly Christian way they welcomed these poor refugees. He ended this scolding with these very words “imissna nisthu”.(shame on us). Now we have Patri Dijonisju Mintoff who frequently brings up this subject in his sermons. He keeps some 20 refugees in his Peace Lab at Hal-Far Zurrieq.
[Daphne – Yes, but these are individuals, and not the Catholic Church speaking officially through the Curia. They reserve that kind of dramatic statement for inebriated carnival revellers wearing sheets.]
@John Schembri
These people have no right to free education in the first place. When last did they pay any taxes, eh? It is the church which should be ashamed, not us, wanting these people to come here and endanger their lives and then dumping them on us. The Catholic Church has enough convents and retreat houses to host all the 10,000 refugees but clearly such retreat houses are “not available” because they’re used for “fund-raising”.
So Patri Dijonisju Mintoff keeps some 20 refugees in his Peace Lab at Hal-Far. Only 20? What about the other 10,000? Oh but I forgot, it would be more convenient for us taxpayers to host them rather than his “peace lab”.
Hallina Kev!
So it’s better we don’t give them education and let them live on welfare their whole life. Good thinking!
@ Daphne: the Church is one. What the Jesuit Refugee Service is doing, what Fr Farrugia preaches and the great amount of good Fr Mintoff is doing with these unexpected visitors, is all done with the Catholic Church’s blessing. [Daphne – Not really. There’s a distinction to be made between an official pronouncement by the Curia and a sermon by an individual priest. The medium is the message….]
When we hear about the misdeeds of a priest we say “shame on the Church”, don’t we? [Daphne – Of course not. I say shame on the person who did it, and shame on the church administration for trying to cover it up. Covering it up is a distinct act of wrong-doing.]
You can say that L Galea is a Catholic fanatic, or he claims that he’s Catholic. Fervent Catholics love their enemies, not spread hatred against these poor immigrants.
I nearly forgot… well done for the revamped web site. When I have some time I will browse the new environment.
Petra tiehu l-ewwel – Petra takes first
Oh Christ!
Ah, but the photos are way more funnier.
The fact that this flyer refers to KKK shows that the person(s) behind it is stuck in a time warp. [Daphne – The flyer doesn’t refer to the KKK. That’s the illustration I chose in the absence of a picture of the flyer, which is illustrated with a photograph of a black man. I doubt that the person/s who produced it know anything about the KKK.]
This is also typical Malta: people grumbling about a particular issue without proposing real solutions. Illegal immigration is an issue but what people fail to understand that this is the result of an even bigger issue. One of the main reasons why certain African countries are in a mess is due to the way they were mishandled by the European countries that occupied them.
When I was trying to explain to some decent people that it’s not an easy choice to leave your family behind you when you try to make a better life, I was told that they don’t value their families, and that they are guilty of ‘creating’ the HIV virus because of their sexual relations with monkeys. Unbelievable. Then we gloat about our high standard of education, and we flaunt our ‘Christian values’. Welcome to the zone where normal things don’t happen very often.
[Daphne – Well, if anything is born as the result of a man or woman having sex with a monkey, they could try sending it to Malta. It sends a good chance of being elected leader of the Labour Party.]
I love how people mix truth with lies, but I think gullibility is the issue in this case. It’s true, the virus crossed over from monkeys, but I find it hard to believe that a human is capable of having sex with a wild monkey. Chimps can be quite deadly.
Here are some of the more believable theories.
1.You can get viruses by eating infected meat (millions of Africans die of hunger each year).
2.An incident occurred where an infected monkey drew blood from a man and the man drew blood a hunter.
Something totally unrelated.
Was reading I M Beck’s column, and he uses the word commonweal. I know that it’s connected to “the commonwealth” (obviously not the IGO) but why is the final “th” of wealth not written. Any illumination anyone?
[Daphne – The two words have different meanings. Commonweal means the public good. Commonwealth is a reference to the body politic – the people of a state or groups of states linked by something they hold in common (like former British colonies which make up the British Commonwealth) etc.]
Not that it has anything to do with it, but in the long and glorious tradition of “ejja nsibu mexxej purcinell”..….
Site currently offline – undergoing refurbishment. I think this “refurbishment” is taking a bit too long. Daphne here did it without too many hitches in no time. I have a nagging feeling that the last paint re-touches will be done on the 7th of June 2009.
[Daphne – You don’t need to take a site off line to restructure it. You prepare the new one off line and then you switch them quickly at 2am.]
– a source of inspiration.
Ah, Daph – But why would the anti-black men comment about these, especially if they are female and hail from the Ukraine, Russia or the Philippines?
All the heartless people out there, click on this link and just ponder !
Apologies Harvey Anderson,
just realised my link is just a trailer of the full feature film you linked us to.
Talk about ‘food for thought’ !
Vodafone’s reaction:
The reports about the 150 illegal immigrants who drowned off the Libyan coast are nowhere to be read or heard. The TOM had a report about this in the morning but it is nowhere to be seen.
[Daphne – Conversely, had they landed here we would have never heard the end of it.]
I just came across the report in the Times (1st April) which claims that the Socialists and the Greens in the European parliament want to give voting rights to immigrants in local elections (it is not clear whether this also includes illegal immigrants).
I think this is serious. We should not underestimate the effect this will have. The implication is that immigrants (including possibly illegal immigrants) can also stand for elections. A small community which happens to have a centre of immigrants nearby could end up with (illegal) immigrants on the council. This will be one more reason why no community would want immigrants within its boundary. Where the numbers of immigrants are large, such as in Malta, such a move will not bring about integration. On the contrary, it will increase division and mistrust.
Where does PL stand on this issue? Would they be willing to lobby their socialist colleagues in the European parliament and kick some sense into them? I would have expected the Maltese labour MEPs to take a firm stand against any idea of giving any voting rights to illegal immigrants but the Times report makes no reference to this.
Let’s hope that EPP will get a good majority in the European parliament next June.
[Daphne – Immigrants to Malta already have the right to vote in local council elections. Whether they bother is another matter.]
This is something to be ashamed of! The same as some of you I’m not happy with all of these immigrants coming to Malta but come on, it’s unbelievable what some of you are saying… Before making a racist comment think.. What were their living conditions before coming to Malta? I don’t think they risked their lives just for fun to get on a boat trip. What did they leave behind? They left their lives, maybe a war or poverty.. they left some family members maybe.. When they left I’m sure that they left for a better life than they had before.. they had no intention of coming to Malta. It’s just a place they found with no wars, a better way of living and a place to shelter them.
Just think! Put yourself in their position .. you’re a mother with your kids and you want a better future for them.. a future that doesn’t contain that much poverty and sickness. What would you do? or maybe a father trying to find a place for your family to live in so they can live and not die with an illness or with hunger? All those racists should go and live in their place for a week. I bet you wouldn’t last a day there!
So what if they get free top-up cards.. It’s just something they get for free and we pay for them. So what? I’ m sure you buy things that get wasted and the money goes down the drain.
Something for you to learn from immigrants:
1. Last month I was in Valletta and without knowing I had the zipper of my bag open and my purse fell out. This black man came running after me and gave me back my purse. It had 180 euros in it because I was going shopping. Would a Maltese do that?
2. A week ago I was on the bus with my friend going home after a day out. Two Maltese guys got on and sat behind us. At first they were silent then they started touching my hair telling me to come back there and do things with him and I replied NO as simple as that. He started calling me names and yelling at me and touching my leg trying to look nice. A black man sitting in front of us rose from his seat, came back and sat near them and told them, “I’m sorry to disturb but I believe that you are disturbing this young lady and you are behaving in a manner that no one should behave. Could you please stop and go to the front before I tell the driver about it.”
One must remember that the Maltese have been a scourge to nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
We should accept these foreign guests gracefully.