Bite the goddamned bullet, for crying out loud

Published: April 7, 2009 at 6:39pm
If we play our cards right, we can keep Malta as a vassal state for the next 50 years

If we play our cards right, we can keep Malta as a vassal state for the next 50 years

When John Dalli first found himself holding the social policy portfolio, he won the approval of the more sensible members of society with lots of fine words about the separation of church and state, his belief that we should have divorce and so on and so forth. Now he’s taken a step back, telling us that the time isn’t right for even a debate on divorce, still less for divorce itself.

More eyebrow-raising still was his trip this week to the Holy See at Vatican City, to which Malta is rapidly taking on the semblance of a vassal state, at which “various ethical issues in the social areas were discussed”.

Not to be rude or anything, but if the Holy See wished to discuss matters of Maltese social policy, it should have dispatched its ambassador to John Dalli’s office in Malta.

One-time PN guru Peter Serracino Inglott once said that the time for divorce legislation would be the turning-point at which its absence began to cause more harm to society than its presence. That turning-point has long since arrived, and the reaction of our politicians is a mixture between subdued panic and ostrich-head-burying. They can no longer postpone the decision, and they know it.

13 Comments Comment

  1. john says:

    John Dalli is wasting taxpayers money in Rome. It would have been far cheaper to go straight to the horse’s mouth and check out what Angelik’s madonna in Birzebbuga has to pronounce on these various ethical issues.

  2. Leonard says:

    I think John Dalli’s been to Borg in-Nadur.

  3. Tal-Muzew says:

    Did you notice that both priests have their hands on their….. zips?

  4. Tony Pace says:

    My spies tell me he was desperate to get an audience with the Pope, and was told in no uncertain manner that you have to be a head of state or a prime minister to be granted one. So he ended up with the Sotto Segretario. Ma nafx jien, ma nitghalmu qatt!

  5. Ethel says:

    Re John Dalli – am very disappointed with this new attitude. Methinks Malta is slowly but surely moving even more backwards to please the Vatican State. The sooner Church and State in Malta becomes a separate entity, the better, but I can only dream on.

  6. C Attard says:

    Why is anyone surprised? This is after all the country in which if you apply to the Civil Court to have your marriage annulled, and your spouse does the same thing, later, in the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, the Civil Court will stay the proceedings until the case is decided by the Ecclesiastical Tribunal. Thanks to Eddie and the PN for their infamous Concordat with the Vatican. Real champions of the laity of the State and of our civil liberties…

  7. Tim Ripard says:

    Vote John Dalli, get Mario Grech…

    The PN is a lost cause in this respect. It still believes that a pro-divorce stance will be detrimental to its fading chances of being re-elected once again. Now if only Joseph Muscat had the cojones to stand up and be counted and state clearly and unequivocally ‘It is time to separate Church and State’…

  8. john says:

    RELIGIO ET PATRIA is the official PN motto. Say no more.

  9. Mario P says:

    Did you notice that both priests have their hands on their….. zips?

    That’s called the football defenders’ freekick position

  10. Silvio Farrugia says:

    At least he did not take the whole family and their dog on taxpayers money as president emeritus did !

  11. Paul Caruana says:

    Here’s one man who promises us divorce. The monsignors can sleep well.

  12. Peter P says:

    Mario P. Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?

    It’s because sheep can hear zips.

    [Daphne – That’s hilarious. So that explains why Gozitan peasants use a rope to keep their trousers up. I love it.]

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