Labour goes gunning for votes in Japan

Published: March 27, 2009 at 8:21pm

We think Joseph Muscat is absolutely fabulous

Act first, think later: there’s more of that from Labour over at They’ve spent months and heaven knows how much money which they don’t have in their bank account building that portal, without thinking about what it is actually for. You’d imagine that everything a political party does is geared towards 1. building policy and 2. building support among those who can vote now or in four years’ time. But no. This is the Labour Party we’re talking about.

I’ve just checked the site’s traffic details. users come from these countries: Malta – 35%, United States – 19.2%, Japan – 13.4%, other countries – 32.7%.

Unless Labour are planning to fly new voters in from the United States, Japan and ‘other countries’, they’ve got to face the fact that they’re missing their target.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Pat says:

    Can someone perhaps enlighten me. I’m reading an opinion piece by some Justyne Caruana about Maltastar’s online history and how they were pioneers by putting a newspaper online etc. According to Network Solutions, their domain name has been registered since 2001. Was this when they actually set the site up, or had it been around earlier?

    [Daphne – The site was set up and run by Joseph Muscat, not earlier than 2001.]

  2. Marku says:

    If Joseph Muscat set up and ran Maltastar originally, that explains why it’s one of the tackiest, cheesiest websites in Malta today.

  3. J Mizzi says: has been around for at least 10 years for sure. And I am not sure if Maltastar can be called an online newspaper in any case…

  4. jomar42 says:

    No, Ms. Caruana Galizia, they are not planning to fly new voters in from the United States, Japan and ‘other countries’, because as you well pointed out, they simply do not have the cash in their bank account. In fact, I suspect that the only reason they have a bank account is for the bank to keep track of their overdrafts. But don’t put past them that they will try to sneak out a few ballot boxes to those countries you mentioned. Funny that Cyprus is not a leading user of the Maltastar portal.

  5. Chris II says:

    I do not know what makes Joseph Muscat, tick but with this he must be scraping the bottom of the barrel

    Doesn’t he know that there are official training programmes so that potential applicants for EU funds can be trained to play the game? It is one of the principal features of the system, and those persons who have the know-how and experience expose this in their CVs and website and most earn their living from helping others ‘play the game’. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry (most probably cry as he has a good chance of being my prime minister in four years’ time).

  6. david s says:

    Read all about Gensna on Maltastar!

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