An outrage against Jason's honour

Published: April 8, 2009 at 9:53am
Watch out: Jason Micallef is in a bitchy mood

Watch out: Jason Micallef is in a bitchy mood

Ma kienx invit. Jason Micallef made a scene in public because he wasn’t invited to the presidential inauguration. He spoke to the press. The story appeared in the Sunday newspapers. Then a semi-official story appeared that he was invited, but that the invitation got lost in the post, and when the Office of the Speaker got wind of the fact that Jason was throwing tantrums, an aide rang him saying that another card would be dispatched at once. But Jason, mustering his pride and dignity, said thanks but no thanks; I have a prior engagement with my family (din tal-familja saret l-ahhar moda).

And now Jason is suing In-Nazzjon for libel, for having carried a story called: “Mhux veru li Jason Micallef ma kienx mistieden.” He claims that the article was intended to slander him and cause him harm. The story, he said, was politically biased and incorrect, and this contrasts sharply with the Nationalist Party’s recent talk of national unity.

I suggest Jason Micallef – if it is true that he is able to read, failing which he can always have a DVD made – takes a long hard look at some of the things that Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and Toni Abela have been saying (and writing) lately.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    @ Daphne

    Are you being subjected to pressure from the PN as happened to the Malta Independent or are all these attacks against all that is Labour related is coming exclusively from your initiative? Cause you seem to abide too much to the PN’s way of thinking.. Too much from someone whom I admire to be such an intelligent person.

    [Daphne – You just don’t get it, do you? I CANNOT STAND THE LABOUR PARTY AND I THINK IT IS ABSOLUTE CRAP, LED BY RUBBISH WITH ZERO POLICIES AND BELOW ZERO ABILITIES. Anybody who knows me knows too that my sole response to being put under pressure is to put a rocket under the person doing it. As for The Malta Independent – the only pressure brought to bear that I know of was by the Labour Party, as a result of which the editor, Ray Bugeja, was sacked in 1998 after having carried a story about Sant’s lack of belief in marriage, and by Guido de Marco, who after having engineered my dismissal from The Sunday Times rang at least two key people at Standard Publications and tried to persuade them not to engage me.]

    • Alan says:

      You are admitting that you not objective in what you say then! You cannot be taken seriously in your critisism. I don’t like the Pn but I would never dare to say that they are all crap, led by rubbish with no polocies. I am the first one to say thay the thank God the Pn won the 1987 election. It was healthy to the country and the MLP itself! Generilsing and put everyone in one basket is not a statement that should come from an intelligent person like you.

      [Daphne – Actually, Alan, that was an intelligent assessment of the Labour Party, and not a prejudiced one. It is crap.]

      • MikeC says:

        1987 should have been good for the MLP, but unfortunately apart from some shine and what seems to have been the removal of the violent and anti-democratic streak (we’ll know for sure once they’ve been in government for a meaningful amount of time, if and when that happens) it’s still the same bunch of incompetent clowns with no policies except obtaining and retaining power as and end in itself and by any means.

      • Tal-Muzew says:

        New to this blog are you, Alan? Go surf Maltastar if you want to hear anything nice about Labour.

  2. Xaghra says:

    … like claiming that it was the MLP that brought over Lufthansa Technik. Besides – why doesn’t he sue MaltaToday – they even have a libel fund. They quoted Jasonn……someone IS lying…..I love it!

  3. Moggy says:

    What a sad, undignified mess things have been allowed to degenerate into….

    • Amanda Mallia says:

      Moggy – “Undignified mess”? “degenerate into”? The party you are talking about would have had to be “dignified” in the first place; to “degenerate”, it would also have had to be something respectable, which I have never known it to be, and I am in my forties.

  4. Maria says:

    It is a shame that the day when the new president was sworn in has been marred with Jason Micallef’s remarks. Let the sniggering man simmer in his rage that the man whom he does not like is now president of the republic

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      Lou Bondi was right when he said that Labour did not want Abela as leader of half of Malta (insomma half..), but Gonzi wanted him as president of all the Maltese people (insomma again).

  5. Jo says:

    It seems the PL is bending over backwards and doing its best not to get elected. PL put your house in order and show us that you are capable of rising to the occasion and give us proof that you mean what you say ie. that you are a party whom we can really trust to carry on with the good work that successive PN goverments have done and improve on it.

  6. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    ALAN (whatever your real name is) are you a congenital moron or just pretending to be one (I believe it’s the latter)? DCG is a columnist, not a reporter of record, therefore she expresses an opinion (if that word is too esoteric, look it up – and look up esoteric too, while you’re about it). Expressions of fact have to be credible, but not opinions, even though DCG’s opinions are based on facts and, therefore, credible anyway.

  7. Anna says:

    …….and by Guido de Marco, who after having engineered my dismissal from The Sunday Times rang at least two key people at Standard Publications and tried to persuade them not to engage me

    Daphne, I have never met any of the de Marcos and never had anything to do with them either, but everytime I see one of them in the papers or on TV, I just want to slap them across the face. Kif nghidu bil-Malti, kollha ghandhom wicc tad-daqqiet ta’ harta. Antipatki wisq madonna! Would you care to tell us why Guido de Marco wanted you out of The Sunday Times and out of Malta Independent. Irfistlu xi kallu jaqaw?

    [Daphne – Actually, Mario de Marco is lovely.]

  8. Stephen Spiteri says:

    U x’lovely. He looks like sleeping beauty waking up after 10 years asleep.

    [Daphne – ‘Lovely’, when used for a man, is a reference to character and personality, not to physical appearance. This is usually the case with a woman, too, unless she is really, obviously physically lovely, which does not have the same meaning as ‘beautiful’. For example, Sophia Loren was beautiful, but the Princess of Wales was lovely. I’m getting a little bit tired of explaining the nuances of the English language.]

  9. Stephen Spiteri says:

    No sorry, 100 years asleep

  10. Stephen Spiteri says:

    or 1000 ?

  11. David Thake says:

    Mario DeMarco is a very nice guy. I have known him since we were boys at College.

    Too often people will form an opinion about someone without even having met the person let alone bothered to get to know him/her. They then proceed to mouth this opinion as though it were based on first hand experience.

    [Daphne – Thank you, David.]

  12. Anna says:

    David, I did admit that I never personally met any of the de Marcos. In fact I did not say they are antipatki but wicc ta’ antipatki so I was merely referring to physical appearance and not character.

    [Daphne – David was referring to a comment made by somebody else, specifically about Mario.]

  13. C. Fenech says:

    Can you stop these remarks and let the President and Jason alone.

    [Daphne – No.]

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